
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. Life

    There are some, albeit very few, people I know exclusively through the internet about whom I would be worried if they suddenly disappeared without another word, and I'm fairly certain they feel similarly.
  2. Life

    I complain a lot about how I have a mutant mouth and am missing and will never grow like 9 or 10 adult teeth, but I'm so glad four of those are my wisdom teeth. Going to the dentist sucks.
  3. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    My friend just showed me this and I actually kind of like it. cat daddy when i dougie JWZwLCKyR1Q I hesitate to say I'd like it without the video, though. (spongebob stacking krabby patties)
  4. Life

    My issue with death isn't so much ohgodi'mgonnadiesomeday... it's more that there will literally never be enough time for me to do everything I want to do, and also that 99% of what I want to do involves nothing that I'm doing right now, and there's no way I can change that, because what I want to do (travel the world and see EVERYTHING, also learn more and more about all kinds of things, etc.) costs money. MONEY. I am not afraid of death itself in the slightest, because I accept it as an inevitability. Unless of course we find a cure for aging before I die. In which case, I will finally be afraid of death, because it will have meant I died of unnatural causes, and that means I COULD have done more, but got screwed out of it. Then again, I'm only 24 years old, so it's not like I've ever done anything with my life. I'm still in school (master's degree)! So sick of school!
  5. Like I said when I was on the server last night, I find creative mode/spawning/etc. to be pretty incredibly boring, so I don't think I will play there. X: Yeah, I could go off and play "properly" all by my lonesome, but it kind of kills the, uh, atmosphere for me when I know there are people running around laying down acres of wool carpet for free. Probably I'm dumb, I dunno. It's cool, though. I got other servers. U:
  6. My schedule is weird at the moment, so I have no specific time. Would anyone mind explaining the rulesets under which you generally run the server? U:
  7. anime

    Whaaaaaaaat? I had not heard of this now I need to see it.
  8. Minecraft

    I'm interested, but it depends on the rules you guys work with. I find pure creative servers (spawning, etc.) to be pretty boring. Also how many people typically play on the server?
  9. anime

    I finished it and thought it was pretty all right. I dunno if I would call it a masterpiece! It seemed to drag its feet quite a bit on more than one occasion, but then in others, it would hit the fast forward button. Pacing was really weird. It also took me a while to really get what the show was trying to do, but once I caught on, it was much more enjoyable. Thumbs up overall. I started Kaiba and it seems pretty cool, too.
  10. Minecraft

    I actually haven't played 1.8 at all yet because I'm waiting for my server to update, and it won't update until Bukkit updates. Arghh.
  11. Minecraft

    I'm not sure how well it would work, to be honest, but I'm up for trying it out.
  12. Movie/TV recommendations

    I always forget how short the seasons are for Doctor Who. ): I wish they would stop doing all the creepy/melancholy episodes. I need some fun episodes, tooooo. Guess it was probably appropriate for this week, though, and it wasn't really that creepy in the end. Still.
  13. Plug your shit

    It really is quite awful, the one I already did. If I ever try it again I'll be sure to share it with the class. Hah.
  14. Plug your shit

    Yeah it is a weird thing. I only ever tried it once, using Spelunky. The result is actually still on the internet, but I won't link it because it's embarrassingly terrible. :3 I think if I tried it again I could do it in a way that is actually fun to read. Like I said, though. No time. Ahh.
  15. Plug your shit

    I've considered doing similar things for roguelikes, like people do for Dwarf Fortress all the time. But it turns out it's harder to write from the perspective of an empty character than I thought it'd be. I still think I could do it, but I really don't have the time. ): In short: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of such a thing. I'll check it out. U:
  16. Minecraft

    The problem with permadeath Minecraft is that, unless you're playing purely for exploration's sake, then it is far too frustrating losing your creations. Especially mid-construction. The exception might be if you did a sort of community-based thing where when you die, you pass the world on to someone else, and they get to see past constructions just sitting there, never to be finished. That might be neat. X: EDIT: Might also be neat if there was also a mod built in to this community permadeath world that spawned a gravestone or something wherever you die.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    I've heard some people say the newer Futurama episodes aren't as good as the older ones. Oddly, despite my love for Futurama past, I've never seen any of the newer episodes OR the movies. I'm currently rewatching the old and will then catch up on the new. So I guess my question is: what's the general consensus on the quality of new Futurama? Better? Worse? Just as good? Worse but still worth the time?
  18. Nintendo 3DS

    Yep. Atlus games are notorious for rising in price as time goes on. It's frustrating. I'd rather own them digitally, anyway. Ahhh if only consoles and handhelds would fully embrace DD.
  19. Books, books, books...

    I'll never understand why people like reading Shakespeare. Every time I try, I find myself more annoyed than anything else. Might have something to do with being forced into reading him all throughout my pre-college educational experience. I will admit, though, that I DO enjoy Shakespeare when I'm actually watching it... like you're supposed to. But I'll be happy if I never have to see Hamlet or R&J ever ever again EVER. Regarding poetry in general: I like it a whole hell of a lot more when I'm listening to it than when I'm reading it. Kind of like Shakespeare I-am-suddenly-realizing! This includes song, rap, slam poetry, or traditional - is that the right word? - readings.
  20. Nintendo 3DS

    I guess I am a complete fool. I never got a DSi, and don't feel as if I missed out on anything worthwhile. If, indeed, whatever revision they release for the 3DS in the future actually has the second stick and two extra buttons built in, by that time, I will actually have an income (having finally receieved my Master's degree and (hopefully) found a job), and won't mind spending the extra cash on the revision. If I think it's worth it. I want to play the games that are coming out - and a few of the games that already ARE out, which are admittedly miniscule in number - and I'd rather not wait. Unlike when I wait for games on Steam, DS (and I guess 3DS) games might go out of print, and rarely decrease enough in price to make waiting actually worth it. Unless I buy used. Which I tend to avoid doing because I've had bad luck with that in the past. EDIT: And in fact, a lot of the games I love to play tend to INCREASE in price. Even used. See: Etrian Odyssey. Shrug.
  21. Nintendo 3DS

    I have heard it's completely optional in these games, and the Kid Icarus thing is really just wishful thinking. AFAIK, there's no "rumor" or whatever that says KI is going to use it - just a bunch of people saying they hope it does. I... would be interested in knowing if this is true! All things considered, I am quite pleased with the way things went in the conference. It was a little too Japanese, but that is all right since: a) I actually still tend to like quite a few Japanese games, despite hating many of their antiquated design philosophies, and It was, after all, a conference for Japan. I am now considering procuring a 3DS very soon.
  22. Oh do you guys plan on doing creative mode? ):
  23. anime

    Okie dokie!
  24. anime

    Hey dudes, and etc. I like the Japanimations. They are fun. Here's a list of all the embarrassing shit I've watched over the ten or so years I've been watching anime. I AM UNASHAMED. Well okay there's some stuff on there that makes me question the worthiness of my own existence, but whatever. Also, there's probably some stuff I'm missing from my teenage years, because I didn't start this list until some time after I started watching anime, and the list has made several transitions, and it's only in the past few years that I've actually started being OCD about this. I really should add a ranking system - more than just YES/NO. Oh well. Recommendations? I realize the question is vague - in no small part because it's only one word long - but I do tend to like things from many different genres, as long as they're quality. Normally I have this friend who tells me the name of an anime, and I watch it immediately based solely on his recommendation without any other information, because he's yet to steer me wrong. But he's been silent lately and I find I spontaneously have a hankerin' for anime.
  25. It is probably fairly compatible, but that video in the other MC thread made it look rather lackluster. Not a whole lot of features besides, "Hey I'm on a big rock." I'd still be down for building a SPACE CITYYYyyy, though. Retro sci-fi futuristic style (lots of buildings like the Space Needle in Seattle), or a more "realistic" moonbase?