Armchair General

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Posts posted by Armchair General

  1. Just please POST YOUR MINECRAFT HANDLE. :( :( :( It might be obvious, but c'mon, make it easier on me.

    Sorry, I'm a total dumbass and genuinely don't know. I think it might be ArmchairGeneral as that's what my username is to log into

    Don't be the special needy:grin:

  2. Shit, sorry TP, late to the party on this.

    Normal haemoglobin (Hb) levels are 13.5-17.5 in a male. This is usually the marker that patients are told when they are anaemic. A level of 5 is very low, so I expect you are being given such a dose as to bring your levels up quickly. Don't worry about the iron building up in your body, you are using your iron to make red blood cells (Hb to be specific), probably at a very fast rate with a Hb of 5, hence a build up is very unlikely.

    Without wanting to worry you (I am not in possession of your history, examination and results etc) I wonder why you are anaemic? Being anaemic is only half the story at best. Giving you iron supplements is a little like continually filling your car with really need to fix the leak to sort it.

    Your dose doesn't appear to be excessive, on the higher side, but not as extreme as Toblix suggests.

    Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk about this some more, I would be happy to help clinically and perhaps be able to help allay any worries you might have :tup:.

    C.O.I: Qualified doctor.

    ALSO: You are spot on Dan, the Patient information leaflets list practically every known symptom of every known disease in the history of the universe. Gotta cover that ass :fart:

  3. Just had a peek today...Dudes...I love it! :tup::clap::tup::woohoo::tup:

    Couldn't find Kingz's gaff though (only had a look around for about 40 mins), I was looking forward to the trip around Neverland:tup:

    Fab work though, I was especially impressed with the almighty diamond stash you guys have, jeez, I have like nine diamonds and I think I am rich.

  4. Yeah I would Nevsky. I have only ever played up to level 3 (possibly 4). I am too Thumb adjusted to play with the general public (shudder). I sort of missed the boat a little with this so would be up for some swalien arm action:tup:

    I think my steam id is LevatorAni. If not, it's likely ArmchairGeneral.

  5. New house FUCK YEAH! How long will I keep my room tidy?

    That would undoubtedly be affected by the frequency of visitations of the aforementioned housemate no? :grin:

  6. Yes. Andy made my put my €800 budget in escrow and then at a later date he would refund me €300 euro's, because of a UK tax-loophole that would allow me a custom €800 system for only €400.

    I NEVER GOT MY PC, OR MY MONEY BACK. Andy, as a British heir to the throne, I implore you to search your honour and decency and behave like royalty should! Give me my money back. Or send me my PC.

    Andy always shoots me in the back in Bad Company 2.

    I have never met these people before. They clearly do not know me at all.

    P.S. I only shoot BRKL in the back because he is always running away from me and my big gun.

    P.P.S Not THAT big gun.

  7. Hi Marek, unfortunately you will get hammered on component quality buying from a company and it pains me inside to see good people get done over in that way. The computer you have described above (the Dell option) has a woefully underpowered GPU and a CPU that is on the backend of current.

    I love building PC's and would be more than happy to build one for you and get it couriered to you. It would probably cost you less and be a much better PC. I realise this may be a little random but many of the guys on the forum will vouch for my sincerity. Seriously, you get mullered by the computer companies, they have very little upgrade potential and skimp on important components e.g PSU's, RAM etc.

    If you still want to get a PC from an online company, try, they are better than Dell in my experience.

    Good luck man!