
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Lu 

  1. Don't underestimate the extent to which the 360's gamepad has become the de facto standard for gamepads on PC. There are absolutely games on Steam designed primarily around gamepads.


    I think it's apples and oranges. The 360 controller and the Steam controller have set some very different goals and problems for them to solve. The way I see it, this is a device that could make controlling your PC from your couch a whole lot easier. I obviously don't know how practical the Steam controller would be for most stuff and at this point I'm more interested in owning one because it's such a strange idea. Still, it seems like a tool with a different purpose to me.

  2. Valve has been talking about measuring galvanic skin response and heartbeat stuff since forever. So my guess would be something like that. I don't expect any game announcements either, but if they are announcing any game it'd probably be Left 4 Dead 3, since it'd be such a perfect fit for the aforementioned tech.

  3. "What?" the clackity-clack of keys had stopped. Gabe's fingertips resting atop the keys, he looked over the edge of his glasses at the intern who so rudely interrupted him with unwanted inquiries. The intern repeated: "Isn't it unethical to watch people play the game without permission?" There was a moment of  tense silence. Then, the man let out a deep laugh, but there was no warmth to it. "Oh, this... This is just a little network test thing, of course it'd go without saying that that would be highly unethical and would never happen. I'm just testing a spectator mode with Doug, 's all." he said, quite unethically. Before the intern could speak again, he returned his gaze to the monitor, and raised a hand in a dismissing motion. "This needs my full attention, I need you to leave." Confusion and doubt played across the boy's face, but he did as he was told. After all, who was he but just an intern? Once the boy had left the room, Gabe briefly looked over his shoulder to see if he had well and truly left. Then, he reached for the phone and dialed Doug's extension number who picked up instantly. "Doug, the new intern knows too much..." Doug gave a knowing grunt and Gabe continued "Let's... add another knife to my collection." He smiled as he said those last words. A fiendish and unethical smile. "Will do, sir", Doug replied.


    The LCD monitor screen tinted the entire room in a cold blue hue, the clackity-clack of keys continued as a small line of text at the top of the screen read in bright red letters "Secret spectator mode: Enabled. Now viewing player: thestalkinghead." Again, that awful smile. "Yes, this will do. This will do quite well." He hit a button and the screen read...'>RECORDING.

  4. Oh my god!! Shitty wifi ate my entire post!! Took me like an hour to type by phone! FML!

    Okay, so, I'm in the US of A, landed in Phoenix (brick oven city) last week, visited the grand canyon, went hiking through Yosemite and Zion national park, drove through the blistering heat that is Death Valley, briefly stopped at Las Vegas and making our way to San Francisco now. Stopped in Sacremento for the night, which I guess has... Corn fields?

    I continue to be amazed at the variety and beauty of the american landscape.

    My 3 other traveling companions make me thankful for the fact that I never had roommates. I continue to be amazed at their ability to make a complete mess of things in less than a day. I have shaken my head in disbelief and disgust several times the past days.

    Looking forward to San Francisco tomorrow!

  5. 5CHei.png - Great Scott!!


    I'm gonna be first in line for the consumer version of that thing! Except I'll be at home and I'll be furiously clicking the BUY NOW button, which is even better than waiting in line! Fuck lines!