
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Murdoc

  1. As I said several times, this is a straw man thing and I don't believe that anyone is actually that extreme.

    I may be overstating this or simply misunderstanding what I've seen and heard, but the "it's popular now, so it's done" has been an attitude I've come across here in SF.


    edit: Now that I think of it, maybe I was overstating things and misunderstood peoples disdain of standing in line for an hour to get brunch rather than trying to go against the norm.


    I find Portlandia pretty endearing because it's a reflection of a lot of the "stereotypes" I see in the city(SF, not Portland, though they probably exist in Portland due to shows name) but as "extreme" as their portrayals go, they aren't far off from a bunch of people I've met here.

  2. So maybe I need to keep playing more, because it hasn't really felt like the story has taken off yet or anything, but it feels like I've played enough where I my opinion isn't changing all that much.


    I can wrap this up real quickly and say it's been a really dull experience so far. I cranked up the difficulty which at least puts me in danger, but I find now that the enemies just take more hits, which was fun in Diablo 2 because of the speed of it, you'd be mowing down goblins or whatever and come onto a brute that took more than a few hits. Here it just feels like the "difficult" enemies take forever to go down and I'm just watching a screen, rarely in danger waiting for the thing to die. Maybe I'm not playing it right or something is clicking, but even when I am in danger, running low, I can't quickly suck down potions and manage the battle that way, I have to basically run away, stand in a corner for a bit, and come back. I get the idea of not relying so much on potions, but this isn't a better alternative.


    Then there is the loot. This may sound real dumb, but there really isn't much of it. It doesn't seem like I am finding anything decent half the time or enough to swap out my goods enough, this might be my impression post Torchlight 2 where that game almost had too much loot, but I dunno, just isn't a lot going on here to keep me interested. 


    The tone. As I mentioned above, the tone is a bit off, it's not quite Diablo, it's not quite Torchlight. The jokes and "punny"/pop culture stuff is just eye rolling and fall flat every time. Dark Souls achieved more of that old Diablo feel than this game. So my attention span isn't there either.


    Production Value. Yes, it's a Blizzard game and maybe 2-3 years ago the polish was impressive, but there is a ton of little things I have a problem with. Their UI guys probably deserve an award, but the scripted events and animation feel right out of Warcraft 3 and really rudimentary. Big moments are done with these and they aren't doing it for me, no facial animation during these scenes and just really basic pathing/scripting make these moments fall totally flat. 


    I dunno I'm right at the story part where

    Cain dies

    , which probably means I am really early in, but the game-play just isn't fun so far. Should I keep playing?

  3. Just to chime in about how hilarious Assassins Creed 4 was...


    They were talking about how funny it is that you get to meet the CEO of the game company on the first day of being a QA tester.


    During my time at Ubisoft Montreal years back, Yannis Mallat (CEO of ubisoft montreal) had an open door policy and would take the time to meet with any employee that wanted to talk, even just to pop in and say "Hi". Also, he came and addressed each and every employee to wish them a happy holidays during Christmas, which I haven't seen any CEO ever do.


    Black Flags conceptual set up is hilarious, but I'm pretty sure it's in the spirit of Ubisofts culture more than anything, so it's not that far from being totally unrealistic.

  4. Maybe it's because I live in Chicago, but I feel like I have never ever encountered this in my life? Not doubting you, just baffled this is a thing. I don't think I can even imagine what this as a thing sounds like?

    Damn, maybe it's just the coasts then? I really should check out Chicago, it's been making a good case for itself lately.

  5. There was an excellent article in the NY Times a few years ago, so here's a link:



    I over use the word hipster and I'm starting to hate both my use of the term and just my general view to even get so snarky about it. It's easy to point out the way someone dresses or their facial hair, but I think the article above really boils it down to what I actually don't like about society.It's not so much a style or beards, it's living in irony with a healthy dose of cynicism. I've started to listen to some of my the younger people(and I mean by like 1-5 years) and the conversations they have as friends is really disheartening, I can't tell if anyone in a group is being sincere anymore.


    Probably doesn't help that I live in SF, between that and the class/tech war dominating every single conversation it's starting to get old quick. 

  6. I was going to snark off about whoever was eating for nearly an hour on the podcast was pretty disrupting to me. Then Jake copped to it and how can anyway be mean to Jake?


    Well he kept going, which is fine, whatever, he acknowledged it, but then Sean said something like "The patient pack animal that starves to death" and right afterwards was just the most  silent, trying not to make noise crunch as Jake was still chowing down and I had to smile and think to myself that it was all worth it.


    Then he did one for dramatic effect and the moment was lost.

  7. Aw sweet, at least this is the part of a 2014 video game that I enjoy, I was worried I'd have to start a new character and go through the whole intro again.


    edit: The Ai and pathing still seems... not great. I mean I'll stop bitching about stuff already knows, but already I think D2 was a much tighter game and Im a little perplexed as to why this isn't after so many years. Also, and maybe I am misremembering, but I don't remember a lot of jokes in Diablo and it's kind of hampering the tone.

  8. I think I should have not played on normal, because so far I haven't used a single potion, there doesn't seem to be a lot of enemies and they don't seem to want to run after me like they used to in the previous games.


    So far it's kinda dull.


    I just don't want advertisements and content from another game in the game I bought. If this was a demo, shareware, whatever, go for it, but not when I'm paying $60. I don't mind if they update the game over time, that's usually fine.

  9. Was having a grumpy day, but yeah, an ad is one thing, showing me content I cant play unless I buy something after I just spent x amount of dollars on a game is pretty weak; that is some f2p style shit that wasn't f2p.


    I think my original concern is that I'd see all sorts of that shit in the game, like an item drops from reaper of souls and I can't use it unless I buy the expansion, but if bkbroiler is right, I guess the start is as far as it goes.


    Are you someone who is offended by movie tie-in covers on novels?



    I really don't see the correlation to that and having content locked out in the game I bought because it's from another game I didn't purchase. To answer your question though, yes I am annoyed at those covers, but it's from an art and design stand point, they're usually ugly book covers.

  10. I just don't know anymore, I just really don't know...


    I'm either doing this wrong or the world is just too much to handle for my old brain to comprehend.


    I finally bought Diablo 3 and took the plunge, I think when it came out I was just tired of thinking about it for the past 3-5 years that I just didn't feel the need to. So I bought it this week, Diablo 3, not the expansion, just the original game.


    It updates and such and what do I get, Reaper of Souls loading dealy... well that's weird, I guess it's an advertisement, great.


    I watch the intro movie and then get to create my character... Crusader class... huh, I don't recall that, oh wait  it says I need to buy the expansion to play that character.


    Why can't I just install the game I bought and not see the content from the expansion? That's all I want to do, should be simple, but no, I have traces of some weird internet marketing, freemium bs going on.


    Christ, I'm old and now I'm just grumpy.




    I hit ok to create my character and immediately get this.




    Alright, I'm done, f#$%ing done.

  11. Initial feedback: You may want to put a brief about what people are downloading on your site. I know you explained it in this post, but seeing a stark black and white lettering saying SUCKER and expecting me to download a zip makes me wary I'm being duped into a virus.


    Maybe that's just me, but I could't help but raise an eye brow.

  12. What's wrong with Superhero movies? The Avengers was a heck of a lot of fun. Are you guys seriously calling Uncharted the height of "art and integrity"? It's Indiana Jones in the modern age! It's the cheesy silly schlock adventure movies brought to video games. Everyone involved from Lucas and Spielberg down to Naughty Dog themselves proudly acknowledged as much. And Star Wars is just that but for sci-fi. This is perfect, perfect.


    I'm not going to get into what's wrong with Super hero movies because it's been talked to death and it probably boils down to personal choices for entertainment. 

    Didn't say Uncharted was the height of anything, but it did forward the medium in a lot of ways, so it would have been nice to see the director apply that and tackle new challenges to help propel the medium further. Which she may, but there are fundamental knows with Star Wars where they won't be that much better than what she has done in the past.

  13. I think it's more the subject matter and "IP"  that synthetic might be against. With Star Wars, it's such an institution that it might not allow a lot of room to grow and do some of the interesting things Hennig has been known to do. 


    I still enjoy Star Wars and I especially enjoy the best parts of that series (empire strikes back, kotor) but even in it's greatest examples it's still pretty narrow in scope and tone that stays on point for the "brand". 


    Also forget 1313, it's dead, it was a different team, a different company, and would have been behind the times by the time this new game is released; it's gone now, let it rest in peace.

  14. The amount of jobs Amazon Game Studios has been hiring for over the last 9 months or so has been staggering to see. Between an earnest showing yesterday, scooping up Double Helix, this announcement it shows Amazon is putting real money and effort into this.


    As a game developer, I can't ignore that, especially when the expected ramp up in hiring was expected after the PS4 or Xbox One announcements never happened, a mid-tier (in terms of team size and development cost) console that the studio is backing with their own content is something I'm really happy to see.

  15. It'll be interesting to see how she functions in a different corporate atmosphere. I mean sure worked at Crystal D for years and got things done, but from what I can imagine EA is a very different culture than Naughty Dog.


    Then again, probably doesn't matter when you're the high at the top; but hard to say and will be interesting to see.

  16. I didn't realize it had 6 days left and they haven't met their goal, I just assumed there were enough people out there to have this thing sky rocket. I'm really hoping for this to happen, I get why it might not, but for the amount of shit that gets money shoveled at it on kickstarter, 60k is nothing for something that might be cool.

  17. I didn't take a screen shot, but an update on Bioware's career page saying they were hiring for the new BioWare Hawaii was especially displeasing to me this morning.


    It's gone now and yeah, it sounded silly in retrospect, but damn it, don't do that when someone is checking out your page for a job.