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Everything posted by Coods

  1. The funny thing is that now I only see a staccato number one in place of an i.
  2. The Walking Dead

    Finished the series last night, and just wow.
  3. Has anyone ever received a random Dota 2 copy for gifting? And if so, has anyone ever received six of them!?
  4. This is hopefully the beginning of the long anticipated Idle Thumbs Phaedrus ARG, as the icons on the bottom of the front page will continue to link to things, resulting in the beginning of a second (third?) countdown to tears.
  5. Speaking of oversaturation, and I dont know if this is a legitimate thing, but this movie has a surprising amount of... color. After watching the trailer i realized I imagined this being more washed out, similar to The Master.
  6. Anyone Remember?

    Love the guy on that workshop page who's yelling about the homebarrel destroying all of skyrim.
  7. Anyone Remember?

    I'm pretty sure this was never discussed on the cast, but I've always wondered: what image does Jake's twitter icon come from? I know Chris (maybe nick?) also used to have his twitter icon in the same style, and I've always wanted to see the whole thing.
  8. I legitimately read "Goon Squad" at the top of that exchange.
  9. Yeah, everything's on except Captain's mode. I only have US east/west and Europe West as the regions though, i dunno if that's really important. I mean I get accepted into games in like 3 minutes yeah, but it takes 3 or so tries for all 10 people to connect. it's always like 5/10 or 9/10 and then puts me back in queue.
  10. Is it just me, or does the matchmaking queue end up taking a good 10 minutes every time I play? It's the one thing that prevents me from just playing Dota, as opposed to whenever I wanted to play HoN there were always dudes there. I understand the we're still in beta, but its frustrating. Also I really want a concede button, because the fruit of those 10 minute wait times is just me getting owned in the butt.
  11. I've still yet to finish the book, but I enjoyed the cast, which continued the trend of Chris doing impressions of weird accents. I'm assuming Gatsby will be no different. I agree with Chris on the unconventional execution of dialogue with no quotes at all, because the effect it generates is that the voice of Wiggins as a narrator and the voice of these characters weave in and out like silk. There's this awesome passage on page 85 of the paperback (right after Opal helps him escape from that other chick) where it talks about Flash's infatuation with the idea of Fos and Opal being together, jumps into Flash's head, jumps out and immediately switches to Opal's perspective. The overall flow of the book is remarkable.
  12. Thanks for hosting the server, Doug. There's some pretty great stuff in this epoch.
  13. Planetside 2

    I absolutely love Planetside and am currently playing with the Reddit planetside outfit. An idle thumbs team would be incredible, considering there's so much crazy shit that you can do in this game.
  14. Excited to have a classic on the podcast. Hopefully someone gets around to making a good Catcher in the Rye movie so we can do that.
  15. Far Cry 2

    Setting a tree next to your safe house on fire, going to bed, and watching the tree burn in a time-lapse is pretty much the best thing ever.
  16. doug already suggested it, and it was promptly installed.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    I'm growing more interested in the live-record Les Mis:
  18. I am part of the new wave of Lord Managers. The invite came in while I was listening to the new episode, so I saw the Dota 2 letter in the email while "video games" was being chanted in the background. I'm excited.
  19. Hmm. The dam is starting to remind me of something, but I cant put my finger on what....
  20. New website!

    Is the backend of thumblord tricked out with style and running jokes? I'd love to see a screenshot.
  21. OOOOOh, it's a hotel. Some dude said it reminded him of his college library.
  22. I tried going deep into near-bedrock to mine for some redstone, diamond, etc. Turns out I suck at doing that. I died twice, all my shit fell into lava pits and I left with less than I went in with. I lost 120 diamond ingots, my weapons, tools, and the 40-50 redstone that I managed to get is all gone.
  23. The first layer of the dam is done: The road leading up to the dam from the North Gate is also completely done, plus a sweet bridge.
  24. New website!

    Rad. ALSO: is the blog staying the same as the old "site", or will it get more bloggy since the main site has all the stuff on it?