
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by subbes

  1. Are you making all your motions from the wrist or fingers?  Try warming up with loose motions that come from the elbow or higher and see if you can incorporate that into your painting.


    I get death-grip aches when I write too "tightly," i.e. controlling the pen entirely with my fingers/hand/wrist; part of learning Spencerian and other hands was to spend some time trying to break that habit (it didn't completely work).     

  2. Try beer next time :P


    I've been to plenty of game dev meet ups, and the thing you got to remember is everyone there is there to talk about the same thing. "Hey, video games?" is a pretty good line, follow it up with a "hey, what you working on?"


    "hey, video games" only works if you're approaching jake.

  3. On 9/1/2014 at 4:07 AM, Nachimir said:

    Hello again subbes! That sounds like a healthy move.


    It was a substance abuse treatment nonprofit and the director regularly screamed at employees.  Even I couldn't see any positive in the place - and y'all know I have a skill for making the best of a bad lot - so I got out as soon as I could.  

  4. Can't complain, except that i'm fucking old! 


    The world is pretty bad right now.  I dunno which is scarier - Ebola or RU/UKR.  :/





    On 8/31/2014 at 2:47 PM, Badfinger said:

    i understand why you feel guilty about this, but the person who started the chain of events is the person that was cheating in a relationship.


    i'm emptyquoting this

  5. Something I'm rather curious about all you San Franchinigans, where's the furthest you've all travelled? I hear that it's common to not really travel outside of America due to costs and the fact that America is bloomin' huge.



    It wouldn't be fair my answering that question; I'm an expat Brit.


    SF and other conurbations on the ocean-adjacent edges of the country buck the USAian stereotype quite handily, replacing it with an amalgamated population of liberals, hipsters and immigrants (where "immigrant" might mean from Asia, Europe, or Portland).  Compare NY/SF with somewhere more central, e.g. Peoria, and NY and SF will have more in common with each other.


    In conclusion, America is a land of contrasts.

  6. My solution was to find a squash partner. You can't get better exercise than that pretty much and it's fun as hell.



    It does make you feel like an 80's businessman or banker though.