
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Lu 

  1. Deus Ex 3

    Looks like a more dystopian version of Ghost in the Shell, which coincidentally also takes place in the late 2020ies. I thought it looked really cool. Detroit had better start building if they want to realize the version we saw in the trailers. They sold me on the world they created. I am looking forward to the gameplay stuff.
  2. Watching other people play games

    You make it sound like you're getting some weird sexual thing out of it. I don't really see what is weird about enjoying the company of others.
  3. Post your face!

    Attending Festival of Games, are you? How was/is that? I thought about attending, but looking at the website, it appeared too business orientated for me to care.
  4. Thi4f

    I was going to make a footnote which said "It was probably some kind of marketing dickhead that thought this was a totally grand idea". Alas, I was tired and wanted to go to bed. So there you go.
  5. Thi4f

    WHY do developers insist on putting fucking numbers in the title. Jesus. IT DOESN'T SAY THIEF, IT SAYS THIFOURF, WHICH SOUNDS LIKE FUCKING KLINGON. Or someone saying C4 with a speech impediment. "Pwanting the thifourf charges now."
  6. Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I haven't been able to get it yet, because Nintendo still hasn't mastered the art of synchronized worldwide releases. I'm really looking forward to playing it. I still need to get my Wii back, which I borrowed out to family. Sometimes I forget I even own one...
  7. Life

    With this, are you talking about the thing that person is holding which would then be you, or are you just talking about the cosplayer?
  8. Beyond Better & Evil!

    If he is constrained at all, on the BG&E2 project. Which we don't know, unless you work at Ubisoft and are also Michel Ancel. He's free to leave Ubisoft after he finishes Beyond Good & Evil 2.
  9. Shit yes. I can't tell you how often that tune got stuck in my head. xD
  10. The Outcast OST is one of my favourites. All orchestral, which was very rare in the time Outcast came out. YveZ6ZJEHzA
  11. Movie/TV recommendations

    Still some of the best outtakes as well. You could totally tell that they had a lot of fun making that series.
  12. Castlevania Judgement: WHAT THE #$%@!?!

    More like Simon BELTMONT, AM I RIGHT, YOU GUYS?
  13. Community/Indie games

    Linking it here, JUST BECAUSE I CAN. Need testers for my game, which is so goddamn indie. You can find more information here: I assure you that I'm not a violent offender, nor have I ever killed anyone with a clawhammer.
  14. Plug your shit

    HAHA! Head crushed with a clawhammer.
  15. Plug your shit

    Any iPhone/iTouch running any OS. However, if any of you still have a device with Apple OS 2.1.whatever the please mention that. We'll need to make a special build for that one. Actually, just mention what device you have and what OS you're running on it with the rest of the information I asked for. That would be handy.
  16. Plug your shit

    I guess this could go here... I'm looking for people with an iPhone/iTouch who want to help me test my Video game. It's a Video game that we made in recent times and we would like to see if it is any fun! So, if you're interested, just PM me your name, email and UDID. We will playtest and we will laugh and laugh and laugh AND YOU WILL PROVIDE USEFUL FEEDBACK THAT WE CAN USE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF OUR VIDEOGAMS. We "made" a website on the cheap recently. It's: There is nothing there yet, though...
  17. Life

    If you don't refer to it as handegg, most of us Europeans won't know what you're talking about.
  18. Who wants Red Dead Redemption?

    Toblix is like some sort of goddamn Santa Claus. You fucking... Do-gooder.
  19. Happy Birthday!

    Hey, happy birthday, guys. Hope you're having a nice day.
  20. Help me help myself(Help my computer)

    You may even be connected to a computer voice person. If that is the case, then on the question "How many PC's have you installed your copy on?" answer "One". Not a joke, by the way.
  21. Battlethumbs: Idle Company

    That's odd. All 3 places were accessible to me from the get go. First time, I did the castle in the middle first. You had to take some sort of side entrance to get in; maybe you missed it? That mission was a load of ass if you didn't do it in the right order. They leave it open, but there is an order from Alpha to Beta to Charlie that makes it a lot easier. If it gets tough and you keep dying, you can just run to the point marked on your map, which triggers the next cutscene even if you haven't killed all the enemies. That last bit, on the quad, I ignored every enemy and just drove straight into the trigger for the next cutscene. I'm glad that that was possible. I wouldn't have continued playing the singleplayer otherwise. So frustrating sometimes, and the crappy checkpoints don't help. On a more positive note, I did love some of the music cues that set in after long moments of silence. More like ambient tunes that set in every once in a while. They reminded me of the Outcast OST in a way. Maybe because of the timbre.
  22. Ah yes, good that you mention Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I don't actually have it, but I remember loving the action-like Love Theme remix from Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm glad, because pessimism is . Most of the time. Unless you don't mind turning into a bitter person with a permanent scowl on their face. In that case you are free to pessimism-ism away.
  23. Piracy has hit a new low....

    It's a shame you two decided to get so personal. You both made some good points, I thought.
  24. Sony gets sued.

    That's a really weird hypothetical; I don't really see how it's similar. It's not in proportion.
  25. A messy list of the past 5 years offa the top of my head: Shadow of the Colossus Civilization 4 has some classics. Well... To me that Baba Yetu song, really. Even though I'm not a big fan of the Halo games, I really liked a lot of the stuff on the Halo: ODST soundtrack. Twilight Princess Mirror's Edge Super Mario Galaxy was quite nice too, especially the orchestral ones. Does Bionic Commando Rearmed count? Since it was based on the NES game and all... The 2009 flop Bionic Commando had a couple of excellent tracks as well. Aquaria Everyday Shooter Mass Effect 1 and 2; maybe not stuff you'd humm around the office, but when you hear it you instantly recognize it. Metal Gear Solid 4 Uncharted 2 Persona 4! I've only very recently started listening to the Demon's Souls one. Some good stuff there too. In general, I think the sound design in the Battlefield: Bad Company games is a real stand out; not so much in terms of music. Prematurely I'm also going to say Starcraft 2. Lots of good stuff missing from that list, I'm sure. I haven't played a lot of Japanese games in recent times, so there is another source of potentially awesome stuff. Also, the stuff you don't really notice, not because it's generic, but because it was made to be more ambient and/or interactive or whatever. This year, I don't know. I haven't bought a lot of games yet. Anyway, THERE YOU GO.