
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Hermie

  1. Plug your shit

  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yeah, it misses some beats at times, and some character choices are clearly made just to advance the drama, but I really enjoy the way the power struggle plays out between the various groups inside the prison, and how that effects the individual characters in different, meaningful ways.
  3. A Far Cry from Home - Travel Discussion

    I might be what you call "a travelled"? I've been to most places in north-northwest Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, England), I've done the traditional Mediterranean family vacations in Greece and Cyprus, I've gone to South Africa to play music, and I recently came back from Fortaleza, Brazil. I hate the traditional "run from tourist attraction to tourist attraction" kind of vacation. A lot of these trips have been to meet internet friends, so instead you get to find the unknown gems that only locals know about, which for me is the best part. Sadly I've not been in eastern Europe yet, but we want to go some day. Warsaw, Sofia, Prague, and Riga are all places I would love to see.
  4. Movie/TV recommendations

    I've been watching and enjoying Orange is the new Black on Netflix. The show falls into the occasional gratuitousness of lesbian sex and such, but all in all I find it very well written, and the characters are all engaging so far. They're usually based on a female prisoner archetype, but stirred up just enough to be interesting. The show almost doesn't pass the reverse Bechdel test, which is kinda fascinating. Also, do you want to see Captain Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager as a Russian prison matriarch? (The answer is yes)
  5. Steam Trading Card

    I would venture a guess it was purely a technological barrier that they finally broke through. When you implement something like this they have to be absolutely sure it can't be exploited further, and that it wont accidentally trip up anyone actually playing the game. That, or nobody at Valve felt like working on it until now.
  6. Starting to dip my toe into lording. I've done one match so far (and won), so I have a 100% win percentage. http://steamcommunity.com/id/herminator Would love a guild invite, and feel free to add me if you want to play some noob Dota 2.
  7. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    So I heard that in America, a ghost can now marry another ghost?
  8. 3DS Friend Codes

    Just got a 3DS for a belated birthday gift! Please add me to all your Nintendoes. 1478-3817-4878 STOLEN BY ASSHOLE 1993-8227-3356 ...Man, typing out all these numbers are stupid.
  9. Nextbox 1080: The Reckoning

    Presented without comment: http://www.dewanddoritos.com/
  10. E3 2013 Idle Thumbs Steam Chat

    Yup, discovered the same. Due to summer time, Centro-Euros are two hours after GMT.
  11. Regarding TF2 melee: On the server I used to play on, they had a mod that forced melee only whenever a round got to sudden death. This was a lot of fun, as it always started with a huge wave of people meeting in the middle of the map, running ahead to try and strike, then back off to avoid damage themself, almost like some sort of jousting. It would then break off into smaller groups circle-strafing around eachother, until finally one side had only had one or two people left, that needed to be hunted down.
  12. Game of Thrones (TV show)

  13. Life

    That sucks, Patrick. =/ This is important. my favourite lyrics from an otherwise silly song: It's not how long you make it, but how you make it long.
  14. Game of Thrones (TV show)

    Last season I'd been reading the book along with the TV show, but this year I hadn't had the time. As soon as I saw the latest episode, I immediately picked up book 3 to read up to it and see how it's depicted in the book.
  15. Getting a phone

    Oh, I like this topic! First of, iOS versus Android in terms of gaming. iOS is more or less always declared the winner when it comes to this, as the games released on iOS are usually higher quality, and it's easier to get a hold of the best games without wading through shovelware, both due to a better storefront and word of mouth. Those two factors kinda beget eachother. However, as a "gamer" you have some good advantages on Android. If you're the same kind of gamer as me (or Elmuerte, clearly) you enjoy having everything tweaked just right, and will go searching for the optimal experience. In this camp Android is the clear winner, as you can do more or less whatever you want to make the phone optimal for you. Another thing that might interest you is retro gaming. On iOS, there are plenty of old adventure games in shiny remade versions, that are a great fit for a touch screen. On the other hand, on Android you can install emulators and ScummVM, so there you can play all the old games (you legally already own copies off, of course). I find a phone too small to play heavier games, so in the end I have an iPad I use to mostly play ports of PC games (lately I've been playing Gemini Rue, Frozen Synapse, and I just got KotOR), while I have a Galaxy S3 that I usually just play smaller puzzle games on; Drop7, Sudoku, crosswords, etc. The flagship Android phones right now are the all previously mentioned Galaxy S4, HTC One and Nexus 4. If price is no object, get one of these. (Preferably with stock Android like SAMan said, as both Samsung and HTC's skins are kind of annoying.) To pick between them you should go into a store to touch and feel them, see which design you like the best. If you're looking for something cheaper, the S3 or even S2+ are still great phones. Oh, and if you're worried about moisture damage, get a Sony Xperia.
  16. Double Fine - Kickstarter - MASSIVE CHALICE

    I went from "really, another Kickstarter?" to salivating as soon as I read the pitch. This kind of game is exactly up my wheelhouse. I will be backing it as soon as I return from vacation.
  17. Plug your shit

    My brain skimmed the list and conflated Gone Home and Gun Monkeys into "Gun Home". It's probably a mod for Gone Home that replaces all interactions with shooting.
  18. Weird Medical Shit

    Oh man, I feel ya, that little scooping tool is the worst.
  19. Injustice: Gods Among Us

    I've been playing this game for review the last week. I came to the conclusion that it's a good game for MK9 fans, a good game for DC fans, a great game for fans of both, but if you have no prior interest in either, this is not a good place to start. Even with the differences to blocking and one less attack button, the "feel" is very much like MK9. The way attacks, animation and super meter works are more or less the same. Put it this way: If you know enough about fighting games to care about the differences from MK, the difference is big. For someone like me, who liked MK because it let me kinda mash the buttons and had fairly easy super moves, it's very similar. The story is as redonk as you'd expect from "let's take a fighting game and add comic book characters to it". Big, dumb, and full of contrivances. There was only one unexpected moment where I was like "woah..".
  20. I Had A Random Thought...

    Writing this review makes me realize how infuriating marketing has turned names of things. Injustice: Gods Among Us (a play on Justice League, and a colon, because video games) is a game based on DC Comics (Detective Comics Comics) by NetherRealm (intercapped for no good reason), most known for Mortal Kombat (not the old Mortal Kombat, the new one, but also that one kinda).
  21. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    After finishing Thomas Was Alone, I have now made a playlist of the soundtracks of Fez, VVVVVV and Thomas Was Alone. Are there any other soundtracks or albums I can add to it, that would be described as "haunting square-wave music"?
  22. Life

  23. Recommend me some good two-player co-ops! (Please!)

    The Borderlands games. They're games that are exactly engaging enough to be fun to play, with good shooting and interesting leveling, while still being brainless enough in the plot department that you can chat idly on voicechat about whatever.
  24. Marketing an indie video game

    Notice how Brendon, a certified Game Pro, is marketing his games while talking about marketing his games. Watch and learn.