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Posts posted by deveus

  1. Was it? I'm pretty sure it was Jake using an analogy about Snakes with multiple heads eating multiple tails ("oops all snakes")

    Found it. The Idle Thumbs Podcast Episode 4 (Super Expert Pros).

    The quote is something like this:

    "On Stranger Tides is the book that Ron Gilbert was reading while making Monkey Island and the Pirates of the Carribean Ride was the other inspiration for that game. The Monkey Island games were going to be adapted into a feature film at one point by Industrial Light and Magic (it was going to be an animated thing). It was pitched to the screenwriters of the Pirates of the Carribean movie. Then, a lot of the people who were working on the Monkey Island film ended up being the effects crew for the Pirates of the Carribean movie, which was written by the guys who had been pitched the story for the Monkey Island film. Now, they are adapting the book that was the inspiration for the Monkey Island game, which was also based on the Pirates of the Carribean ride into the next Pirates of the Carribean movie."

  2. Yeah, so basically boxed copies is the thing keeping these big publishing companies alive? Are there publicly available (and reliable) numbers on how the split between physical/digital distribution is in PC games? The publishers must be working like crazy to get Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo not to go all digital distribution (or even allowing both physical and full digial) for their next generation of consoles, then.

    I don't know how you managed to make that leap. Publishers sells more boxed copies because that's what consumers buy more of. If everything went 100% digital, publishers would still be around to publish the games. It's actually a benefit to publishers because there's no used-games market for digital sales and you have no manufacturing costs for boxes, manuals, disks, display stands in Best Buy, etc.

    Publishers do a lot more in the process than physically take a disk and put it into a box.