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Posts posted by SecretAsianMan

  1. 12 hours ago, therealdougiejones said:

    I think maybe it's something about the levity with which he talks about stuff like that gets under my skin


    I'm going to repeat myself and say that this is one of the things that bugs me too.  I don't necessarily mind what he says (although some of it can be real problematic in context), it's just the "I don't get what the big deal is" attitude that gets to me.  As though because he was able to do it anyone and everyone should have no trouble with it either.  Or that because it's not an issue in his life it's not something worth thinking about and shouldn't be a problem for anyone else either.  Again, I don't think he actually means it that way but that's how it comes across, at least to me.

  2. I count myself in the "I like Dan but find him problematic" crowd.  I find Dan to be enthusiastic and entertaining in a way that most of the Bombcast crew weren't before he moved East.  That bit of improv he did a few weeks ago was maybe one of the funniest things I've heard on the Beastcast.  And I derive a not-so-guilty pleasure at seeing corrections aimed directly at fixing the dumb things he says.


    All that said, I recognize the issues that others here are finding in him.  As I previously stated, I don't think he's a bad guy and he isn't out there with the intent of purposely misleading people.  But he does give a lot of advice* from a place of ignorance that is at best bad and at worst harmful.  That he often admits he doesn't know what he's talking about is good but it's not an excuse that exonerates him.  And I am absolutely guilty of this sin myself so I'm not trying to place myself above him.  The difference is he has a very public presence and I know a lot of people aren't going to hear the part where he says he doesn't know better and just remember the (bad) advice.  At least that's what worries me.


    I'm not saying he can't have or express his opinion or talk about his own life experiences.  I'm not even saying that he shouldn't.  What I am saying is I wish he were more aware of it (and to his credit he does appear to be trying) and maybe try to educate himself more rather than relying on his immediate peers (who also probably don't know significantly more than him) for answers.  There isn't an immediate answer if one even exists at all.  But I think its worth pointing out and discussing the issue instead of ignoring it one way or the other.


    *I don't necessarily mean regarding anxiety, I honestly don't know what his book says or really remember what he himself has said in the past.  I'm fortunate enough to have not had that issue in my life (at least to the point of needing medical help, I certainly have anxiety about plenty of things) so I can't personally speak to how good/bad his advice is.

  3. 3 hours ago, Spenny said:

    When he's confronted on things I'm sure he means to say "This is right for me and works for me" but he actually says gets cut off at "This is right".  


    I feel like this is an accurate assessment.  I don't truly believe that Dan has any malicious intent or that he even necessarily believes what comes out of his mouth or expects people to take him seriously.  But the way he says things in his "I don't get what the big deal is" tone really rubs me the wrong way, especially about things that actually are a big deal.

  4. You need quite a bit of ammo and weapon upgrades for them to really be useful against the big daddies so they probably aren't worth much to you now.  Early game is definitely all about the plasmids.  Mind controlling big daddies (once you get that plasmid there) is also super useful because not only do they become crazy powerful bodyguards, they'll also be very weak and easy to put down after the area is clear.

  5. I continue to have a love/hate relationship with Dan.  About half the time I find the dumb shit he says amusing (mostly because he continues to not be aware of even the simplest things like having a remote idea what an electrical breaker is or understanding that weight is a concern when going to space) but the other half of the time I'm infuriated at his "I don't know what this thing is so it must not be important and is therefore dumb" attitude.

  6. Big Daddies will eventually become less of a threat as you gain powers and weapon/ammo upgrades (the armor piercing rounds work great).  Towards the middle of the game I was setting traps and concocting plans to take them down, only for them to fall well before even half of what I had in mind could be executed.  They are super intimidating in the beginning though.

  7. I saw some other videos and posts showing a filled Nether and mine was completely empty so I did some checking around.  It's actually a bug.  I think it's intended to be a void just but in some versions the flag to make the Nether a void isn't set properly and it generates like normal.  I think it depends on the setting when the world is first created, so if the flag was set when you started the world it will always be full or empty regardless of what version you run.  In a way I kind of like it empty because now I don't have to slog through everything to find a fortress.  I do miss out on giant lava pools though.



  8. 16 hours ago, neonrev said:

    Also there are a lot of modpacks with a mod called Ars Magica, which I think is exactly what you want. It also has an RPG system for leveling up your magics. 


    I've heard of that mod before but I've never experimented with it.  I'd be much more interested in crafting weaponry and gear for other people than for my own use though.  Basically I want to be Q from James Bond.


    Having said that, we end up with more armorers than adventurers I'd still gladly do that.  I like team stuff so much that I'm willing to play pretty much any role even if it's not my preferred one.


    Also I agree with most of what Twig is saying, especially the tower defense stuff.

  9. I would be cool with that.  Again, I think the difficulty would be in coordination.  Ideally it would need to be something that would be better with multiple people but not require a lot of them at once.  Personally I find the combat part of Minecraft to be completely uninteresting but if I could assume a role of weaponsmith/base builder I would gladly play the gadget guy.  Actually that sounds kind of awesome.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Deadpan said:


    Jetpacks are thing I never thought I'd be able to figure out given how many different things you need to set up before you can make them, but they are so satisfying.


    I also sort of expected the Nether to be just as empty as the main world, but I guess that wouldn't work well. Maybe if it had just the Fortresses.


    That's actually exactly how the Nether works.  It's a void just like the main world except for bits of fortress.  That's why I was so intent on crafting a good (armored) jetpack before returning.  I just hovered above all the enemies sniping with my steel bow until I had cleared the area enough that I could safely retrieve my goodies.  A high level backpack with automatic restocking is also a necessity.

  11. 2 hours ago, neonrev said:

    Oh, timing. Yes there is at least a deep burning desire for a modded server in me at least.

    So we've been thinking about and half-planning to reboot the IdleMC server as a modded minecraft server for a couple months now, and there seems to at least a little interest in it now. Evilskillet just took down the old server and archived it and last we talked would be very much down with hosting a modded IdleMC.

    There's a number of different mod set-ups I think people would like. Skyblock can work multiplayer, but it's not ideal. There are modpacks like Regrowth and Crash Landing that replicate a lot of the slow build-up of sky block packs with having a generated world and more hostile enemies. There are much more guided modpacks with quest books and rewards and instructions that help people learn mods which I think could be neat for the community, and there are my favorite modpacks, the fuck-it kitchen sink packs that just include everything that fits.

    Depending on people's computers and interests, there are a ton of options for running a community modded minecraft server and we've talked about it enough that it should happen. I'll post in the slack and the other forum and everyone should talk about it. I've always wanted to play that way.


    Skyfactory is the thing I'm currently into but yeah I agree it's not ideal for multi.  Maybe once you've expanded the world out enough it would be doable but resource management among several people who are probably not playing at the same time would be tricky without some major coordination.  I'm certainly willing to try out other cool stuff.

  12. Following up on my last post, I realized that jetpacks were a thing and crafted my way up to the top tier one.  After properly arming myself I returned to the Nether and wreaked a terrible vengeance upon the denizens there and retrieved all my gear (dying in Sky Factory places all your carried items into a tombstone where you died that you can break open to reclaim everything).  It was amazing and awesome and I'm super tempted to rent a server for it.


    It's been a while since the last Thumbs Minecraft server ran.  Is there any interest in doing so again with something like this?

  13. The main difference between brushing with a manual brush and an electric is with a manual brush you're scrubbing your teeth by hand to remove food and plaque with force whereas the electric does the "scrubbing" part for you, you just have to move it around so it hits all sides of your teeth (in 30 second intervals on each quadrant).  At least that's my understanding, I have an electric toothbrush but it's not a Quip so I haven't read their trips and tricks manual.

  14. I've been venturing into the Nether recently to obtain additional materials to build the next tier of machinery I want.  Last night I had a stupid death that ultimately won't cost me anything I can't replace relatively easily but I'm super irritated at the lost time investment in all that equipment.  On the plus side I figured out how to craft a lot of great gear and had the foresight to stock up on the materials so I can replicate it again with only marginal loss.  Still, grrrrrrrrrrr.

  15. I'm going to approach this from the opposite angle.  Take a game like Mario Kart.  There's a generous amount of rubber banding such that it's difficult to maintain a significant lead.  While this can be seen as providing a continuous challenge and preventing a player from getting bored, it can also be seen as punishing high skill.  If I spend the entire race in first place only to get taken out by a blue shell at the last second and finish in fourth, something that is entirely outside of my control, is that fair?


    In a game like Mario Kart which is supposed to be more about goofy fun for all, it's probably fine.  In a game like Rogue Legacy, the difficulty is supposed to be inherent to the game's design.  I suppose it's a matter of negative or positive reinforcement.  Ideally I think good games have a mix of both.  I personally didn't have a problem with Rogue Legacy's method as it kept pushing me to improve (I agree it could be better but I went to NG+++ before I stopped playing).

  16. A number of the VODs have audio issues that will (hopefully) get resolved once they upload the edited runs instead of the raw stream so I'm going to suggest holding off adding to the playlist for now.

  17. That sounds nicer in a way.  At first not having ground is intimidating and you worry constantly about falling, but after a while it just becomes a nuisance, especially once you have tons of materials and the only thing keeping you from expanding is the need to build the floor first.

  18. The first time I saw gameplay of Friday the 13th, I thought that it was a mod for Dead by Daylight.


    A couple of clarifications from Nick's description of the game.  The character that you can call in is Tommy Jarvis, who is apparently a recurring character from the movies (honestly I've never seen them).  He effectively acts as a respawn for one lucky player to return to the game after they are killed.  It's possible to kill Jason but the method involves several steps including


    calling Tommy, having a female character find and wear the sweater of Jason's mother in the shack where Jason starts the game, knocking off Jason's mask, and having the sweatered girl confront Jason (who will freeze up as he mistakes the character for his mother) while Tommy finishes Jason off with a machete.

    I was hoping that Nick would mention one of my favorite details but I guess since he was such a terrible Jason he didn't realize it.  One of Jason's powers allows him to become invisible and move very quickly that allows him to catch up to other players (and is different from the map teleporting power).  If he uses this ability near another player, the game indicates this to the player with a VHS "rewind/fast forward" effect.


    I should note that I've never played the game, everything I know has been gleamed from let's plays.

  19. Totally agree.  There's so much stuff in Sky Factory I'm constantly browsing the catalog and discovering some amazing thing that I can't build yet which gives me a new goal.  I appreciate the freedom and openness that exists in vanilla Minecraft but without some minimal guidance I often found myself not wanting to do anything (and doing stuff like questing to fight the Ender Dragon doesn't really interest me because so many other games do that better).  Sky Factory doesn't exactly have a specific path to follow either, but the individual parts are really good at pointing you in enough of a direction that you can develop a goal and constantly find interesting and varied ways of doing it.  My biggest complaint is the documentation is very scattered and often poor.  It's so many mods packed together that a single comprehensive guide is unrealistic but often I find myself having to put my works on pause to watch a tutorial or read a wiki for even basic stuff.

  20. Yeah I wish it was better too.  I can see it being useful as a refresher but as an introduction it's woefully lacking.  There is ZERO explanation on what kanji/hiragana/katakana are and they constantly mix them all in the same lesson as though being presented with them all at once is sufficient to understand everything.  What really drives me nuts is that a bunch of the time there's NO pronunciation at all so I'm not even developing an ear for hearing or speaking the language.

  21. I really dug the combat in the Arkham games.  I agree they're complicated but you never need to use the vast majority of the available moves.  I'm the kind of person who likes to string together as much variety in a combo as I can so I made it a point to learn and use them all and as a result I really enjoyed throwing every gadget in Batman's belt.


    Shadow of Mordor's combat at its core is very similar so my familiarity with the Arkham system made the transition to Mordor almost seamless.  That said, with the addition on the Nemesis system and the corresponding strengths/weaknesses there's certainly more incentive to utilize the various combat moves and combos.  I personally never found it overwhelming but it might just be it slots into my personality very well.  I felt the complexity made the combat more interesting because I've played enough beat-em-up's in my life that I want something besides "X, X, X".