
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. Minecraft

    I think I read/heard that health regenerates to half full on easy, and not at all on hard? Or something like that.
  2. This started out in the other thread, but I'm moving it here because it's more relevant, I guess. U: I would like to finally jump on the Idle MC server with the new patch, and I, at least, would prefer mobs. The only qualifier is that on other servers I've played, there's so much lag that mobs are impossible to kill without taking damage. I don't know if the same holds true for the new patch. Do you guys ever do, like, themed areas where you all build to an appropriate theme? It usually makes the world look a lot less ugly and inconsistent, which is one of the reasons I never really get into multiplayer Minecraft for more than a week or two. Big communities tend to just let people build whatever they want wherever they want. That's fine, as long as it's not all bunched up together... But when you have giant pixel art (something I find incredibly boring, but that's beside the point) sitting next to someone's castle which is itself sitting next to a giant penis, I get a little annoyed. The server I played on prior to this did a lot of that recently, with a town of wooden buildings built into a bay, a desert city, an underground city, etc. Also, is it a spawning server? EDIT: I joined the server 'cause I wanted to look around and I got stuck in the portal, nether-side. Can't move, can't type (to /spawn), can't even disconnect. RUT ROH. U:
  3. The Neverhood coming to the iPhone?

    According to the Facebook page, they're still negotiating the rights. Which would explain why the screenshots are obviously not mobile.
  4. Prince of Persia 3: The Clunky Ass

    I actually liked the ending to PoP2008. It doesn't really... bother me when a story ends on a cliffhanger, as long as it works. I don't remember the details, but I know I didn't walk away frustrated. I did watch the DLC cutscenes on YouTube, since the PC never got it (I would've bought it, too), and I was disappointed. Wish I hadn't watched 'em. Kind of ruined the "actual" ending. Still, I wish they would release a sequel to THAT game, instead of fucking Forgotten Sands (which by all reports is a good game, but it's not 2008-2). If there's one thing Ubisoft tends to be good at, it's sequels. They know how to improve on their flaws. See: Assassin's Creed 2! But here we are, no sequel in sight. Oh well.
  5. Prince of Persia 3: The Clunky Ass

    So do I, but when it doesn't work, it doesn't work. And Warrior Within goes above and beyond "not working".
  6. Prince of Persia 3: The Clunky Ass

    Because I love taking every chance I can to bitch about the trash that is Warrior Within: Oh man I wish that had happened to me. It would have improved my experience so much, if only because it is hilarious. I am utterly convinced that Warrior Within was crafted to make the player as angry as possible. Everything from the angsty fucking Prince to the shitty fucking music to the eye-bleeding fucking colors. I want to stab every individual who had a part in that game. I may have been able to tolerate it more if it weren't so combat heavy. The combat in Sands of Time was boring, but at least it was easy. In WW, I made it to the final boss and fucking gave up. I honestly wish I had given up earlier. It was not worth it. UGH. Two Thrones was marginally better, but nowhere near as good as Sands of Time. (Also, I loved PoP2008. Don't give a shit that it was "too easy".) As for Prince of Persia 3D? I've never heard anything but bad things. Glad you were able to reconfirm its awfulness for me so I don't have to play it!
  7. The Neverhood coming to the iPhone?

    I have always wanted to play this game. But not on a phone. |:
  8. Oh geez. I was like "What, an update? Maybe I'll turn it on for the first time in a year." NOPE.
  9. Magicka

    I quite liked Lucidity.
  10. A Valley without Wind

    Unfortunately, making the game a side-scroller didn't fix my biggest problem with what we've seen of the game: the animations. They're still awful. D:
  11. Ocarina of Time 3D

    Earthbound is all about the satire, though, so it isn't out of place. I'm not ashamed to say I want a 3DS so I can play this, but I am also not ashamed to say that I'm not going to give in. U: (Yet.)
  12. Far Cry 3

    Friend of mine had the best idea. This game should be nothing but That Guy trying (and failing) to kill you in more and more elaborate ways, repeating the same damn thing every time you meet face to face. I'd play that. And now that that's out of the way: My first turn-off was YET ANOTHER TROPICAL ISLAND IN A FIRST-PERSON SHOOTER. My second turn-off was when I heard no weapon degradation, etc. My third turn-off is yet to come, but come it will. I'm sure of it.
  13. The great Valve re-play

    Huh? I had no problems when I played it.
  14. The great Valve re-play

    Oh god I read "E3" as "Episode 3" and what. Crazy internet people getting into my head. Seeing Episode 3 everywhere. Grrr.
  15. The great Valve re-play

    My only problem with Xen was and always will be that stupid low-grav jump pad section. God. I hate that part. The rest ranges from all right to pretty good, though never as good as the rest of the game.
  16. The great Valve re-play

    I'm pretty sure the Gauss kills you (in both) if you charge it up too long, right?
  17. What the hell is Hector?

    They're only publishing the PC port of Hector, to be fair. They're not developing it themselves. Although, I suppose they might've at least helped with the port? I don't know. U: Either way, I'll be getting it. It does look amusing. I've heard it's only two hours, though? For ten bucks, even I start to question things at two-hour lengths. Especially with adventure games - they're hardly the kind of game I play again and again, unless I really, really like them. (I'm also kind of stupid at adventure games, though, despite having played them for... ever. So maybe I'll get more than two hours.)
  18. The great Valve re-play

    Yeah, now. Didn't used to be that way. Mod development was much more open, and better, in the past. Demos out the wazoo. Sure, a good deal of them didn't finish, but at least they got something out. Black Mesa has, quite literally, nothing to show for all the work they've done except some screenshots, and I think there's a video? Until it's released to us, it might as well be an artist's rendering of what the game COULD look like. And I'm aware that certain Lucky Individuals have been alpha or beta or whatever testing the game for some time, but this is just getting sad. I can't for the life of me fathom why anyone is excited about Black Mesa: Source at this point. Like I said: this isn't how mod development should be.
  19. The great Valve re-play

    When a mod takes more than a year to come out, let alone release a demo, I stop giving a shit. And it's been how many years now? That's not what mod development should be like. Awful.
  20. The great Valve re-play

    I've played the fan port of Decay, yeah, but like I said, I never finished it. It's kind of neat. It works well, if all you want to do is play it, although my friend and I had a hell of a time trying to load levels out of order. I think you can load it up in Sven Co-op and have a much easier time of it, but that might break story moments. I think someone told me that once? It's fun to run around in Half-Life 1 with a buddy and solve puzzles, but I think where I stopped last time, we just couldn't beat it 'cause it was too hard. Granted we only tried twice, but we didn't want to go all the way through the damn level again, which you have to do because you can't just quick save and load in multiplayer. Heh. The best part was jumping around like an idiot hitting things with crowbars. And sequence breaking. "C'MERE! JUMP ON MY HEAD HERE!" Of course, that only breaks it for ONE person. the other gets left behind. Which means the one who went ahead gets stuck without the partner necessary to solve the puzzle. Yup! That's Decay in a rambly nutshell. I actually think that's not necessarily true. MOST people I talk to recognize the fact that HL's strength doesn't lie in the core narrative. It's just that, to your average Joe, it all gets jumbled into one word: story. So, people say Half-Life 2 has a great story, but they don't necessarily care to specify what exactly makes it great. That's sort of been my experience, anyway.
  21. The great Valve re-play

    Portal has been part of the Half-Life universe from literally day one. But it's separate enough that it doesn't really matter. I only take the time to mention it because you seemed to think otherwise. U: And you have a very negative outlook on this whole thing. That's understandable, since you have so much hatred for the series, but man. Half-Life. Opposing Force. Blue Shift. Half-Life 2. Episode One. Episode Two. That's six games. Some are short, but they're still full games. Being an expansion pack, or an "episodic" title doesn't make them any less of a game. Unless you're of the (incorrect) mindset that anything shorter than 8 hours isn't a full game, of course. I spent more than six hours in every single one of those games, except Blue Shift, which is exceptionally short. And kind of bad, anyway. I mean... it's all right. I guess. But not really. Decay is co-op only, and I haven't ever played it enough to finish it. Partner always quits on me. ): Also, did you really compare Lost Coast to Episode Two? That is straight up baffling, yo. Especially since you were comparing their length, and Episode One is actually shorter than Two. And they're both uh... not as short as Lost Coast.
  22. The great Valve re-play

    Half-Life's core plot is pretty bland, G-man aside. Although Alyx picked up in Episode 2. Although her relationship with Gordon is still laughable. ANYWAY. The presentation and world-building is fantastic. So fuck y'all! P.S. Condescendingly putting quotation marks around the word "games" - as if to imply that Half-Life is not a game, not really - makes you look silly. ):
  23. The great Valve re-play

    I feel like the jumping puzzles (while never actually good) are much worse in the Source port. IIRC the physics are a little wonkier in general. May just be my imagination, though.
  24. Jak and Daxter... more like Dad's a Bastard

    Jak & Daxter was the wrong series to pick, if you ask me (and you totally did). Ratchet & Clank is just so much better in so many ways. Oh man. Sly Cooper is also great, but you already played those, so huzzah! I wish I still had a PlayStation®2 Computer Entertainment System. Or, better, I wish I finally had a PlayStation® 3. D:
  25. Legend of Mana: A pointless mess and total B.S.?

    The hero is not meant to affect the story, except in that he or she kills the monsters. The hero is meant to be nothing but an observer, watching everyone live their lives as the hero builds the world. That's why it's so interesting. It would be so goddamn perfect if there was a proper sequel to Legend of Mana that offered more dynamic and diverse outcomes based on the manner in which the player builds the world. Place the temple too close to the ocean and oops instead of saving the monk he drowns! That's a shallow example, but an interesting possibility. ...but that will never happen. Because everyone hates change. There are many Mana games, but there is a grand total of one Mana game that is like Legend of Mana - and that is Legend of Mana itself. But the franchise is pretty much dead now. Square hasn't been able to make a genuinely good game in the series since Legend. A few have been all right, but not good.