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About MostlyImprov

  • Rank
    Thumb Tourist

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  • Favorite Games
    Bioshock, Half Life 2, Civilization 4
  1. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello, Internet dwellers and others, I've been listening to the podcast since the second episode was released (give or take) but never really got around to checking out the community. And now.... I'm here! I've been a console gamer for most of my life, but have more recently moved over to the PC as my central platform. Recently I've been playing such things as Torchlight, Civilization 4, and a little MW2 here and there. I've also taken up the slightly nerdier pursuits of D&D and Warhammer 40k in the past year or so. Looking forward to a bright Idle Future! Thanks, MostlyImprov
  2. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Aaand, apparently I can't edit that post right now, after inadvertently hitting the "submit" button rather than the "preview" button. Great first impression, huh? Anyway, that image amuses me greatly. If possible the above will be edited, and any comments related to this mishap will be completely nonsensical in future! Hmm... I've got a stack of wizard-related material to go through and document. Perhaps I will showcase that here at some point.
  3. Wizaaaaaards!!

    This image: Has been around on Nedroid