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Posts posted by tm_drummer

  1. I'm guessing everybody here saw the Dead Island trailer by now (if you haven't, go watch it right now, almost shed a tear, say to yourself how you've almost never seen a trailer that good, then say it out loud to someone who doesn't care and then to someone who actually cares...wait...what was I saying?)

    So, I just saw this and died laughing at several points....Of course, I'm talking about Toby Turner's Literal Dead Island (music) trailer


  2. Cool! I hope Joe Pinney completes this awesome duo, everything he directed or designed so far has been awesome.

    Also, if Pinney joined, it would be a trio, wouldn't it? Seeing that Jake and Famous are already in (very cool! :tup::tup:), thus making a duo.

    Still haven't seen the Walking Dead show, I'd like to though.

    Yep, me too. Everyone's (still) talking about it.

  3. Dead Space is now complete. The first one, which I went back to because everybody is currently talking about the sequel and I realized I should go back and finish it. It was pretty good, though it never really got to me the way it wanted to. I was able to call pretty much every plot point along the way and any time a dude popped out of a vent, I was usually already aiming at it. I came close to dying quite a few times near the end, but was alway able to pop open my inventory and chug a health pack in time. They obfuscate what happened at the end pretty well, to the point where I don't think I have any idea what happened. Unfortunately, I don't particularly care that much either. At any rate, it was fun to blow the limbs off things (strategically!) for a while and I had fun while it lasted. The boss was suitably impressive as well, but after beating it the realization that it never even fucking hit me was a downer.

    Oh, and for the record, I played the game on Normal, as per my 2010 new year's resolution of not playing things on easy any more. It's worked out pretty well for me, as the past year in this thread can attest to. I think it's actually helping me beat more games, as I don't get tired of the mechanics because the game keeps challenging me now. For those that burn out on games about halfway through on a regular basis, food for thought.

    Yeah, I, too, fell behind on Dead Space 1 and 2 so after I've finished with Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, I shall be continuing with the first Dead Space. I've already seen through the first half of the game and, as you said, although I could call pretty much every plot point (so far), it still is really a fun game...and I quite like the game mechanics. So I'm looking forward to Dead Space 2 even more, seeing that the mechanics are greatly improved and even more detailed.

  4. Demolition Man.

    What the...? This movie was on TV here in Croatia tonight and you watched it yesterday. Interesting! What is even more interesting is the fact that this actually already happened here on the forums with several other movies. :tup: Telepathy much?

  5. This one is not even trying.

    Yep. The best (WORST) thing is: I woke up this morning, got out of bed and instantly sat at the computer, opened this forum page (cuz I got a mail notification of a new post in this thread) and, without thinking or knowing what I'm doing, instinctively clicked the first took me a moment to realize what I had just actually clicked.

    I need to stop sitting down at the computer the second I wake up. :shifty: