
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by subbes

  1. Life

  2. Life

    oh, jeff, you are great
  3. Wizaaaaaards!!

  4. Wizaaaaaards!!

    Don't buy the Wizard's worcestershire sauce, it's terrible. Or at least it was in 2006 when I tried some.
  5. You didn't say the magic word

    This is Linux. I know this.
  6. Life

    I just had to check and make sure this wasnt the Intoxicated thread because this idea, brilliant as it is, also seems unsober.
  7. Life

    Right calf. Artwork by a classy person named Tara and tattoo by Doug Hardy (Ed Hardy's son). I know both of 'em through a forum thread about cats.
  8. Life

    I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow.
  9. New Forums! Post feedback, notes, etc here

    Thank you for making it possible for me to edit the "Converted" items from the old forums!
  10. Animated Shorts

    You're a good dude.
  11. I Had A Random Thought...

    I think it would be funny if Zeusthecat changed his av to a picture of himself doing the exact same pose as the urkel in his av.
  12. Life

    He's being reincarnated as a big powerful orange tiger who can bring down birds with one sweep of his powerful paw and can chill happily in the wild.
  13. Most disgusting thing you've ever done

    dude, the obvious answer is that you have a bowl or something that you hold on your lap.
  14. Most disgusting thing you've ever done

    Diarrhea and nausea. Which end points towards the toilet???
  15. Life

    Cabot has gone. It was hard. We are all very sad. I appreciate the thoughts you have spared for us. Thank you.
  16. Doctor me up, Thumbs

    Antidepressants can help with misophonia, at least to the degree that depression makes misophonia much much worse.
  17. I Had A Random Thought...

    If that's the level where there's a waterfall with logs and you have to jump from log to log in order to cross the waterfall, I always got stuck on that level too.
  18. Life

    Everything is still terrible and probably will continue to be terrible for a while. The vet comes to our house to do the euthanasia tomorrow. We're spoiling Cabot rotten in the meantime.
  19. Life

    This week has been terrible. Cabot had an oncologist appointment. His cancer is so aggressive that it's time to plan a goodbye. We made an appointment next week for the vet to come and euthanize him. Scott and I are very very sad.