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Everything posted by Orv

  1. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Holy christ on a cracker, where is that Prussian soldier with the odd nose from? I swear I recognize him.
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    Ong-Bak (1) I wish there was a metric for between and As a fan of some martial arts movies, I quite enjoyed the choreography, as opposed to say, the Wachowski Brothers type choreography. There is a bit of that, but it moves a lot more like an actual fight, if the fighters were showing off. The story. . .well. Yeah. One scene made me irrationally angry, because I'm old fashioned, but other than that, not a bad movie. Just don't watch it for the plot. Oh, yeah. Also, right near the end: Rocks fall, everybody dies.
  3. Warface

    Tom Clancy's Face War! A tale of body-swapping espionage!
  4. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    Poker fiction? Romanticized? What? How does that even exist? Well. . .I guess James Bond, or Maverick might qualify. Enjoy the game. But. Fix Tycho's damn nose!
  5. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    45K of memory AT LEAST. Holy shit, what? (I feel olllllllllllllllllllllllllld.) Also. "YO! MS Raps" It blows my mind across the room that Microsoft even for two minutes had a record label. (Fake or otherwise.)
  6. Stockpiling

    If any of you remember Gamespy's Daily Victim, there was one that boiled down to "If you give me quicksave, I am GOD." He would reload the moment he wasted a single round, or took damage, etc. I really don't fit either of your mentalities, CFish. In fact, I have a sort of opposite problem. I'll often use too much of a type of ammo (Fallout leads to this a lot, where I'll have a big running firefight and end up with a clip or less left in my weapon of choice.) I can't think of a game where I've saved liberal amounts of items/potions/etc, except maybe on replays (BG2 for instance, since it's pretty much ingrained in my soul in full) when I know I need ~X amount of things.
  7. Green Man Gaming

    Their catalogue is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. I couldn't find any info on the "log in every three days" bit though.
  8. Books, books, books...

    Brandon Sanderson "The Way of Kings" :tup::tup::tup::tup:
  9. Bot quotes

    Could it be that Doug too, is a bot?
  10. Bot quotes

    These things are getting out of hand. Why has Angelababy not been terminated with extreme prejudice?
  11. Gaming In-Jokes

    Burn the witch!
  12. Warface

    I'm torn on this. 1. The Asian game market isn't exactly a breeding ground for excellent game names to begin with. 2. Warface 3. Crytek engine for a serious game? 4. Warface Basically, I'm in tears from trying to not laugh.
  13. Christmas Cards

    Good on ya mansir!
  14. Call of Duty: Black Ops

    The ricochet is neat, but having either the precision or the sheer dumb luck on Thompson's video, to get it through that hole, is bloody insane. Some people just play these games too much.
  15. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I do not find Lady Gaga objectionable. . . GET ME A DOCTOR!
  16. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    I have to agree with Bohls. Tycho's voice is actually getting under my skin in a good way. At this point, I'd still prefer The Holkmeister, but I don't have a problem with his voice. I do have a problem with how his nose fucking up and vanishes at certain angles. Was this intentional, Jake? Also, on the rigged note: I can say with fair certainty is not. It's entirely possible to force the AI to do things maybe. . .7/10? If you bid properly it's pretty easy to force the AI players into folding/going all in. All it takes is a sufficient show of force or timidity to make the AI think whatever you want. Going all-in on the hole cards only, for instance, will usually remove a couple AI from play. Usually. Sometimes, sometimes, THEY ALL GO ALL-IN IN AN ORGY OF POKER DEATH.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    Oh. So I am. But yeah, she might as well be. I'd rather read HP than Twilight, though. The latter is so violently hacky and tripe-filled that it makes my orifices bleed profusely.
  18. Desert Bus for Hope

    Mind. Bussing. Blown. They got the UStream feed on iPad. And had a challenge (people issues these, the hosts do it, the challenger donates money) to do an iPad Desert Bus recursion. Because of feed lag, it took 42 seconds for each recursion to occur. It's hard to explain, but you're all smart, you'll figure it out. It was bizarre. The magic of the internet.
  19. Movie/TV recommendations

    I declare you all have no imagination. I can see the complaints of the language being "eh" but I mean, he was a British English prof in the mid 1900s. If that doesn't get you dry and cut English, I propose a machine to make even more dry writing. Back on track: Dark City :tup:
  20. Movie/TV recommendations

    I however, absolutely am with TP. How people that loved the movies can find the book unentertaining/boring is beyond my level of ken. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  21. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    Brother, you ain't kidding. Does IT have a ton of non-forumer listeners or something? 'Cause the amount of IT quotes/nicknames/non-sensery is astoundingly large.
  22. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    VANAMAN! Or RODKIN! Either I'm rusty on my poker rules, or the game refuses to acknowledge a Flush. And it has cost me the spy watch twice! Arghghghghghghghghghghg. Edit: I am, in fact, rusty on poker rules. Bah.
  23. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    So I was going to play it just for the TF2 items and then a little more. But the fact that winning my first game (by knocking out The Heavy, Tycho and Strongbad in the second hand with an all in call and then wearing down Max) presented me with the unlock "Max Imp Table" intrigues me greatly. Also, I never pass up a chance to spend time with that sociopathic little rabbit.
  24. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    "Taylor's abs and Robert's hair" . . .Shouldn't that be the other way around? (Edit: Maybe not? Is Taylor another one of the male actors? *Shrug*) So yeah. That was just sad. The way she talks? Sounds like she's a robot/zombie/ DEAD INSIDE. Edit Dos: And I actually have to agree with ThunderPeel. While he may be just on the potentially dangerous side of obsessed (may! he didn't attack Rowling or anything, I assume, since she actually signed his stuff) his passion and artistic talent are pretty admirable. Even if he's putting that passion to something ultimately pointless.
  25. Wizaaaaaards!!