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  1. Episodic, 3D 3rd Person Co-op, Action Adventure Puzzle Plat-former Hey everyone I'm looking for a PART TIME/ HOBBYIST PROGRAMMER with an interest in the "Afropunk" style and culture. He would need a understanding of Unity C# and marching cubes, or a willingness to learn it. I'm a character artist/ animator dabbling in coding and while starting to develop this game myself I just realized I don't have the time. I need help. I need a team. Hopefully some what passionate, but any little bit will help. You covering the coding would free me up to do more art, animation and character design, (and find more guys). The game is a procedural puzzle game, which aims to make all of the 5 (or more) characters on screen use different methods of traversal and fighting styles. The more characters in the party the more complicated the puzzles get. The players need to work together to survive (Dark Souls combat difficulty). There are charts, diagrams, and examples of each with assets I've already created, and a frame work you just need to stitch together. But don't fear, this is a "BY THE EPISODE PROJECT", each of which will be individually Kickstarter'd. Once you sign on we will begin to understand one another's work habits, schedules, etc. while we make this FRAMEWORK. The framework is what we CROWD FUND for support to make the first episode. If there is anyone out there interested in... - Bringing more diversity to Indie games - Working with an unique horror adventure world ( ) - Working with an committed artist (who understands coding) and a remote growing team - Developing a tight development plan, with passive income contracts: Patreon, product sales, (micros) and of course Revenue sharing - Interested in working on a co-op TRINE ~like game mixed with DARK SOULS - Willing to grow with this me/(us) as this company takes off. ~Lets make a dream worth dreaming~ (Contact with questions) Discord: Email: