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Posts posted by Coods

  1. Messed around a bit on my own after the thumbs game. I don't think I'm a fan of the Vanu, their guns are weak and I seem to lose every one on one situation I'd find myself in. New Conglomerate seem to be a bit more my style. Even so, the game being so broad makes it feel like it doesn't really have any focus. Even going into a big firefight, there seems to be a lack of direction in the level design to help the player on the right path.

    I usually consider this the same type of thing I feel in DayZ, where there really isn't any "goal" even if you've acquired enough to sustain and defend yourself. Really the difficulty is ramped up so high in DayZ that the player can easily make goals like going to an airfield or something. Planetside 2 has a pretty steep learning curve but I think it becomes much of the same thing if you have a full comprehension of weapons/vehicles/capture points. For example, making it your squad's mission to shut down the generator so tanks can roll through, or placing a sunderer inconspicuously under a bridge to help the entire faction move forward are really focused things you can task yourself with doing even though there's nobody telling you to do so.

  2. Finished the series last night, and just wow.

    I really loved the conversation with the Stranger, who essentially puts all the terrible decisions you've made back in your face, but I'm sad that the station wagon decision didnt actually effect anything. I was really excited when he brought it up so I could explain I didn't do it. Also since I forfeited the chance for Clementine to look like Kangaroo Jack, I was hoping to find some sort of consolation.

    On the after-credits scene,

    For some reason, the first thing I thought of when I saw the 2 figures over the hill, I hoped they were zombies, so the camera could zoom in on Clementine's eyes suddenly squint angrily, and then hear the sound of her gun cocking as she prepared to kick ass.

    EDIT: Also, I'm sad that my last words to Clem cant be "happy birthday" or apologizing about that.

  3. Is it just me, or does the matchmaking queue end up taking a good 10 minutes every time I play? It's the one thing that prevents me from just playing Dota, as opposed to whenever I wanted to play HoN there were always dudes there. I understand the we're still in beta, but its frustrating.

    Also I really want a concede button, because the fruit of those 10 minute wait times is just me getting owned in the butt.

  4. I've still yet to finish the book, but I enjoyed the cast, which continued the trend of Chris doing impressions of weird accents. I'm assuming Gatsby will be no different.

    I agree with Chris on the unconventional execution of dialogue with no quotes at all, because the effect it generates is that the voice of Wiggins as a narrator and the voice of these characters weave in and out like silk. There's this awesome passage on page 85 of the paperback (right after Opal helps him escape from that other chick) where it talks about Flash's infatuation with the idea of Fos and Opal being together, jumps into Flash's head, jumps out and immediately switches to Opal's perspective. The overall flow of the book is remarkable.

  5. The best part of the novel for me occurs after Gatsby's death, where Nick is on a search for people to attend the funeral. I feel the first time you really understand Gatsby is when you realize how divorced from anyone else in the world he actually was. The part where Nick feels like it was him and Gatsby against the world makes me think that Nick's "loss of tolerance" didn't refer as much to Tom, Daisy or Jordan as much as it did to Gatsby, and the fact that Nick thought he was a good man.

    Excited to have a classic on the podcast. Hopefully someone gets around to making a good Catcher in the Rye movie so we can do that.