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Everything posted by Orv

  1. Starcraft 2

    I'm going to toss this mini-rant in here. It's a discussion I've had several times in various communities (MMOs, FPS, Lords Management) over the past couple months, and I want to see what the Thumbs think of it; Starcraft 2 sucks. As a game in the RTS genre, it is dated, archaic and somewhat bland. In the graphics department, it is entirely passable, well done Blizzard. In the gameplay area, it is a vile abomination. What I mean by this is that Starcraft 2 (as several people have noted, and Three Moves Ahead is primarily what started this train of thought) is antiquated. Its game concepts, ideas and functionality are still essentially from the RTS genre, circa 1999. I'd have to poke around to find the first RTS that granted each type of unit a specific ability, but I'd be willing to be it's not any later than 2002. (If even that. I may have missed something entirely obvious.) It plays with the conventions of SC1 and does nothing to update them. It has been specifically balanced (no mil-select drag-box, no cycle/repeat queues, etc) to allow for an archaic, and frankly annoying style of play. It does not innovate, it barely renovates and it is certainly not something that has brought anything new to the genre. As the most anticipated RTS game of the last decade, Starcraft 2 is perhaps the biggest failure. It brings nothing but the same-ol' same-ol' to the table, and the PC is not better off for it. (Shit, I sound like some kind of game reviewer. BLEACH, STAT.) Thoughts? I can extrapolate if my invective was too cyclical.
  2. I think it means it will no-longer vaporize the overworld map data, and when you switch it over, it'll toss everyone to weird places. I could be wrong.
  3. The giant white cylindrical structure to the NE(ish) of the giant inverted pyramid. Looks like a target for an orbital weapon.
  4. I've been really into following the TED conference since that magic bloke a couple years back. They're all, at the very least, interesting. Some are genuinely intriguing and thought provoking.
  5. Who built the giant ion cannon test range?
  6. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Remember how I said I couldn't run this, Thompson? Turns out, according to CYRI, I can't run MW2 either. And yet. . . Pre-loading. FML.
  7. Movie/TV recommendations

    I loved what I saw of the first season on TV, but as usual, never brought myself around to get off the computer/stop reading a book on the right day. I've recently subbed to Netflix, so I've been catching up on Top Gear (just finished that last night) and my next thing to do is Sanctuary. Next I'll probably do Merlin, Castle or Buffy:TVS. I likem dem Netflix. Edit about five seconds later: Oh, they have Pillars of the Earth on Instant Watch. Right, Sanctuary is on hold for a few hours. Edit5SL#2: Damn! They have Heracles but not Andromeda on instant watch? Heathens. Hopefully the last edit: What? Dresden Files TV series? With Terrance Mann? DAMN YOU INTERNET, I HAVE THINGS TO DO. I lied: Far Scape? Babylon 5? MST3K? All three of the last Doctors? Highlander?! Godsdamnit, I'm going to be watching a lot of TV.
  8. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. Partially because I'm moving on to find somewhere to build a Boatmurdered replica, and because fields of half-burnt trees look quite nice in this game.
  9. Alright, fess up. Who ignited my* island? * Isn't really mine, but it's still ON FIRE.
  10. I'd hit it - Vindictus.

    Waiting for the archery character. That is all.
  11. GTA V - Female Lead Character

    Physically, numerically, and cosmically impossible.
  12. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    After the Penny Arcade D&D sessions, I've really come like like Jerry Holkin's voice. I wish he'd done the acting for Tycho in this.
  13. Xbox 360 Exclusives? (!)

    I own a single console, and a single game for it. PS3 Demon's Souls I don't really see any need to get a 360, because things like Halo, Fable and the like don't exactly tickle my funny-bone. Yeah, I admit, I wouldn't mind some GoW (I really enjoyed the first one on PC), but that's about it. ('sides, I can just go push my roommate out the window and use his Xbox should I feel the need.) I'll stick with Demon's Souls and I'll grab LBP2 when it hits. Oh, and probably M.A.G. at some point. (Edit: Oh! DUST 514 if that concept ever actually manages to work.)
  14. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    I might be a bad person, but the only WKYK bit I find amusing is the Hitler rap. The others seem a bit too. . .easy? (Though the YT comments on that video make me feel like a bad person, so. . .) (Edit: Yeah, I'm probably a bad person. Oh well.)
  15. Movie/TV recommendations

    It's entirely possible, what with my watching three movies a year in theatres, that bbX might be better informed on this one than I am. I tend to avoid action movies in general, so. . .yeah.
  16. Bloody Good Thumb

    I loved The Ship, so I picked this up. I played it for, I believe, under an hour, because it was full of idiots killing people for no reason, killing people they didn't like, getting revenge when the game mode was anything but, and various random bullshit. When I played The Ship, it was near the end of it's life, and the people still playing were very professional, and played the game properly. So I'd be all up for this with just you Joflar, but a Thumbs gathering would be astounding good fun. (And I mean really, it's 5 bucks (4.50 until tomorrow), so grab it!)
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    Going to go ahead and both recommend and warn people away from Red. Pros: Morgan Godsdamned Freeman Bruce Willis Fairly funny (Keep in mind I have a weird sense of humor) A better plot than The Expendables The action is good, and most of it is fresh (there are some very overused action ideas, but most of it is new stuff) Cons: Bruce Willis (He is still a badass, but I'm not sure his acting style ever evolved beyond Die Hard 2. He has also aged. . .sadly, incredibly poorly.) A few of the more climactic moments (or what I assume were supposed to be climactic) fall very, very flat. Suspension of disbelief required in full (Shouldn't be a problem for you all, but still) Jacqueline Fleming So if you want more of The Expendables and that other 'spy' movie that came out recently, by all means go for it. Just don't expect Citizen Kane 2, or anything.
  18. Little reed farm (about 38 plants, with 3 pieces each, obviously) in the left branch of my entrance tunnel. Take as much as you wish, with the proviso that you replant the entire field.
  19. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    As a result of my intense enjoyment of USA's new dearth of TV shows, I've been listening to this lady. Quite like her music, the videos are a bit out there. 2EIeUlvHAiM (The other song currently on YT, "The Dog Days Are Over" featured prominently in the trailers/commercials for Covert Affairs.)
  20. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    So on checking to make sure I haven't been taking my knowledge of "jumping the shark" for granted (I have not, I still know what it means, hurrah me) I have discovered "nuking the fridge." I'm pretty sure this f-ing qualifies.
  21. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    In now way comical. Awesome, however. http://www.vimeo.com/15479617
  22. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    That is the greatest single game idea I have seen this year. (Things like MineCraft are still better as a whole, but seriously.) Awesome.
  23. The Chasm Of Awesome is gone?! Ah well.
  24. Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday sirrah! Many, many more, Sir video games.