Salacious Snake

Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Salacious Snake

  1. Episode 297: Frozen Cortex

    I feel like it might be worthwhile to drop a link in here to the thread wherein matches are being made: I don't often evangelize for games, but more people should be playing Frozen Cortex. It's like a hyper-concentrated drama machine. Just now I checked in on my game with sclpls, and realized I'm about to go from leading the game to losing utterly in a single turn, and there's nothing I can do about it. There's something unique about the tension that WEGO-style games can create, and I love this distilled form of it so much. I don't have the time or energy to get into a multiplayer match of Combat Mission, but I can juggle a few games of Cortex and get all the drama without the fuss. I could have already said that about Synapse, but this supersedes it for me.
  2. Photos of things

    As an exercise to learn my way around Lightroom, I tried to recreate the effects of an Instagram filter (Nashville) using split toning and the tone curve. I ended up happy with the result, even though it's not quite right.
  3. Wizard Jam - Idle Thumbs Game Jam Interest Gauge / Chit Chat corner

    I'm down. I've wanted to make a twine game for ages, but I've never quite gotten motivated enough to try it. Peer pressure should help! Maybe I'll make some annoying music to go along with it.
  4. Titanfall

    I'm excited to go back, I had so much fun with this game, particularly in ctf.
  5. Idle Thumbs 201: Adults Only

    This is a great observation, RubixsQube. I now realize that one of the biggest reasons I stopped listening to the Giant Bombcast is that it's full of people shutting each other down. It's really unpleasant to witness; I always feel bad for whoever Jeff is dumping on. Uh, not to name names or anything.
  6. Twitter :)

    I've kinda gotten back into twitter after forgetting about if for a while. Follow for electrifying animal pictures and games talk. (I was listed earlier in the thread, but my name here keeps changing.) I'm following a lot of you people!
  7. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hi newcomers, enjoy these marios I found yesterday Keep clickin' through for a really big version.
  8. Frozen Cortex

    The youtube upload thing is still buggy, but I like the full match replays. Fun game, BusbyBerkely! We both let some total horseshit slip past us, so I think we're a good match! I'm going to challenge you again. edit: It's a little weird that our forum names are so similar (Busby and Bubsy) and our Cortex names both involve crotch sanitation products.
  9. Wizaaaaaards!!

    this was one of the first pictures I took with instagram. Thought maybe it belonged here when I stumbled across it just now
  10. Idle Thumbs 199: Bogost in the Shell

    That Gex backstory is fuckin’ bananas. Just to help the unfamiliar feel the full Gex flavor, I’d like to point out that the game was originally on the 3DO before it was ported anywhere else (alongside a few other Crystal Dynamics joints), and that the sarcastic, hip mascot reptile was voiced by comic Dana Gould. This is what the CD-ROM format wrought. A totally irrelevant thing, but Chris was thinking of Body Harvest when Blast Corps first came up. I only bring it up because Edge had a cool making-of article about it a couple of years ago that I’d recommend reading. It was an interesting game that was a direct precursor to GTA III in many ways. I’d link to the online version, but apparently Edge doesn’t have a website anymore. Thanks to the discussion of Darkest Dungeon and the failure spiral that damage and insanity can cause, I’d like to recommend a series of board games to anyone who enjoys that sort of thing. The designer Dan Verssen makes a family of solitaire wargames referred to as the Leader series (, which will scratch that itch in a major way. In Phantom Leader, you coordinate air missions over Vietnam, and a large part of the game is managing the stress levels of your pilots. Coming under fire freaks them out, and this will screw you over time, necessitating R&R to let them cool off, which comes at a huge cost (you lose precious turns that would otherwise be spent flying missions). This is combined with a plummeting number representing the deteriorating political situation (which will plummet faster if you use napalm), and this inevitably leads to your hands being tied in terms of the kinds of missions you may undertake. The pressure builds and builds, and your options become narrower as the game progresses. It’s crazy. Thunderbolt/Apache Leader doesn’t feature politics in the same way, but it does have a somewhat detailed damage model that carries between missions, and taking a plane out to repair it is a big enough deal that you probably will send them back into battle with damage. This ties directly back into the stress system: a pilot will immediately gain stress when getting into a plane that has bullet holes in it. Stress reduces performance, and eventually makes pilots unfit for service. Hornet Leader: Carrier Air Operations has an optional expansion called The Cthulhu Conflict, which adds what you’d expect. When your pilots are flying missions against monsters, they have to deal with insanity, which actually grants them experience (making them more effective), but inexorably progresses to becoming unfit. It’s kind of a take on the mythos lore skill from the Call of Cthulhu RPG (as designed by Sandy Petersen, who also designed a crapton of the maps in Doom and Doom II, and most of episode 4 of Quake). This is what happens when I post right after having a huge cup of coffee on the way to work.
  11. Homeworld Remastered

    I'm downloading it now. I remember liking the original for its style, but finding it super difficult; I'm terrible at RTS games. Let's hope I've gotten smarter since then!
  12. Frozen Cortex

    I think this game is great. It's like Frozen Synapse but better: it has all of the tension, and none of the fiddlyness, as you say, sclpls. My name is DiaperDawg, and I'm now following Douchetoevsky and sclpls (I'm assuming that's the same sclpls). edit: and I created games against both of you. I love the PBEM style of multiplayer. I apologize up front for the long periods of dormancy; I fit turns in during work, mostly.
  13. Photos of things

    Looking at this last page of stuff makes me want to get out of the city! Awesome pictures. My usual subjects: the NYC skyline and a dog
  14. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Whenever I walk past this place, I think of you wackos.
  15. I see that Mini Metro has a New York map. I can't wait to play it so I can live out my fantasy of having a G train with reliable service between Brooklyn and Queens. Hallelujah!
  16. What's a good space 4X game?

    The best thing about Sins: Rebellion is the Star Trek: Armada 3 mod.
  17. Grim Fandango being remastered for PS4 and Vita

    The Vita version is pretty crashy and slow in my experience. I actually have a better experience remote playing the PS4 version over the internet, because the PS4 version is so much more solid. I love the new controls, and the new look is good enough that I'm keeping it turned on most of the time. I'm definitely enjoying farting around Rubacava again.
  18. Where in the World - Idle Thumbs Map

    Oh man, I really should, I'm sure a lot of old pals will be there, and it's 10 minutes from home. Just grabbed a Saturday pass.
  19. You can say a lot of things about Waluigi, but he made the Wreck Train run on time.
  20. Episode 293: Close Combat

    I do have some nostalgia for the series, but I'm holding out for The Bloody First, which will have a new engine. The first game sure was cool for the time.
  21. The controls issue is a big one, I think. Like, it's particularly hard to go back to the awkward early days of polygonal 3D stuff, where people were still figuring out how to have sensible navigation through a 3D space. I was way into games during that period, so I can generally handle it, but handing a 3DO controller to someone who grew up with Halo would probably make for some rough going. That's not to say that I think the current conventions should always be used, but a baseline has been found that works, and there's a certain language that we all understand.
  22. PL4YST4TION 4

    That's been my experience. Thanks to the way it grabs the image, if the feedback were instantaneous, the little camera icon would be in all your shots.
  23. Battlefleet Gothic Armada

    I'm waiting for the iOS version. I expect to enjoy it, since I like Panzer Corps, the game on which it is based. Full Control's Space Hulk adaptation ended up being pretty decent after a bunch of updates. There are still some weird UI and art choices, but as a literal interpretation of the board game, it gets the job done. I haven't tried the followup, Ascension, which makes it less literal and approaches it more as an electronic game. Space Marine was good. On the Fantasy front, the new Mordheim thing is really fun. It's like Valkyria Chronicles, which seems like a good starting point for that particular game.
  24. Episode 292: Advanced Squad Leader

    Episode 129 is on CM, though it could be worth revisiting.