
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. FM transmitters for cars

    I was just thinking about trying to hunt down a quality transmitter the other day. I have one that I use now, but it sucks, and I constantly have to hunt down open bandwidths as I'm driving. It's so bad I just don't even bother anymore. I'd love something that's significantly stronger in signal. ):
  2. The Binding of Isaac

    That's the kind of stuff you discover by playing the game. It's half the fun in a roguelike. But, to answer your questions in order, even though you might've already figured it out... I love this game. Aside from it being coded in Flash, there's nothing bad I can say about it. It's exactly what I look for in a roguelike/other-genre mashup. 23 Mom Kills, 55 deaths. Just over a 1:2 ratio. X: There is a lot of luck in roguelikes. I like this game because there's also a lot of skill. I've beaten the game despite some really shitty luck more than once.
  3. GTA V

    I actually enjoyed the story in Asscreed 1. Haven't played any sequels. I guess I just don't... care enough to be upset about its flaws. It's fun. That's all I care about. Oooh, Moscow would be awesome. Yes, please. I would also enjoy a Feudal Japan Asscreed game. Or just... Asia in general. Essentially, I want a high-budget game that takes place in Asia that feels alive that isn't made by Asians*. Rockstar would be nice, if they'd ever branch outside the Guns, but Ubisoft has proven they can make open-world period pieces, so that's cool, too. * Does that make me racist? DD:
  4. Life

    Mine uses HTTPS, although it's possible I set it to do so in the past and just forgot about it. I do that all the time. I'll read something like, "Hey, you should do this, it takes mere seconds and it's good for you!" and then... just forget that I did it.
  5. GTA V

    Great character stuff isn't mutually exclusive to ridiculous stuff! It's also not synonymous with super serious. I don't remember that being Vice City's story - I thought it was more along the lines of dude wanting to make it big in the crime world - but it has been years since I played it. I also don't really care enough, I guess.
  6. GTA V

    The impression I got from Gay Tony (that impression being nothing but the game and a few screenshots, granted) is that it is over the top and ridiculous, and you confirm that impression. But Niko's story, the narrative, at least, was supposed to be a story about a man trying, and subsequently failing, to escape his past. Or some such. I liked GTA IV. A lot, actually. Gay Tony seemed like it was a different direction. Like it wasn't super serious. I fully expect GTA V proper to follow GTA IV proper's tone.
  7. GTA V

    Serious Story and Goofy Everything Else feels weird to me and always will feel weird to me.
  8. GTA V

    Before GTA IV, that'd always been one of my favorite things about the series. Cheesy, corny fun. But now I guess we have Saints Row for that kind of shit, and with the Super Serious Story they're probably going to go for in the new game, it doesn't really fit anymore.
  9. GTA V

    (I also don't want one.)
  10. GTA V

    First time I started up GTAIV, I was awe struck at the city's detail. The atmosphere. Oozing. But now when I try to play it on my significantly-more-powerful-than-my-old-360 PC, I can't play it at all. The framerate is sub-20 at best. I can't stand it. I no longer have a console on which to play this game. So I will probably, sadly, miss out. ):
  11. Torchlight II

  12. Torchlight II

    The above post is clearly spam and will be promptly deleted, but gives me an excuse to ask: Is there a goddamn release date, yet?
  13. Mists of Malaria, more like

    I think it's a pretty huge stretch to say that rocket-riding goblins is taken "seriously" in any way...
  14. Mists of Malaria, more like

    I like Pandarens. :3 The things that offend me are the constant pop-culture references and idiots riding around on rockets and all that shit. They jumped the shark a long, long time ago. As far as I'm concerned, Pandarens are bringing it back to the good stuff. They were awesome in WC3, and they're gonna be awesome here. Probably.
  15. Torchlight II

    Did you play D2 when it was new, or years after the fact? Because I can't fucking stand that game anymore. It is old and decrepit. I loved it so much when I had it as a kid, but these days I can't even begin to dream of playing it. Torchlight (1) was just so much better. Only thing it was missing was multiplayer. Can't wait for the sequel. Diablo 3 is a game I would be interested in if Blizzard was the Blizzard of yesteryear instead of this year. They are kind of boring, now.
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    It was mildly interesting. A classic? Uhh, I wouldn't say so. Actually, I just checked, and the second episode is where I quit. That Joker Christmas thing was dumb. But hey everyone likes different things. I think most superheroes are rather silly to begin with. People running around in their underwear! Batman is one of the few I tend to like more than others, but I still thought what I watched was subpar. Maybe some day I'll give it a better chance and watch more than two episodes, hah.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    I recently tried to watch Batman: TAS and had to stop because the first few episodes were awful. Not TMNT awful, but still bad enough that I didn't want to continue. I'd also submit that they were pretty cheesy.
  18. Books, books, books...

    I like to hope so. I'll also add to that list. X:
  19. Books, books, books...

    I stopped reading at the beginning of the fourth book, due to it being such a heavy and depressing series. All of my favorite characters keep dying! If ever died, I would probably literally quit reading. As it is, I'd like to get back to reading at some point. I don't have the time for such things like I used to.
  20. Life

    Man, I don't know all the details obviously, as I'm just some random internet dude, but your parents sound like a couple o' jerks. You just need to get the hell away from them as soon as possible. Money issues aside, what else is keeping you there? Because, frankly, if I were in your position, I would do whatever I could to just get out and not look back. Easier said than done, of course. Still.
  21. The Binding of Isaac

    When you die you start over, every time. It is a roguelike FOR REALLL. I quite like this game, but god do I hate Flash. I fucking love Super Meat Boy, a lot, a lot, and coming from that to this is kind of painful, just in terms of... fidelity, I guess, is a word that applies? I wonder how much XBLA quality control requirements factored in to SMB being as good as it was (even though it launched on PC with a few bugs). BUT. Technical issues aside, this game is pretty much perfect. The only thing I'd like to see is more content, which is something I almost always say about roguelikes. Props, Mr. McMillen.
  22. Movie/TV recommendations

    Start from episode one. William Hartnell. Boss. (Don't do this.)
  23. (

    Recently, there's also been a "Should Diablo 3 have been an FPS?" on Gamespy (essentially IGN, now, despite Ryan Scott's best efforts), and a "What Nintendo could learn from Catherine" on IGN proper.
  24. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    Yeah it is kind of surreal.
  25. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    VJNBfBr-OGU That just happened.