
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Sully907

  1. Shattered Memories is so great, i would have loved to see more Silent Hill games in that vein.
    Yea I picked it up on a whim, because I hadn't been playing much on my Wii, and I'm not even a Silent hill fan or anything, and I was really impressed with the whole experience. Scary, heartwarming, with great visuals and controls. Definitely one of the best Wii games I've played to date.

  2. So any word if Sony is going reimburse developers in any way for their service being down for a month? After all, part of the importance of the PSN store was to provide demos, trailers, and other various promotional crap for the games that are playable on their system, not to mention the downloadable games that have been completely unavailable.

    I suppose that all depends on the contracts they have written out with the different publishers. Regardless, Sony is definitely going to have some legal and civil troubles, as well as lost good will from publishers from this for a long time.

  3. Finished the coop last night with a friend and really enjoyed it. Some of the later puzzles are fiendishly creative, and having that AHA! moment with two people makes it that much more fun. Also, feeling like less of an idiot when BOTH of you don't see an obvious solution to the puzzles lol

  4. I think you might be over reacted just a tad toblik. These aren't constant updates and changes to the single player. This is one big update happening a month or two from now.

  5. I didn't know how he would fit in, but Patrick Klepek is really good as a new guest on the Giant Bombcast. Shame not to hear Vinny this week though, apparently he has some serious eye disease?!

  6. Time to see Rush for the second time in my life today so I'm off to Helsinki.

    Come on Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart! Rock on!

    I saw Rush one time when they came to Detroit in like 05. I'm not a huge music nut or a rush fan in general, but it was a hell of a show. I remember the drummer telling the audience to drink our milk, or he was going to kill us lol!

  7. Illeria, a good buddy of mine just picked up the game so I actually think I'm going to do the coop with him instead. Sorry man. JUst wanted to give you a heads up though so you don't wait on me.

  8. While I agree with you here, what about how Sony removed the option of installing Linux? For many people, that was a major factor in buying the console in the first place. Should people be allowed circumvent the restriction placed in order to access the function they were promised upon purchase?
    I want to know who these people are, that would buy a 500 dollar device, to try to run linux, with what is it, 256 megs of ram? What exactly are they doing on this that has any legitimatacy?

  9. I don't get the point you are making. so, it is ok for product manufacturer to apply arbitrary limits on the product you bought after you bought it? It's ok for the manufacturer to remove features of a product you bought after you bought it?

    I believe in the right to tinker.

    No, I wouldn't pay $1000 for a PS3. It's simply not worth that much money. But when I buy a product I do expect that I can do anything with that product I want to. Sure. I'd lose things like warranty when I break the seal.

    It's for damn sure ok for the manufacturer to set limits on the device if you want to use their online infrastructure. It's not ok for you to run software to cheat achievements(something even microsoft cracks down on) and It's DEFINITELY not ok for you to have jailbroken software on the PSN, where my personal game experience can be affected by cheaters and griefers, all for the sake of freedom.

  10. I'm with Jake in that I wish there were advanced puzzles in Portal 2. They were very underrated in the first game. They were in the same environments, but the solutions were so different is was essentially completely new puzzles, and it added a lot of replay value to the game. I do prefer the more traditional, slow burn, "Eureka!" moment puzzles to the ones requiring a lot of fast clicking mid air though, so I hope the DLC they announced is more of the former.

  11. Ah, I guess that makes sense. That eases my mind a little bit to at least give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

    On the offer, am I correct in thinking that any content you get for free with a Plus account is not yours to keep? As far as the hopefulness of a free PSN game, I'm already foaming at the mouth! I want Stacking!!!

    I think you lose access to any games you've downloaded while on the service, but any content you actually purchase with discounts is yours even if the subscription lapses. If they give us stacking, you could always play it and beat it in the month before the free sub lapses.

  12. Im looking for a coop partner to play with (my friend bailed on me). Anyone interested?

    I'm looking for someone to do the coop play with as well. Just finished the campaign the other night. I'm in Central time(texas) I'm not sure what part of Canada you're in, but I'm free Sunday Night, and all of tuesday and wednesday if you want to go for a marathon session. My Steam ID is Sully907 as well. Send me a friends invite and we'll figure it out