
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by jennoa

  1. Starcraft II

    Well in my case I think it just helps to set the expectations low. So when I almost win, or just not make a fool of myself, you'll be suitably impressed.
  2. Starcraft II

    Jennoa - 456 - US I am the theoretical singularity of suckitud. So, yeah. I'd still be willing to humiliate myself though.
  3. Well, Congratulations Chris, and of course FUCK YOU. I can't wait to learn where you end up.
  4. I am going to start up a new game. It will be 12 players, but other than that I'd like to hear some suggestions on the rest of the galaxy settings. Who wants in?
  5. Road Trip

    So, I'm going to be going to Orlando next week to pick up a car for a family member, and taking it back to Colorado. (the benefits of being unemployed?) Since I have nothing better to do, and no real time frame on the return, does anyone have some suggestions on sites I should see and places to visit on the return trip?
  6. Road Trip

    Sounds good, I'll go check it out tomorrow.
  7. Road Trip

    It was too late for the Orlando suggestions, but I stopped in Jacksonville. Yeah, Clark's was pretty great. I went all the way up to Savannah today, that wasn't really my intention, I just kept driving.
  8. Road Trip

    I've been there! It was awhile ago though. Tempe would be a bit out of the way for this trip. Another time!
  9. Road Trip

    Is there? I went to the Kenndy Space Center over in Cape Canaveral today, that was both awe-inspiring and depressing. I got the feeling that nobody had any goal to strive fore there.
  10. Road Trip

    Sold, World's Largest Ball of Twine here I come! I was definitely planing on making a pitstop over in Tennessee. Though not a fan of country, I like blues well enough.
  11. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Wow, didn't even make it a day
  12. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Because Blood feuds are fun
  13. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I will also be unavailable in July, August would work better for me.
  14. Road Trip

    Unfortunately I have already been to the Grand Canyon, cool place by the way. It would also be a bit out of the way; I'd need to drive past my destination. The rock and roll hall of fame on the other hand wouldn't be a bad idea.
  15. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    Yeah, that game has been quite different. Unfortunately for me it was over before it started. By the time I had researched the range tech to let me expand all the other stars had been acquired.
  16. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    On a side note you're about to wipe me out in Puffin's Galaxy. At this point you've got that game wrapped up.
  17. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    I know about first strike and all of that. What confused me was that calculator actually. There were numerous times when I lost battles it told me I would win. I say stay away from that damn thing.
  18. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    My early departure from the game certainly came at the worst possible moment for me. It would also seem that I don't understand the combat quite as well as I thought. There were certainly instances where battles didn't go the way I planned. Before the attack on Ethos was launched I was seriously considering attacking Remo, to the point where I had a large fleet amassed at his borders. Murdoc then emailed me and suggested that we take out Ethos. I thought, eh, what the hell, and went with it. In retrospect that was the turning point of the game for me. I don't remember what I was doing at that particular moment. No doubt in my mind it was a brilliant maneuver.
  19. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    As the galaxy turns, these are the production cycles of our lives.
  20. Neptune's Bountiful Pride

    The death toll rings for the Jennovans in Puffin Galaxy. Sandwiched between to large players they have both sent in fleets in the 300+ range.
  21. Red Thumb Redemption

    Hmm, 360 it is then. I'll try and pick it up tonight.
  22. Red Thumb Redemption

    PS3 Jennoa 360 Ohkyren I haven't decided which to get yet
  23. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

  24. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    You were the true monster my friend. The jennovan Republic does not relish your destruction.
  25. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 2

    All this talk of min/maxing is interesting to me, since that is exactly the opposite to how I play for the most part.