
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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About huntersq

  • Rank
    Thumb Tourist


  • Location
    Hong Kong
  • Interests
  • Favorite Games
    Grim Fandango
  1. Sleeping Dogs

    I am really weirded out by this game. I am born in Hong Kong, raised in Canada, and now back working in Hong Kong. So playing a game that is actually set in Hong Kong and hearing common Cantonese swearwords mixed with English dialogue is making me wince every minute I play this game. Don't get me wrong, this is a very good game and I can tell that the game designers went through a lot to create an authentic atmosphere and had successfully done so. But to me, this game has reached a level of uncanny valley similar to how people would react to those Japanese androids. Am I the only one who feels this way? I had no problem playing Stranglehold and had a blast playing as Chow Yun Fat, but there is something to this game where it feels... off. I just can't put a finger on it. I suppose this is how Americans would feel when Japanese game makers try to make games set in an America city, or would you be weirded out no matter which developer made it? Anyone feel weird playing Driver: San Francisco while they actually live in San Francisco?
  2. To me, Civ 4 will always be better version because of Leonard Nimoy and the theme of Baba Vetu. Those 2 elements added so much more to the atmosphere and mood of game that is irreplaceable and insurmountable. No amount of enhancements to the gameplay from Civ 5 could convince me otherwise (although the hex grid came close), and the nagging thought that "something is missing" will always be there whenever I play Civ 5. As for the simulation of sports, I remember playing EA's MLB games in the 90s and it would simulate a brawl if I pitched at the batter too many times. I remember purposely pitching at batters who had hit a home run on me in past innings, which would start a brawl and the dug outs are emptied. Imaginary rivalries between me and these teams will start, and I will make a note whenever I play them on my simulated schedule. MLB games now doesn't have this brawl feature anymore, which made me realize that old 90s sports Video games actually did sports simulation better than current ones.
  3. Diablo III BattleTags

    Huntersq#1269 a lvl 22 witch doctor seeking barbarians, monks, demon hunters, or THE WIZZZAAAARRRRRD
  4. So, how is everyone?

    So now, instead of saying Congrats Nick, we should say FUCK Windows 7 for delaying our Idle Thumbs fix?
  5. New PC: suggest me awesome games!

    Batman AA COD MW2 The Void Dragon Age Fallout 3 Tropico 3 Majesty 2 Some of these are multiplatform, but I prefer keyboard and mouse for all these games
  6. So, how is everyone?

    I just had a brain fart and felt compelled to sign upon the forums and share. I was checking out upcoming games for 2010 when I noticed that Supreme Commander 2, Dawn of War 2 Expansion, and C&C 4 will all be coming out in March. I thought to myself: "Wow, so many RTS's coming out in that month, I wonder if Starcraft 2 would come out that month as well?" Then, my subconscious linked how playing RTSes would normally be interpreted as getting raped in the Idle Thumbs podcasts, Jake's voice suddenly popped into my head and said: "Why? so you'll get raped 4 times in a month?" Then Chris's voice budded in and said "March 2010! A 4-way rape fest!" I am somewhat freaked out by this...It's been 2 months, and I'm still going through Idlethumbs withdraw. help~ p.s. Notice that Nick wasn't part of the conversation cuz...well...f*ck nick!