
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by JonCole

  1. Destiny

    Also, if you're not hurting for glimmer/parts/upgrade mats, keep your inventory full while playing so all your legendaries go to the postmaster. You'll only miss out on green items and all blue/purple engrams and items will be saved automagically. You can leave them there until TTK and save the vault space.
  2. Destiny

    My personal theory is that they'll eventually update it and it'll be a big news tick that will pop up on Kotaku in between expansions. Same goes for any other Y1 exotics not being updated, but obviously Gjallarhorn is so popular that I think they'd be stupid to pass up on that.
  3. Destiny

    I'd recommend leveling up through Crucible if you like PvP well enough, the XP rewards are solid and you can easily get to level 20 in a 4-5 hours. Plus, when you get access to marks you'll probably get your 100 weekly marks just getting to level 20. After hitting the level cap, when you get engrams from doing story content you can decode them for gear that you actually need to increase your light level. Also, you can play the higher difficulties in the story levels to get higher XP gains, which can help you quickly level blue/purple armor/weapons. Once you finish all the high level story missions and turn in your Crucible marks for a single chest/leg light level 36 armor piece, you should be a high enough level to run Dragon Strikes which have the highest chance of dropping legendary items/engrams. Do that until you hit max Vanguard marks and buy one more piece of that light 36 armor. Once you get through The Dark Below content, you get rewarded a legendary arm piece that should raise your light level by a fair bit. Then run HoW content and there's a very good chance you'll get more or better goodies throughout, including the guaranteed exotic that drops from the first big treasure chest in POE 28. As soon as you hit a high enough level to run Nightfall, let me know and I can carry you through it. You can hit level 32 solely on light 36 armor, at that point we can run POE for armor cores.
  4. Destiny

    Unfortunately, progress only carries over from the same console brand to the next, like PS3 -> PS4. It'll take a fair amount of grinding to get everything you'd need for the Triumph in time, but I don't think it's impossible by any means. Let me know if you need any help. Also, my offer to join my PS4 clan is still open to all. It's not particularly unusual to find people running HM VOG/CE on almost every night, so it could be a good way to snag the organizationally harder-to-get triumph things. It may also be possible with the folks around here, but several people have suggested that they're going to spin down their playtime in the run up to TTK as not to get burned out.
  5. Destiny

    I don't think it's particularly clear that the new light level system will be perfectly analogous to the current level systems rules with regards to penalties and such, which is why I said it was a theory. In any case, if they actually intend to let new missions and quests fill out the progression from level 20 -> 40, old weapons should presumably be effective in the level 20->34 content if the continuum of damage values is even roughly analogous to the level progression.
  6. Destiny

    Interesting theory on the DTG subreddit is that if you have ALL level 40 gear except for one piece of Year 1 stuff, your light level is only reduced by 14 which is a 5% damage decrease. So, you could potentially use Gjallarhorn or Fatebringer or whatever and barely have a noticeable difference in your gameplay. If that math follows how it actually works in-game, you may be able to use a piece of old stuff here or there in 99% of content unless it's overleveled (like, if they have level 41 enemies in endgame content as a way of making things harder like they did in raids/Skolas in Year 1).
  7. Movie/TV recommendations

    Well, having read the book and enjoyed it immensely for it's premise and writing, I'm not particularly worried about any of those things. Sorry you won't be able to enjoy it.
  8. Destiny

    8/19 TTK Stream Highlights:
  9. Movie/TV recommendations

    God, I don't think I've been so excited for a movie since Inception.
  10. Social Justice
  11. Ferguson

    Practically all automatic weapons are illegal in the US. There are ways to automate the trigger pulling to make semi-auto guns fire similar to automatic guns, but I doubt that people who were trying to communicate the legality of bearing such arms would toe the line in that fashion.
  12. Interesting. I wonder if this will even amount of "crowdfunding" in the conventional way we think about it, it looks to me a lot closer to angel investing via a more automated platform than making pitches over the phone or at events.
  13. ... huh. I wonder how legal that is. And like, if you "invest" do you actually have to file it as an investment in your taxes? Can people in other countries "invest"?
  14. Social Justice

    Nothing except specifically and actively addressing it will help... well, I'm not sure I fully agree with that but I can acknowledge that the greatest gains will come from activism rather than some kind of passive effect. I believe that a core tenet in criticizing cultural appropriation is observing that not only are a massive number of people not making things better actively, but they are also claiming to be (edit: or at least feeling like they are, internally) performing some generous function in appropriating culture by "appreciating it". As though appreciating culture, in itself, is enriching it in some passive way. I honestly think that some white people that appropriate afros do in fact believe that they're doing a service to black people by graciously providing said positive data point for afro cleanliness. I obviously don't think this applies to every single person who performs cultural appropriation, but I think that there's a distinct element of "white people like your culture, enjoy that! It's a melting pot and you're melting into it, aren't you so lucky?" in this topic.
  15. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I know we kinda moved past the cultural appropriation discussion because (in my perspective) we reached an impasse, but I just saw this series of tweets and felt it germane to those I was disagreeing with -
  16. Idle Food - Cooking!

    I don't care enough to fight, I'm just happy that there are at least two of us here who appreciate quality mayo.
  17. Idle Food - Cooking!

    I like mayo on burgers, but I only have kewpie mayo at home which is infinitely superior to any other mayo so I wouldn't blame others for not liking the idea.
  18. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    The goal is not victory, it's stupidity.
  19. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    They've equipped the darksign and continually destroy all their progress, which is pretty much the best.
  20. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    They're never even going to make it up a single ladder, let alone the tens if not hundreds they'll need to beat the game.
  21. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Twitch Plays Dark Souls This is dumb as hell.
  22. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Remember how Intel was roped into GG, and then they turned around by investing a hefty sum into a "diversity initiative"? Well, it worked and their hires of female, African American, Hispanic and Native Americans have doubled on the whole. Also, remember the "there are no PoC in the pipeline" mantra that so many white tech execs espouse? Welp -
  23. Destiny

    Lots of good stuff today, definitely buy Gjallarhorn particularly if you still need to complete any triumphs like Skolas. Hunters should buy Achlyophage and Warlocks should buy Light Beyond Nemesis if either have any interest in PvP. Also, a fun little clip from sweaties I was playing last night -
  24. Ferguson

    I think The Washington Post does a pretty good job.
  25. Destiny

    NLB is awful for PvE, I used a shotgun with tons of reserve ammo + Corrective Measure so I'd have no shortage of secondary stuff to resort to while being swarmed when I was first learning the gun. FYI - a couple of guys turned up on the Idle Thumbs group chat on, I let them know about so you might see them create or join events. I figured they must be okay dudes if they joined the group to begin with. I think one of the guys created an event for Nightfall for noon EST today; it'd be nice if anyone that usually plays with us is free to make him feel welcome to the group. He's out of Helsinki, so that's why it's so early in the day for us Americans.