
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by strangelingo

  1. I've been listening to a lot of Hardcore History, just worked my way through the Ghosts of the Ostfront series. Dan Carlin really is awesome.

    Considering production vaule and effort his history podcasts are quite good but the way he narrates his shows really annoys me, with all those lame attempts at making listener 'ooooh' and 'aaaah', as seen is Ghosts of Ostfront. Sometimes he can really convey some emotion with what he says way too often he ends up being just annoying.

    Somehow the way he narrates that Ostfront story reminds me (a little) of that youtube video full of Caruso's one-liners.

    (Even show's name is a good evidence of that. It's not just history. Only dumb people are interested in it. It's HARDCOEEEEER history.)

    But generally, I really like what he has to say as soon as I get used to the way he talks.

  2. (Unrelated, but the whole overseas relationship thing reminded me to ask:)

    How come people who post here come from all sides of the world? On every other gaming-related forum I've used to post there was a majority of Americans + couple of Brits, while here it's more like Europeans galore + few guys from San Francisco ;]

    (Which is another thing I really dig about this place because I hate that generally Web is very American-cenric, plus, I am an European myself)

  3. Things like Paolini freak me out. It's like something bad happened to the world about time when first Harry Potter got released and a parallel universe was created where things like Eragons, Browns and Twilights can occupy bestseller lists, sitting next to *actual books*. Gaaah.


  4. Oh my god, there's a Moon People 2.


    Oh man, I'm so tempted to buy this and hold on to it until one of our English professors retires so I can use it as a present.

    Oh my, I've just found an interview with that guy.

    I apologize for the mistakes in my books. There was a misunderstanding between my publisher and I and I was also having major computer problems and doing to many things at once. I was helping my country with our major problems in 2007, 2008, 2009 and I was writing my books at the same time. This was also the first time I have ever published anything and I was mainly counting on my publisher to see me through the right way. I am currently working with Xlibris to fix the problem.

  5. I got 15/20 on my recent economics exam. I'm not particularly happy with the mark (75%? Would you buy a game with that average score on full price?). But I wanted to show you guys where three marks went. This question is worth 8 marks (though the prof's decided she doesn't want anyone getting a full mark on it, so I guess the total is 7). I lost 3. I want you to try and solve it. I have copied it exactly, down to the caps.

    Sometimes I wonder if this is why adventure games appeal so much to me.

    Next time bring Moon People with you and try to copy down few first paragraphs as your answer. It may appeal to your prof.


  6. Probably at least an hour spread over my day at work. Whenever I feel like taking a break I play for a couple minutes. That happens a lot :hah:

    Ah. So, I need to find a proper work in order to be able to catch up with you ;]

  7. Did you ever come back to a checkpoint and find it still empty? Because that just didn't happen in my version.

    Yep, definitely. I remember checking that few times during my first playthrough on PC.


  8. Man, I still hate those respawning checkpoints. Even if I think they are generally justified and/or fit with the rest of the game, the particular implementation/respawn rate is ridiculous. Clearing a checkpoint, then driving 400-500 meters in one direction, then returning and finding it fully staffed again and the enemies on their patrols/positions after just a minute is passed... not cool.

    On 360 or PC? One of main reasons why, unlike many other, I didn't have anything against checkpoints in FC2 was that I've thought respawn rate to be really well-balanced. Makes me wonder: was it difference between game versions (I've played on PC) or is it just my preference.

  9. Drop7 is the most played game on my phone, without question. Can't get more than about 425K on hardcore though. Usually it's around 280, occasionally 350-odd.

    Ha! I've just made it to 550k this weekend!

  10. I like that you're confusing "a fuck" out of them. As though you just keep on confusing them more and more until finally they feel like they need to go have a smoke.

    English isn't my native language so I feel an urge to make such phrasals up ;]

  11. That would be a boring fuck of a game.

    M'kay. Hemigway + random zombie spawns.

    edit: After making that post about Old Man and the Sea, (which was first most un-gamey piece of prose that came to my mind) I actually explored this thought a little and imagined some parallel universe where some big company goes for it and makes 20-million-dollar, twelve-hour long game where you get to kill one fish, just to confuse a fuck out of all IGNdotcoms out there.

  12. This game is really good, but I suspect it'll last only for a short while.

    I think that all Anno games are like that. This summer, right before 1404 came out, I've had four-day marathon of previous installment in the series, Anno 1701 and it was enough to get fed up with it and not play it since. It's mechanics provide a good sense of progression but they don't really allow too much replayability in terms of offering you new challenges. It's more of Sim City than Age of Empires, methinks.

    But hey, you've just made me reinstall it ;]