
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by njoos

  1. If you keep looking that hard for strangeness it will be the end of your sanity by the end of season one.
  2. Programming in General

    Looks like shit
  3. No, watch them on original betamax on an old tv.
  4. Is it actually terrible? plz anyone confirm, it looks cool
  5. cant watch books on netflix, also none of the books in the book club where interesting (to me), twin peaks is both interesting and nutty as heck
  6. No more touch interface on desktop/laptop. You can get to the touch stuff if you want to, but it is easy to avoid. Here is a short video I don't think this is true.
  7. DOTA 2

    I lost a game yesterday because I didn't realize I was playing HoN and got fucked by that top right dire side ward. I like 6.82b, had some really cool even games. Fountain camping seems to be out.
  8. Ello.co

    May I have a code please?
  9. DOTA 2

    They toned the gold gain back now, XP is still huge. I think it is a lot better.
  10. I fit in this as well. I have some more advanced math though, but I have only ever taken math in the context of programming. var x = (-b + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(b, 2) - 4*a*c)) / (2*a); Is a lot faster to type than mathematical symbols for any programmer I would argue. I wouldn't say my example is any less readable than yours either.
  11. DOTA 2

    Shadow fiend is one of my favorite heroes. Very strong if someone rotates mid to help him get a kill (very weak if someone does the same though, so he needs some good protective wards). Glass cannon early on. Re micro heroes. Just tab through your units, and use control groups. Using 3 units is hardly micro I would say. Also ancients doesnt have any activated abilities. Rush aghanims on chen to get easy mode.
  12. DOTA 2

    http://www.datdota.com/blog/?p=28 tldr; Dire kills Roshan 70% of the time in pro games. Radiant has a 52.5% win percentage. Hard to predict how it will change now.
  13. DOTA 2

    Yep. Luckily there is both ESL and Starladder LANs after this patch.
  14. DOTA 2

    http://m.imgur.com/a/JS7mW# Here are the major map changes
  15. DOTA 2

    http://www.dota2.com/rekindlingsoul Patch notes. Some really big changes.
  16. DOTA 2

    I really like the FV model. Slardar so good hero, but such low poly.
  17. DOTA 2

    6.82 teaser up on the official site. In before vacuum nerf and necrophos +1 base armor.
  18. DOTA 2

    Fear was always the puppetmaster.
  19. DOTA 2

    Maybe most have seen this but it is still good to watch again.
  20. Shaving My Thumbs

    Blood, pain, suffering?
  21. DOTA 2

    Yeah. Ability draft is just dumb, all is decided in picking (which takes fucking ages).
  22. DOTA 2

    Yes. Game modes. All Random Death Match* is so fun. Holy shit. It is the dumbest shit ever, but still has some meta game and thought to it. * When you die, you get a new random hero. Items and levels are kept. Your skill points are refunded.
  23. DOTA 2

    A very awesome game. El classico indeed.
  24. DOTA 2

    I assume the enemy team isn't counter warding. Placing them on the eyes on the map is probably fine for now. Don't get murdered when placing wards. Place it before the old ward runs out so you still have vision. There are different kind of wards, here is a very brief overview: Lane wards: Placed in a lane (duh) to get vision of your opponent. Place it towards the enemy tower so you can see what your lane opponent is doing. Being able to see your enemy at mid when he is on his high ground when creeps are in the river is very useful. Must have if you are up against a pudge. Useful if you are invoker so you can do your bullshit from a safe distance. Kind of situational in the side lanes, but you see it sometimes in pro matches and high brackets. Rune wards: Gives vision of runes and lane rotations coming through the river Jungle wards: Gives vision of the jungle without blocking camps. Use these if they have a jungler and you want to kill him (or prevent him from ganking your lanes). Also useful late game to see their movement or gank a solo farming carry. Creep Blocking wards: Blocks creeps from spawning to deny the enemy from farming the jungle effectively (you can also do this on ancients to prevent cheesy shit like beast master and tinker ancients) Push wards: Place them behind the enemy tower that you want to push down so you can see the enemy teleporting in. Extremely useful if you are pushing and they have some very strong counter initialize hero like Treant or Tidehunter.
  25. DOTA 2

    Also: Always carry a teleportation scroll, always. Even on natures prophet.