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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time & Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

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You have convinced me. I will never play them.

Seriously though, I have the demo of Warrior Within and I must say I was a bit extremely disappointed. Not having played Sands of Time, only reading the raving reviews, I expected to find a solid action/adventure game. Guess not. The new "tough"/dark (i.e. metal and cursing and scantily clad women (!) and whatnot) style don't bother me (although it's indeed ridiculous), but... the fighting is boring, the controls are not as solid as expected, and.. yeah... I couldn't be arsed to even finish the demo. So, no.

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Well, I've only played the demos to both. I want SoT a lot more than WW, because it's more feels like you're in a cool animated feature film and the characters look more engaging. WW, however, looks shallow and has that annoying "look-at-me-I'm-dark-and-edgy" bullshit to it.

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I have Sands of Time for x-box and the demo for Warrior Within. I enjoyed Sands of Time greatly because of the artwork, music, and story but I don't like the new style in Warrior Within that much ("OMG GODSMACK"). Warrior Within is probably a lot better than it appears to be in the demo though (hopefully)

Sands of Time is worth buying, but if you do get it, make sure you get the x-box version (if possible) since it includes Prince of Persia 1 and 2 as unlockables while the gamecube and ps2 versions only have PoP1 as an unlockable and the PC doesn't have either version.

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I think you guys are being a little hard on the game. PoP: sands of time is a great game, and i expect nothing less from this game. They wanted to make the game have more action and thats just what it has, will that be a good thing, only time and a retail version of the game will tell.

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Well, time will only tell if you don't know if you want more action or not. I absolutely don't want more action. Less action would have been awesome. Also, that's hardly the only difference. The entire mood and tone of the game have changed, and the character of the Prince is quite difference. Those are things I already know I'm not going to enjoy, even if the action is suddenly super fun.

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I also thought the demo was pretty lackluster.

But then, I wasn't overly impressed on the demo for the Moment of Silence, and right now, I'm playing the full thing, and loving it.

It's hit and miss really.

I'd imagine I will get hold of WW at some point, since I played and enjoyed SOT.

I'm willing to give it a shot, and who knows, it could be fun.

I agree though, I feel part of the mystique and ambience of SOT, was because of it's persian, oldy worldly edginess. I feel that helped make the game, as well as the fun and involving gameplay, and the story.

Still...we shall see.

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i enjoyed warrior within a lot. i like the fighting form fighting man!!!

but,i am stucked at a place.anyone know where i can get a walkthrough??its just right after u learn slow motion.i go through the door with slow motion.then there is this place where i keep getting back to the place i started.very strange.i cant find another way to go other places.i just keep getting back to the place i started

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When I got my Thrustmaster gamepad I downloaded the Sands Of Time demo to try it out, and I was pleasantly surprised by the game. It seemed like the fighting might become annoying, but overall it was easy to pick up, and seemed like a polished, quite fun game. Maybe I'll get it out of a bargain bin somewhere when I've run out of new stuff to play.

Warrior Within, on the other hand, looks a bit rubbish. I haven't played it but I don't like the Goth-Persia approach they seem to have taken with the art style. It just seems lame to drench a game idea in 'stylish' darkness as a 'new' approach, as if that's going to make it more exciting to play. To be fair to them, it sounds like they have built on Sands Of Time with a few gameplay elements too, but it's not a game I am dying to play at all.

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