
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Irishjohn

  1. Starship Troopers

    Yeah, I did not like Voyager at all, though I am by no means a Trekkie. I haven't even seen much of TOS. I grew up on TNG and I love the original cast films. The Trekkie friend I did have in school was intensely into Deep Space 9 but I just couldn't get into it, at all. Voyager, I didn't even want to try. And I gave Enterprise a shot.
  2. Books, books, books...

    I read it two years ago and had a similar feeling. But whatever is right. Come back and tell us what you thought of it when you're done.
  3. The Swedish Apocalypse (Krater)

    Fantastic. This plus the soundtrack is definitely selling me on this game.
  4. The Swedish Apocalypse (Krater)

    Cheers, I don't check Giantbomb very often anymore. Off to have a look!
  5. Diablo III

    It's quite rubbish, alright. The complete lack of the option to just... you know... play this single player game you bought is frustrating. I don't know if my experience is odd, but I ALWAYS have lag for the first minute or so of my game when I log in, regardless of conditions. A small thing I know, but it's just really annoying. I also have issues with my graphics card overheating, but that's between ATI and HP, no fault for Blizzard there.
  6. Non-video games

    Solo Mage Knight is fantastic. I've only gotten into board games recently, and I love Mage Knight. It's perfect for me as I can only fairly rarely get people together to play anything at all.
  7. General Video Game Deals Thread

    So, yeah... SPACE. It's a pretty interesting bundle.
  8. Goodreads

    Cool, I have been utterly useless at keeping up my Goodreads account (so it is woefully out of date) but I'm signing up!
  9. Dragon's Dogma

    Cheers for the advice! I've been slowly moving into the game (work has been tough). I must say it's a lot of fun so far, looking forward to really loosing the reins a little.
  10. Dragon's Dogma

    Oh man. I've barely started this game and already a dilemma. I kind of want to go wizard, because of the wizarding and all that, but I don't want to miss out on climbing on top of massive dudes and stabbing them. I did this in the prelude and it was extremely enjoyable. Also, I'm assuming magic user = very easy to die?
  11. Dragon's Dogma

    Aw man..... This sounds awesome!!! I am going to Best Buy today to get something practical... damn it.
  12. So... Yeah. This is nuts. I never had a chance to play the original. I haven't been even remotely interested in the Kinect but it's kind of cool they're going to do things like this. Unless this is the only interesting thing they ever do.
  13. Dragon's Dogma

    Nice to see some positive comments on it here, reviews seem... mixed, but I have hopes for this being an enjoyable game with some small issues. Maybe it's more appropriate to say that the true enjoyment of this game doesn't really fit with reviews are usually written. Either way, seriously thinking about this one.
  14. Diablo III

    Huh, I was completely unaware. Cheers for the heads up! Work and the real world has me stuck on a low-mid level monk, but still.
  15. Starship Troopers

    Yes to this! The film is great, and the book is a fantastic read. Very quick (well, it's a short bloody book) and a great example of how much fun Heinlein can be.
  16. Infinite Jest

    I definitely fall into the would love an "excuse" to read Infinite Jest territory. It sits on my bookshelf, mocking me.
  17. New Forums! Post feedback, notes, etc here

    Loving the new forums' look. Pretty rad, when all is said and done.
  18. Diablo III

    Uh, yeah, so basically because the connection at work isn't very good, I can't play during a break at work on my laptop. Because the lag is so bad. What the hell? I had made my peace with the always-on DRMness of it all, but this is ridiculous. I should be able to play this game when I like. What a joke.
  19. Diablo III

    I hate to be a complaining git, but last night I had lag in my single player game. I'm looking forward to the online aspect; I don't play online in games an awful lot but this seems like something that could bring me in. Maybe if I'd played Diablo 2 the same thing would have happened years earlier. It's weird though, when server issues are affecting my single player experience. Then again, I think Blizzard will sort it out and we'll all move on, but still. Enjoying my Monk an awful lot so far. Not quite getting to the levels of fun I had with Torchlight but I suspect it's imminent.
  20. Life

    Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had such a great day. Best wishes from an older Thumb. You seem rather happy for an early mid-life crisis though. If it's any consolation, I spent most of my early 20s panicking that I just wasn't accomplishing enough. I still get it now. Take it as a sign that you have ambition. And enjoy being 23!
  21. Life

    Whoah! Congratulations man! That is no mean feat. Go out and celebrate!
  22. Non-video games

    Yes! That was a blast, the GM was really enjoying himself. Any take on the career system, as someone a lot more experienced with the system? I had hoped to establish my character as a cleric/healer type character but I'm not sure how that's going to work. However, it feels a little like I'm being forced to be flexible, and that's actually proving to be quite cool. Very early days of course. Yeah, the new one looks... weird. Which is a pity. If they had just hung on to percentile dice and abandoned these weird notions of party cohesion mechanics, it would have been more interesting to me personally.
  23. Non-video games

    Played some Warhammer 2.0 role-playing over the weekend with some friends. I haven't played much role-playing, had a D&D 4.0 stint a couple of years ago that I enjoyed very much. Friend here in town played the original Warhammer a lot. We looked into the new Fantasy Flight version but didn't fancy it (too many weird dice and party mechanics) so we just played 2.0, which is very close to the original version. It was fun! Rolling characters took for-bloody-ever, but the system is kind of cool once you get used to it. After D&D 4.0 (and video games) I was kind of locked in to the idea of having a rogue/healer/fighter kind of combo. Our group had a coachman, a priest (me) who can't heal to save his life, two bounty hunters and a... knife throwing dude. I forget the last class. But yes, lots of fun, reminded me what a blast it can be. A little bit goofy to begin with but after a few beers people were having a blast.
  24. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    I have no idea what's going on in this video.
  25. I've heard great things about Hero Academy, though unfortunately not THIS Hero Academy: Yay for internet searches. Looking forward to welcoming the Three Moves Ahead community, though honestly I don't play a lot of strategy. Maybe I can finally go back to Shogun 2 and post about it.