
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by jennoa

  1. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Is that what was going on? I could not understand what was going on up in your area for a bit. On a related note, there have definitely been some major battles and loses. Capturing just a few planets with 3+ industry will really boost stats.
  2. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    It has been simultaneously chaotic and peaceful towards the center of the map.
  3. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I like the closeness in this map, but I would agree the money was too high. I also shouldn't have set the planets to plentiful, but hey I wanted to see how it would affect the game. Now I know.
  4. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Yeah, he has gotten quite large, and powerful.
  5. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    I'm the same way, I have all the strategic acumen of a particularly dull rock. I was ecstatic I didn't blow myself up.
  6. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    I had sent a message to Murdoc early on saying I didn't really care who one. That was actually the truth. Since my starting position was difficult and my war with dpp was disastrous I was of the mindset to just survive. Even after that was no longer the case I never was confident in my ability to attack another player except when the odds were overwhelming. Certainly if I had been more aggressive at certain points I may have ended the game quite differently.
  7. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    I actually agonized over weather to attack you at this point. What finally stayed my hand wasn't kindness, but the fact my fleets were still in disarray. Looking back I am confident I could not have mounted a coherent force against you. Also I think the treaty with dpp had just been established and I didn't really trust him to not take me out if I went after you.
  8. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Research was something I seriously underestimated in the first game. I went way too long without building additional science stations. That was really foolish of me. JamesM had the right idea, get a huge science lead early on, too bad he didn't capitalize on it.
  9. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Another update to the galactic Map
  10. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Just trying to make the game a little more interesting. If I could keep the others fighting longer that was one more additional second I wasn't being considered for an attack.
  11. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    I suppose I should reveal some of my thought processes during the game. Since I spawned in the middle of the map surrounded by enmies I immediately began trying to get peace treaties going. Luckily I had some sucess in that. When we started our fight, I initially saw it as a fun diversion. That was foolish of me and I soon realized dpp was going to be able to out produce me in short order, and then snuff me out.. We both made mistakes in our fleet movement though, and that seems to have saved me. I eventually joined the tech cartel with Jolfar and dpp. In truth though I was a double agent and was in contact with JamesM and Murdoc at the same time. I was playing all sides to see who was going to get the upper hand. So Murdoc would provide me tech and I'd send it over to Jolfar and dpp and vice versa. As war started to breakout between the different sides I would send money to both, and then make a show of moving fleets around, pretending I was getting ready for battle. During all of this I was aware of the number of planets I occupied. Early on I had been surrounded and locked out of any real chance to expand. Not to mention the war with dpp had caused me to lose a number of really nice worlds. My only real option was to watch my neighbors, and then join into their battles once it was apparent the outcome had already been decided. Sorry Wurtsi and toblix. There, I have talked enough. Anyways the lesson I took away from this game was that it pays to whore yourself out.
  12. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Yeah, so James, I can call you James right? Great, so anyways, like we discussed in our previous exchange, the attack on Murdoc goes ahead as planed at 0800. Wait, did I private message this? No matter no time to check
  13. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    There has been a ton of fleet movement around me recently
  14. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I actually cheat, and take two screenshots, then combine them in photoshop.
  15. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Updated Map: Click for a larger image. Things are getting tight already.
  16. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I left the upgrade options at their default settings. I could have set them to start anywhere from level 1 to level 5 or disabled research for a particular tech. One possible scenario being everyone stars with Weapons lvl. 3 Range lvl. 2 Speed lvl. 1 Scan lvl. 1 Then disable research for Range and speed, and then make weapons research expensive and scan research cheap. It is amazing the number of options, and it is equally impressive what a huge effect changing only one variable has on the map. I made the average distance just a little closer, and the result is this.
  17. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Here is the begining map it is going to be rather heated I think. Note to self: In the future don't adjust the average distance of stars
  18. Life

    I have now been unemployed for five months to the day. It is a weird feeling, that life seems like a lifetime again.
  19. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    Here is an updated look at how the initial land grab is shaping up. Take a closer look at the full image. I feel sorry for Dark Green.
  20. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2 the password I sent out should be all lowercase by the way.
  21. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I am going to go ahead and create the game. I don't think anyone else wants in.
  22. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Already? Man I feel your pain. I was in a constant war right off the bat in the last game too. This time i am stuck in a corner of the map where i can't reach any stars until I upgrade range. So yeah, everything is going to be taken up before that happens.
  23. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    That's a good point. I had not taken the end game into consideration.
  24. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Well we have a full list now 1. Jennoa 2. Chris 3. Wurtsi 4. Murdoc 5. SGP 6. ENS 7. DIUM 8. dibs 9. toblix 10. bd_monkey 11. Jhraid 12. Hermie
  25. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    A large map is 32 star per player. So to win you'll need 188