Armchair General

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Posts posted by Armchair General

  1. I have sproglets. In my household, whatever I say goes. I tell them Santa is like Satan and that he won't be coming to them in any case, because they are evil and need to be punished. I actively encourage them to strike themselves with willow branches at 0400 Christmas day. Traditionally, on Boxing day, we give them salt and alcohol to rub into their sin purged wounds, whilst mother and I watch from the balcony in our leatherware, sipping alcohol free Gluhwein.

    To be honest, my kids aren't in to Christmas that much.

  2. P.S. I am well aware i never posted pictures of my pens in this thread. I consider it a blessing to you all that I abstained.

    For a moment there, this went horribly wrong. Then I remembered.

  3. DaVinci robots are already in use in real operations, with a surgeon at the helm of course. Apparently, so friends who have used them say, the cameras used give an excellent field of view, much better than the normal view and they are gaining in popularity as a result.

    Also, assisting in a robotic operation is even duller than assisting in a normal operation*

    *but then I am a physician, and therefore I am bored by most operations:grin:

  4. Professor Angelini, the world renowned cardiac surgeon, once said in response to someone's demand for something or other:

    'I'm afraid a crisis on your side, does not represent an emergency on mine'

    It's perfect for bullshit 'crises'

  5. I am back! I have been traveling for about 16 hours and the room seems kind of wobbly, so some sleep seems in order.

    Hurrah! I missed you Poo! Have a good time? (FB pictures suggest you did)

  6. Yeah it was cool, much easier with two, we could probably ramp up the difficulty next go, we might get more experience points if it's harder?

    And, err, yeah, I only followed you off the cliff so you didn't feel left out. I of course knew it would result in certain death.

  7. El Muerte* said he would shell out the cash for the four pack and then gift us copies. We could then paypal him the money, and get down to some four way action when we are all loaded up.

    *He did say this, I heard him across the North Sea :grin: (It can't be me because I am too poor, sorry)

  8. It's kind of rough, but even in two days I've seen the kind of breakthroughs that would melt your heart.

    Good work Miffy, you have my respect. That kind of work is tough and will no doubt have many heart breaking moments too. Teaching kids like that is something I admire from afar, I couldn't do it.

    Good luck with it all :tup:

  9. I find it quite amusing that you could be searching for centres at which to take the first part of your motorbike training only to be met with a strangulated pair of balls tied up with string or some such.

    Gotta love the interwebs.