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Everything posted by Rueler

  1. What you were saying made me think of how deaf people react to a cochlear implant put in their ear. Obviously it's probably a much more alien experience than playing your first video game, though.
  2. The Wire

    The Wire is a show that I REALLY need to watch.
  3. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    you really need to also get Funeral.
  4. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Oh, shit. There's a new Arcade Fire album out. biQkxCf0tT0
  5. Starcraft 2

    yeah, i used my real first name...I suppose it's not the worst thing I could have done. a person who has spent the last 2 weeks furiously trying to bea the first StarCraft for the first time, only to kinda make it through the Terran campaign, I love the changes this game makes with the medic units and how units can actually walk PAST other units now. I also really likes how the manual caught me up on the story.
  6. When I was young, I never really sought out ways to play games. Being 18 right now, I grew up in the 90s. I dont really remember what kind of computer we had when I was little, but there is this one game we had on our PC that was some dumb game that I can't remember the name of, where I had to nail shingles onto a roof, and if I got the timing off, the character would accidentally hit his thumb and he would get hurt. This was when I was around 2 years old. I think. After that, there were many years where I didn't really own any games. I remember going to my friend's house a lot and playing his SNES (which I only knew of as the thing with the fun Ninja Turtles game. I can't really remember which came first, but at around 9 years old, we got a Nintendo 64, and I also got a Gameboy Color. I used to play Pokemon Blue for hours on end, and I must have beat it more times than I can remember. On the N64, the one game that really stands out as taking most of my system playtime was Ocarina of Time. When I first played it, I guess I was still young enough to not get how to proceed past the starting area, so I used to just run around and find rupees. At some point, I finally understood how to play it, and my friend and I would spend countless hours trying to figure out how to get through the various temples (FUCK the Water Temple!). As I was growing up, we never really had a computer that was good enough to play new games. Well, actually I was able to play Need For Speed Underground when it first came out, but after that, new games quickly outgrew our bad PC. I played a fair amount of Age of Empires 2, Starcraft, and Warcraft 3. So yeah, up until about 6 years ago when I got my DS when it first came out, I had been a kind of behind-the-times gamer. My family got a gamecube right around when the Xbox 360 was coming out, and I got a 360 a couple of years ago. Around that time was when I first started to really keep track of the gaming industry and know about new games that were coming out. Until about a month ago when I got my Macbook Pro, PC gaming has always been this sort of forbidden fruit for me. Now that I can actually run current PC games, I'm so happy because I can finally access all of these games that I heard about through podcasts and such over the years but never really got to play. I just put Windows 7 on bootcamp on my Macbook, so I can play all of those awesome games I bought during that most recent Steam sale (Hell yeah, THQ pack!). Not that Steam for Mac isn't out now, but I find that games still run better on Windows.
  7. Books, books, books...

    Is it purely coincidental that both are Kubrick movies?
  8. Summer Steam Sale

    I just bought Killing Floor for $5. Do any of you still play it?
  9. Other podcasts

    And anyways, Shane is totally on the newest one!
  10. Movie/TV recommendations

    Dudes. Futurama. Netflix Instant. What else do I need to say?
  11. Summer Steam Sale

    I'm pretty sure he meant that Torchlight was a better game than Titan Quest. I think... Also, how system intensive is Metro 2033? I got the THQ pack, and just wondering what my Macbook Pro can handle.
  12. Portal 2

    I'm almost positive that they have said it will be a full on-its-own release (in the U.S., it will probably cost $60 on consoles, etc.)
  13. Road Trip

    haha, so is the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on the same level of being known as the Grand Canyon by people living outside of the United States?
  14. Child of Eden

    I'm happy that at least a game like this is being made that isn't just some gimmicky Wii Sports ripoff
  15. Other podcasts

    If you like the production of A Life Well Wasted, you should check out This American Life (unless you only care about video game-related topics). Anybody who likes movies should listen to Behind The Screened Door, a podcast from, which is the newest Whiskey Media site (Giant Bomb).
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    I finally saw One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, with a young Jack Nicholson. I definitely can't believe I waited this long to watch it; easily recommended. It is a very sad movie though. I also watched The Machinist, a kind of psychological thriller starring Christian Bale. Apparently Bale lost a LOT of weight for this movie, because he was SCARILY thin. I definitely liked it also. Both movies are on Netflix instant.
  17. Red Dead Redemption

    Yeah, one time when I was riding into town to deliver a bounty, my horse just up and died, so I fell off and flopped around for a second.
  18. Red Dead Redemption

    I was riding aimlessly, when I saw a guy get off his horse and start running. I followed him, and after a few seconds he stopped, and I saw him unzip, and start pissing! I just kind of stood there and stared at him, and then he just walked back to his horse and rode away. It was a very surreal experience.
  19. Red Dead Redemption

    Possible spoilers: There was a Stranger Mission that I was doing where one of the things I had to do was convince a woman to come back to her husband. So, I went over to her, and after she could not be convinced, I decided to try to hogtie her and bring her back, which actually worked! This is maybe the funniest thing I've ever done in a game. The only unfortunate thing is that her husband didn't react to the fact that I had her tied up, so the cutscene just played like normal. After the cutscene, I saw that she was still on the ground all tied up, so I cut her free and she just ran away.
  20. Red Dead Redemption

    Do you guys go out of your way to hogtie and bring bad dudes in, or do you just shoot them?
  21. Backlog Busters

    Why don't you go from oldest to newest? Start with Monkey Island. I believe that MGS4 would be next, etc.
  22. E3 2010

    They actually announced that they were working on a new Zelda for Wii, last year. It seems like a pretty good bet that we'll see it.
  23. E3 2010

    Yeah, E3 generated a shitload of buzz last year. I believe that was where we first saw Natal and PS Move, PSP GO, Splintercell: Conviction's current form, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, etc.
  24. Alan Wake

    This is definitely going to be a game I buy in a few months, seeing as Red Dead Redemption comes out on the SAME DAY. I'm just way more excited for Red Dead that Alan Wake.
  25. Fallout 3
