
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I quit Xenoblade Chronicles because the combat is complete and utter ass and everything that exists to mitigate the tedium is just as bad if not worse. Experience from sidequests to become overpowered and speed up combat? Sidequests are torturously boring. Extra power from gems? Gem crafting is torturously boring. I admit I'm baffled as to what made people think this game was revolutionary at the time, let alone good. I guess if you'd never played a stereotypical MMO before, it might seem new and fresh, but they took the worst part of the MMO genre! Uninteresting combat that's mostly just staring at cooldowns waiting to be able to push the button again? NAH. Endless fetch quests and A->B->A->B->etc marathons? NAH. At least Eryth Sea was pretty. Plus side, it means I don't have to pretend I'm gonna try Xenoblade Chronicles X, or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when it comes out. I can safely ignore them! Phew.
  2. The McElroy Family of Products

    If I'm not mistaken, this is the last arc, correct? So the fact it's so abusive toward the players doesn't mean as much as it would have earlier on. Also, they're at such a level in D&D that they're approaching (or have already surpassed?) absurd demigods (EDIT: which he says in his post heh). I'm okay with it being a punishing arc for that reason alone. I've not once been bored. /shrug
  3. New forum: Movies & Television!

    i dunno how to cope with this change without megathreads, can we even be idle thumbs ( )
  4. The Next President

    Almost certainly, but I've never had the (dis)pleasure of interacting with the front page writers for WSJ or Fox News correspondents, whereas I spent a not insignificant amount of my own personal effort trying to etch out a single valid reason from these people for thinking Trump winning could possibly be anything but a complete and utter disaster. Now that we're witnessing disaster as it happens... Do they still really think "wait and see" is a valid response? Bleh. Obviously, I shouldn't let a few internet trolls get to me.
  5. The Next President

    Can't help but wonder how those "anti-Hillary" (rolls eyes) people from that Idle Weekend episode thread a while back are feeling about now. Trump's been awful from both a domestic and global perspective so far. Ugh.
  6. Yes, this. This is what makes Beastcast so lackluster to me now. It's a friction the 'cast didn't need to be interesting. Arguably, there was room for fiction on the 'cast pre-Dan, but it's definitely not in the humor quadrant. I guess I just have to accept that once again Giant Bomb as a whole has become Not For Me, just like it was pre-Beastcast. C'est la vie. ):
  7. without games are we even gamers
  8. I think he worked much better with those Bombcast cast than he does with Beast guys. They're are already clowny enough on their own and don't need Dan bringing them down. I'm so sad. I liked Beastcast a lot even after Austin left and now I just don't look forward to it anymore. Prolly have to drop it soon. ):
  9. Other podcasts

    As a recent McElroy convert (THANKS JENNA) I'm all for their show. I dunno what it'll be like but I'm pretty sure I will enjoy it. Seems like a safe bet.
  10. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    agred u r a failure
  11. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I s'pose I can see that, but for me the key difference is the ability to control the camera. Galaxy was more restrictive than 64 and DEFINITELY more restrictive than Sunshine, but still gave me a modicum of control, which allowed me to more quickly and more freely judge distance by virtue of change in angle. 3D Land fixed this problem by having, well, 3D. It's still to this day my go-to example of a 3D screen actually enhancing my gaming experience. (VR notwithstanding.) 3D World... keeps the strict camera angles, but without the advantage of the 3D screen. Sure you can change the camera angle by, what, 15 degree increments or something in either direction, but it's not enough.
  12. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    NSMBU and Luigi are both v good. Too bad the NSMB series is the most visually boring Mario style of all time.
  13. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Yeah that's the number one problem with 3D World, really. It's so much harder to judge distances than it should be. And it doesn't even make the game hard, just tedious trial and error.
  14. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    3D World can be directly traced back to Super Mario Bros. 3. AKA the inferior Super Mario World.
  15. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Galaxy is like being on ecstasy it's so good. I've never been on ecstasy.
  16. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Rolling that ball was so fun. :3 Champion's Road was the only level that provided even a modicum of challenge! Sunshine is the second best 3D Mario game.
  17. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    you poor confused child ):
  18. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    Galaxy is the best Mario game ever made. 3D World is far less creative and interesting. Also: it's way too easy. D:
  19. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    I've also been on sort of a Wii U rampage lately, haha. In the past couple months I've played to my personal satisfaction: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, and Super Mario 3D World. My thoughts on DKC:TF are basically: I loved playing through each level on an individual basis. It's even better than the first Returns. But, much like its predecessor, I do not care to do all the collectible junk. For that reason, I probably won't ever play the secret world levels. Maybe I'll go back to it some day and slowly collect all the stuff I need, but I don't really enjoy that all that much. Ehhh. So tedious, and not very challenging or rewarding. It's my fault for being good at platformers I guess? :humblebrag: Bayonetta 1 and 2: 2 is better, though that may be because I got used to the gameplay. Character action games are... not a genre I'm good at. I was very very frustrated with the first game, until I managed to buy enough health upgrades that it wasn't as big an issue. Second game, I found much easier, and thus much more enjoyable. (Note: I did stubbornly play on Normal, because apparently playing on Easy, they just auto-do combos for you?? I didn't want that much help.) Wonderful 101 is a bad game with good ideas. Way too much forced gamepad usage. Way too long. I wanted it to be better than it actually was. 3D World: honestly it's my least favorite of 3D Mario games. The fixed camera drove me nuts sometimes, in ways that 3D Land never did. Still a great game, but after watching that Odyssey trailer, I'm just way too preoccupied!! I did beat everything though. Including Champion's Road! I bought Xenoblade Chronicles (the digital Wii version) so that, if I like it, I can play X, and if I like that, I can play 2 when it comes out. I know it's not a Wii U game, but hey whatever. So far I like it well enough, but I'm very very early. Who knows how I'll feel once the game actually opens up. I do need to get Rainbow Curse. Still not sure if I want to get Yoshi's Wooly World on Wii U or 3DS. Poochy! ): Annnnd Tokyo Mirage Sessions. I think that's all I really have left.
  20. The Witness by Jonathan Blow

    Ooooh I'm looking forward to listening to this! Thanks for pointing it out.