Armchair General

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Posts posted by Armchair General

  1. ...If any of you like camping, might even be able to set up a special thumbs discount :) (although drinking can't go on too late!)

    Oh hell yeah! I foresee a Thumbs summer get together at Scrobbsy's place a'coming on!

    What say you people?

  2. How many of you Thumbers have children? I know Pilgrim and Wrestle do but what about all the rest of you? Own up!

    Proud Dad moment:

    My 12 year old son casually playing a ski jumping game on my brother in law's iPad t'other day...whoops BiL's score, said BiL spends rest of the day frantically trying to beat it.

    All of a sudden a whoop is emitted from the grown man only to turn to utter dejection moments later as he realises he's only good enough to come 4th (behind the top three scores owned by my son):fart:

    The look of sheer ownage pleasure on my boy's face was fantastic :tup::yep::tup:

    My children's love of computer games *I think* outstrips mine, even as a child. It's only a matter of time before they are thrashing me at Mariokart etc.

    Anyone else have personal gaming history moments with your children/neices/nephews etc?:tup:

  3. Fair enough. It's difficult to interpret a post correctly (as we all know) so I believe you when you say you aren't angry :tup:

    FWIW I enjoy reading your posts generally, you (along with some others) have an excellent way with words AND I think your drawing/art skills are genuinely amazing.

    I just thought you were coming across a bit 'thou shalt not disagree with ME!'

    Anyway, let's be friends and I'll man up my sensitivities

    (Vigorous handshake ensues)

  4. No.


    You are coming across a bit opinionated, angry and bully-like at the moment Kingzjester. You're clearly a very intelligent, talented guy, you don't need to shout others down quite so much, at least, not fellow Thumbateers.

    Awesome drawing skills. Less awesome manners.

  5. It wouldn't work. The muscles which supply the eye would fatigue. Try doing it yourself as fast as you can. After a minute or so the rate slows until eventually it slows to a near stop.

    Levator palpebrae superioiris (the muscle that opens the lids) would be a type IIb fibre which are very fatiguable. Orbicularis oculi (which closes the lids) is probably a type IIx; not quite so fatiguable but still fairly fatiguable.(

    Also, the area that the electrodes are placed would mean he contracts the temporalis muscle which would result in him clenching his jaw.

    It's definitely a fake, and a bad one at that, HARUMPH. :mock:

  6. I think this is not a right reaction. One can be a rapey creep and still do important things, but that is no reason to summarily choose not to believe that he raped some girls, regardless of how politicized the allegations are. These things should be taken on balance.

    Of course one can be a 'rapey' creep and still do important things but you have to look at the bizarre timeline of events and the massive political will to discredit him.

    When I said long live Assange, what I really meant I think, was long live the spirit of holding governments to account and investigative journalism in general. Without those people, like Assange, who are willing to stick their necks out to expose governments for the largely corrupt shams they are, governments could do what they liked with impunity.

    What these strange sounding allegations have already done for Assange, is spread the 'no smoke without fire' message, setting the stage for a fall from grace at a later date if nothing else.

    I'm not stupid enough to blindly believe in him. If he is found to have committed a crime by a fair trial then he should of course feel the full force of the law. But, I am very, very sceptical about these allegations and I have little doubt that the American and British governments (at least) are doing their utmost to make sure some of this shit sticks.

    Like you say, things should be taken on balance, and in my opinion, the balance is firmly in favour of these allegations being politically motivated.

  7. Ummm, it's pretty good when faced with a closely grouped bunch of enemies. It doesn't throw very far, so yeah I guess it's not that 'throwey'.

    Great fun though and they have sharpened up the accuracy of all the guns, much easier to hit someone now.

    On another point, annoyingly and somewhat ridiculously, you can have a heli full of engineers who can shoot and then switch weapons to repair the heli while in flight. An indestructible heli is a major fucking annoyance.

    It's worth the £10 for sure, get it and join in the shootin' pardner.

  8. Why do you say that? It's more than likely a medication issue, are you unlucky enough to be one of the very small minority who have photosensitive epilepsy?

    You have my utmost sympathy being unfortunate enough to have epilepsy in the first place, but especially if you are photosensitive to boot.

    I would still put money on it being a medication issue in the long run though, i.e the balance is not right in you yet (I realise that sounds like Yoda:tup:)

    Hang in there buddy, don't lose hope yet.

  9. Yeah shit, sorry. Reading my post back, I realise it wasn't the most helpful :deranged:

    It's a great documentary about the role of the media in war. The main thrust is about how journalists who 'embed' themselves with the troops only get that access because they tow the government line. If they don't, they get frozen out.

    It shows some pretty harrowing footage, some from Al Jazeera TV, showing the human cost of the Gulf wars from the other side, it's very sad.

    John Pilger also gets Rageh Omar to admit that the iconic moment watched around the world (the pulling down of the Saddam Hussein statue) was basically a made for TV event. Utter bullshit basically.

    It really made me think, I mean REALLY made me think about the lies perpetrated by governments and the warmongering of both Britain and the USA.

    Long live Julian Assange, and don't believe a word of the allegations against him.

    It was called The war you don't see, and it was written and produced by John Pilger. If you can get it online, it's a fantastic 90 minutes.