
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Murdoc

  1. Has there ever been a game/comic/whatever that talks about the almost certain major social inequities in Gotham City that has resulted in the armies of beefy disenfranchised young people that follow around super villains

    Other than all of Chris Nolan's Batman films?


    Anyway, the game idea seems like the logical step, but I thought they were working on some on something else that involved old-timey golden/silver age Batman game? Disappointing to see that didn't take off.

  2. Anyway, I'm with SecretAsianman in that I though of Reckless Disrgard for Gravity at first too, but I use Game Maker so I won't be doing 3D. Now I'm thinking of a platformer with a Gunpoint style charge-leap, but instead of pouncing on dudes you would send them flying off ledges. I could never get gravity and all those collisions to work properly in a game that wasn't top-down.


    Also, I'm not a great artist. Really, I can program decent enough, and I can design. I'm down to lend my services!



    What if your character is falling, debris and enemies are falling with you, faster/slower rate because of whatever reason. Using that gunpoint style snap/jump mechanic you jump from debris to debris to keep "elevated" or else you'll eventually hit the ground. As you snap to the debris before jumping, you can line up your shot in bullet time to either more debris or an enemy, latching onto the enemy where combat will be initiated (mash on a button? QTE? Something cooler?).

  3. From what I've heard they are doing a lot more in the mobile space, and Thief started with a different team, but I have a feeling a bunch Human Revolution people moved over at some point, because that's usually how it goes.

  4. Was there ever a scene in a game or movie where two people have fallen off a ledge and are fighting in mid air, and they're both trying to maneuver the other person into a position where they'll hit the ground first and break their fall?


    That's what immediately comes to mind for this, but I have a nagging feeling that I've seen it done before...

    Yeah that was my immediate thought for some sort of design. As sad as my next reference is, I pictured it as a competitive flappy bird but scrolling down.

  5. Yeah so I guess Height won, going to have a think on this, I was hoping for more of the mundane words, but who knows, this is still cool. The obvious thing that comes to mind is a samurai gunn style game with a super tall area, so I won't be doing that.

  6. I retract my statement, I was 100% sure it was Unreal until I fact checked with typing "Human Revolution Unreal 3"  


    I must be thinking of that other Deus Ex game which did use a Unreal engine, but not 3. ha.


    Unreal 3 is quite terrible at streaming most worlds unless you very carefully set it up to be such and how Arkham City existed without any modified code is complete magic to me.


    *I'm also 90% sure Arkham City was not dynamically lit, it had dynamic shadows, but considering my 100% certainty on the HR engine was wrong, who the hell knows, I haven't looked at it in awhile.

  7. * Human Revolution was the Unreal Engine. Why Thief didn't use the same principles from it probably come from the core design and the fact it was a separate team for awhile (from what I understand).


    It could have been a tech reason, but I get the impression most of this game was made in under a year and a lot of the work done for it was heavily modified or thrown out, but that's just the feeling I get from playing it and knowing how poor developments go. So the compartmentalization was probably a time saver thing, because it seems weird anyone would intentional want to design a Thief game's spaces like that.


    edit: oh, ha, Chris goes on to pretty much articulate what happens at these studios and uses a game I worked on as reference. So yeah, I shared the same impression, Chris.

  8. I wouldn't know how to make sound or music if I tried, except using my iphone and yelling in it. The more I think about it, I'm going to at least try making *something* for this jam, even if it is just me poking at game maker, so yeah, I'd totally like to team up and get some rad sound.


    Anyway, for a small example of what I can do in gamemaker and pixel art, I made a tiny game in game maker during a 2-3 day jam. I've never made sprite art before or used game maker, so was super excited that I had something to "play" by the end. Tried a few simple styles out and posted it here:


    While I do 3d professional, I'd prefer to stay away from it because, well, I do it that all day already. Not opposed to trying some smoother vector art though either, but I just get jazzed up about the nostalgia of pixels.


    I really dig cyber punk, so looking to make something darker, grittier, and way more 80's.

  9. Yeah I'm really curious as to how this works for indy games. I've always just noodled on stuff at work, in which I couldn't resell it in any way possible. But software is F#$%ing expensive, yet there are a bajillion 3d games out there.


    The whole educational thing is another debate, since Autodesk has a monopoly now it's become nearly impossible for students to get their hands on these products and learn from them; I really think that company is shooting themselves in the foot.


    Makes me wonder...

  10. Yeah there were rumors about how bad the production went on this, but I'm still disappointing because I really liked that last Deus Ex and I've played ever Thief game since the beginning, so I dunno, I'll wait for a steam sale.


    I'm a little sad because in this day and age, especially considering Square Enix's past year, a failure isn't going to go down very well, so I just hope Eidos Montreal stays safe.