
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by mikemariano

  1. Wasteland 2

    Luckily, it's a sidequest, though it directly results from a main quest path. It's also unclear how the town's sympathies will affect the game overall. Do we run out of water if they don't like us?
  2. Wasteland 2

    Boy, I miss specific directions in my RPGs. Wasteland 2 has a logbook that describes quests, but doesn't have quest markers or specific instructions on how to complete the listed quests. Basically, I guess I'm saying that old school RPGs are too hard and I need baby RPGs.
  3. Where's Danielle's "staff" tag?
  4. Idle Interviews #1 Sean Vanaman (Designer, writer)

    Ohhhh, wild!
  5. Idle Interviews #1 Sean Vanaman (Designer, writer)

    I actually have a question for Sean based on your interview above that I don't really want him to answer or read or anything.
  6. My question is why is "an ex" just "an ex" but Quinn and Sarkeesian have to be front-and-center for this for basically just existing while this is going on? Why isn't the story "Man Posts Giant Manifesto That Doesn't Say Anything Coherent About Games"?
  7. Oh man, DK2 in a video game context is also "Donkey Kong" in my head. Hopefully someone will make Oculus Rift compatible with the Donkey Konga controller. And thank you for the most coherent explanation of Horrible Peoplegate that I have heard so far. You're also right to point out that the Tropes vs. Women host is a genuine YouTube celebrity. They should put her on the side of subway cars like all the other random people I don't know about!
  8. Idle Interviews #1 Sean Vanaman (Designer, writer)

    Motorcycle Maintenance Simulator 2014
  9. Wasteland 2

    I've been playing the Soft (Backer Only?) Release version of Wasteland 2. I'm overwhelmed! The tooltips have told me that it's possible to change rate of fire and other weapons modes, but I have not been able to figure it out at all. I did figure out that your party does not automatically reload between fights, so that was fun. There are plenty of options to use skills on objects all over the map (safes, traps, gates, etc.), but surprisingly few dialogue skill checks so far. The version I'm playing is the "shipping" version for people that will soon get physical discs. I have no idea if there will be any substantial updates to the game (aka ones that will break my saves). We'll see!
  10. The Ultimate Playthrough, Metal Gears!?

    Slight threadjack: I just discovered this Solid Snake supercut created by our own Derek Lieu a year ago. It's just as well-timed and hilarious as his Google Robot News and Nude Sonic animations:
  11. This was actually confusing me, because I searched for Oracle based on "Omegaracle" and could only find some dude's Soundcloud. I was going to make a comment that, "Are things discussed only games this week? Oh, I guess not because this is music."
  12. I haven't listened yet, but that's a really good description of what to value in player choice, Sean. Publish it somewhere! When I replayed Earthbound a few months ago, you get to choose your character's name and other details. I left everything as default, but then I saw that the default option for favorite food was "steak." I am a recent vegetarian, so I changed this to "tofu." Ness's favorite food is just a text string—any random collection of letters is fine and changes nothing about the rest of the game. But it was important for me to eat tofu. Tofu is my life now.
  13. Half-Life 3, you say? Time to update Toblix's favorite thread!
  14. I still don't know how to greeble or bespoke anything.
  15. The Great Twitch Purge of Three Weeks From Now

    I'm not sure. I have only ever had two concurrent downloads at a time, so that has been under 2 GB at any one time.
  16. The Great Twitch Purge of Three Weeks From Now

    If you have the bandwidth, you can help Archive Team back up as many Twitch videos as possible. http://tracker.archiveteam.org/twitchtv/ You can download a virtual machine which will automatically start downloading FLV files from Twitch, then uploading them to disk space provided by the Internet Archive. I'm doing it right now and discovering that there are a huge number of popular Twitch users whose saved streams are all 800MB+. Crazy!
  17. The Idle Thumbs Store

    I love American Apparel! And the only reason I didn't love American Apparel is gone! And I am an extra-small male and no one else will clothe me! But I wear no t-shirts except as undershirts so I'm not really the Idle Thumbs Store demographic.
  18. Recently completed video games

    Did you get the real ending? I got the "bad" ending where you survive, but don't really wake Mars. I can always head back into the tunnels to attempt to revive the place, but I think I've permanently ruined the Martian ecology.
  19. Episode 271: The Last Express

    I had three copies of PC Gamer stacked next to my desk while playing The Last Express so I could never be without their three-part walkthrough. Even then I had difficulty getting through the game. Using the walkthrough was kind of dispiriting, though. It discouraged just walking through the train and experiencing the activity on board. Forget that: you need to hurry to obscure locations to plant items you will use days later!
  20. Spelunky!

    I quit playing Super Meat Boy completely after the first time I died. Now that's permadeath!
  21. Life

    You'd think that, wouldn't you?
  22. Life

    Argh, thanks. I was afraid of that. I'm not allowed to move anything. My roommate isn't going to touch anything until the very last day he's there.
  23. Life

    I don't know if this is self-promotion thread or Life thread or what. Sorry; I'm bad at bantering. My roommate is moving out and I need to find a roommate. Or I need to move out myself and move from my nice, unique NJ apartment closer to my job in NYC. Or I need to get a new job. Or I need to get a new life. So if you know anyone interested in Craig's List photography or if you have any deep life advice, let me know! Thanks!
  24. Sir, You Are Being Hunted

    I finally found a revolver! But I have failed to use it effectively at all. Shots seem to do a random amount of damage. I have witnessed robots Dick Cheney-ing each other in the face—killing each other instantly with one shotgun blast. Meanwhile I have unloaded all six of my bullets into robots (with visual indication that I've done so) without impairing them at all. I'm sure this is a game where firearms are meant to be frustrating and a false sense of security. Just like real life!