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Does this deserve a topic? I think this deserves a topic, it's kind of overwhelmed the Wii U thread. (This generally seems to be the start of that conversation, if anybody wants to go back to it.)


I think i've settled on the aerospray mg as my preferred weapon of the moment. The homing grenade is a good tool for rushing two opponents at once, killing one with the grenade and using the remaining ink to normally finish off the other, or forcing one into a distracted posture that's easier to catch off guard. The main weapon has massive paint coverage and rapid enough damage that rollers are easily defeated before they can get close, and i've been using the ink bazooka super as kind of an anti-sniper tool, attacking people who are just kind of hanging back up on ledges. (Since it fires a tall projectile that breaks apart and continues on whenever part of it impacts against a surface, the highest part of the projectile easily continues up over ledges. On the other hand, since it kind of only fires straight ahead, it's complete garbage for hitting enemies below you.)

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