
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. Magicka

    Happy to be of service!
  2. Magicka

    I only had a passing interest in this game until I read the recent RPS article about the mistakes. Jesus goddamned Christ I need this game now.
  3. Minecraft

    Despite not playing it much lately, I still like Minecraft... So I ventured into this thread today with one specific goal: to read about the latest "haps" on the Thumbs' Minecraft server. I was considering joining up for the first time. This is what I find? Shameful. Downright shameful.
  4. Cataclysm

    Feral druids are, ahem hem, overpowered right now. SOMETHING needs to be done, for sure. Either druids should be nerfed, or other classes should be buffed. I'm of the opinion that the latter is the superior option, but Blizzard often isn't. Though one might argue that feral druids DID get buffed from Wrath to Cataclysm, and now they're going back to not overpowered. It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose. Also, as I feared, I do indeed hate phasing with a fiery passion. It turns WoW into a single-player game, which is absolutely NOT why I play it. It is the worst. As someone who wasn't there for the initial rush (i.e., I started playing Cataclysm a couple weeks after it came out), most of the areas with heavy phasing were an empty wasteland for me, as far as players go, until I hit the final phase. I'm all for being able to solo, but being forced to solo is the absolute worst thing. I'd rather be forced to group, even if it does make the game more "difficult" because you have to actually GET a group. ... Am I the only one who's sick of all these dumb vehicle quests? SOME OF THEM are okay, but most are just stupid wastes of time, and I'd rather kill 10 mobs because it's faster. (It makes me sad that I would actually prefer killing 10 mobs!) The camel fight in HoO makes me want mounted combat more than ever. I wonder if Blizzard is testing the grounds. I know they had jousting or whatever during Wrath, but I quit before that came out, so I don't know how close it was to REAL mounted combat.
  5. Cataclysm

    I've been told many times over that Blizzard already did this. I have no idea if it's true. Have yet to see any official word on it. It's all hearsay for me, at this point. Similar to you, I'm finding arena fun this time around. I used to fucking detest it. It's still horribly unbalanced - way too much Rock Paper Scissors and the game just is not made for small-scale PvP - but I'm enjoying it, anyway. Oddly enough, I find I hate rated BGs, even though I was really looking forward to it. Maybe I'll like it more once my guild is all geared up and we don't have to deal with PUGs anymore. PvE-wise, I'm really enjoying the heroics as a DPS (arms warrior). I found tanking in WOTLK fun, but once I realized I could basically faceroll, it was boring as hell. In Cataclysm it looks pretty intimidating. I'm probably going to try tanking soon, though. Been building up a set. Haven't done any raids, but my DPS set is ready!! Soon as my guild catches up. Yeah it's the worst it's ever been, and I honestly have no clue how some of the people earlier in this thread (before the game actually came out when all we had was the beta) could say with a straight face that this stuff ISN'T forced down your throat at every turn, unless they just decided to rewrite every single quest in the game for the retail release. Still, fun overall. I need to cool down playing it, though. Not because I'm getting burned out already, but because I'm in grad school and classes started up last week! So, I'll probably stop soon, except to play very casually.
  6. Mass Effect 3

    I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed by the lack of a Shepard/Hanar relationship option.
  7. Steam Trezer Hunt

    They're not cheesemints. They're just "goals" and if you do at least ten of them, you have a chance of winning 100 games if you're the one name drawn out of the metaphorical hat. The only thing you "get" out of this other than a chance at freebies is a TF2 hat. I'm annoyed that I won't get the "best" hat because I can't afford to just buy games willy-nilly (and actually I have wanted/owned every game so far, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of reason for me to get them). I certainly would have enjoyed this more if they either lowered the requirements for "BEST HAT" or if they tailored the goals to each individual's collection, but what're you gonna do. It's a promotion to a) get people to buy more games and get people to use more of Steam's features (avatar, friends, etc.). Do you get angry when brick and mortar has sales and gives out freebies to people who buy more than just one item? U: I know it's not a perfect analogy, but it's essentially the same idea.
  8. Ben There, Dan That and Time Gentlemen, Please! are fantastic. Psych is fucking wonderful if you love well-done pop culture references/jokes. I would love it if games (hah!) had writing that good.
  9. I'm kind of disappointed by this. I'd like to see them try things other than "fall really fast and collect points". They're some whacked out individuals and it would be interesting to see what else they can do. On the other hand, that it uses my music is sweet. On the other other hand, I have yet to play a use-my-music game besides Audiosurf that actually FEELS like it was generated from my music.
  10. Cataclysm

    How is forty minutes in any way, shape, or form "quick"? D:
  11. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    I've never noticed any distortion. It's not the best quality, but it's a far cry from whatever horrible thing you're trying to describe.
  12. I'm afraid it's forever branded on your forehead, never to leave you. This thread being similarly gung-ho (though more understandable and less silly) probably doesn't help. U;
  13. I think they were pointing and laughing because it was a silly thing to get so gung-ho crazy over, not because they hate Mega Man sprites. U:
  14. Cataclysm

    Yeah, Northern Barrens is balls. Once you loop back to Southern Barrens, though, there's a bit of redemption. 1k Needles is awesome. U:
  15. Cataclysm

    Stonetalon was pretty neat. Garrosh has a heart after all. Booooo! I was secretly hoping the melodrama nonsense between Vol'jin and Garrosh was a sign of things to come. SPLINTERING THE HORDE INTO SIX SEPARATE FACTIONS. FULL OPEN WORLD PVP. Of course, I knew the hope was hopeless, but it's fun to dream every once in a while.
  16. Cataclysm

    So, I caved in and resubbed, as I said I would. Troll druid, fuck yeah. This is my third (fourth?) druid, due to changing servers once, selling that account (it wasn't mine to begin with, bought it for ten bucks from a friend who didn't like it shortly after the game launched, so I didn't feel guilty doing so - strange logic? yeah, probably), starting a new one on another different server, and then going back to my original server. I fucking love druid, okay. Troll druid forms are totes boss. Troll starting zone is rather lame. I wanted them to make a whole new city, but it just looks like a small village, one step above Orgrimmar's troll/goblin ghetto. ): Maybe future patches? I hope? Trolls are so rad. Game continues to be infested with shitty jokes. Pun intended. They managed to get a poop joke in on me before I was level ten. Goddamnit. But all that aside, Jesus, it's like a whole new game. I'm going to make an undead character (FINALLY) to level along that newly renovated quest line. I hear it's the best. Northern Barrens is just barrens. But Azshara was neat fun. Ironically, I think I experienced less stupid goofy shit (or at least RECOGNIZED less) in the goblin zone, contrary to Chris' own experience. C'est la vie. Maybe I've just gotten used to it. The SRS BSNS stuff is all kinds of cool (I love Warcraft). But JESUS CHRIST what the fuck did they do to Ashenvale?! Maaan so great. Perfectly designed for low-level world PvP. THANK YOU BLIZZARD. Thank you. Now I'm on to Stonetalon, which looks even better. My level 80 warrior (which I transferred to play with my friends) is weak as shit. Goes to show warrior is insanely gear dependent (also I suck). Looking forward to getting him geared up again come Cataclysm time!
  17. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    It would please me greatly if, in the next "Inventory" game, Max Ides is a real character. U: Possibly also Phaedrus. Oh, and Space Asshole, and The Wizard. I think that should just about do it, yeah? (I'm so sorry.)
  18. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    Tycho is... hilarious. Oh man, he's just perfect.
  19. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    Oh, I figured that was only for the item itself. Hohum.
  20. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    It's out on Steam but not Telltale's website. ):
  21. I'm actually scheduled to die in four hours and twenty-seven minutes. ):
  22. I think you're terribly overreacting - it's just a neat thing to see, and people like Mega Man. That said, if you, in your rage, decide to make more neat things, then that's cool, too. Also, sprite comics are not the same thing as what is happening here. Sprite comics were lame and stupid because they were lame and stupid not because they used sprites. I still think 8-bit Theater is hilarious (although, to be fair, it does take way too long to get to the point where it's more than just lame jokes about Final Fantasy).
  23. Back to the Future

    Man, I know Telltale probably doesn't have the rights to just throw around BttF stuff to other developers (after all, why would they), but THIS HAT IN TEAM FORTRESS TWO needs to happen (also this) I hope we at least see the return of the first in one of the episodes!
  24. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

    D:! (I am sure that's not what you meant to imply RIGHT?!?)