
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Dreg

  1. Cool stuff to do in Portland?

    Forest Park is right near downtown if you want to do some hiking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest_Park_(Portland,_Oregon)
  2. Making Music. Tunes by Idle Thumbsters

    A little late but here is a big symphony sample library: http://sso.mattiaswestlund.net/
  3. Other podcasts

    Re:Comedy Podcasts I too fell off of Chewin it. I listened to a few episodes but its generally not that hilarious. I started off in comedy podcasts with You Made it Weird and its led me to quite a few comedians that I like. However a little bit of the host, Pete Holmes, can go a long way sometimes. Which is why I have 15 unplayed episodes sitting on my phone. I would recommend his episode with Thomas Middleditch if you wanna see how good it can be. Or the episodes with Moshe Kasher. The Champs is another good one that doesn't update very often. Its Moshe Kasher and Neal Brennan interviewing only black comedians/entertainers. Doug Loves Movies is a generally good time. Doug Benson gets some comedians/actors to play a sort of game show in front of an audience. I don't think I would be a huge fan of Benson's stoner standup but the show works pretty well. The Nerdist and Marc Maron I will generally only listen to if I am interested in the guest.
  4. The threat of Big Dog

    Robot race cars: http://www.autoblog.com/2015/11/30/ready-for-formula-e-driverless-roborace/
  5. QWOP with knives

    http://my64k.itch.io/rivalry My brother is living in Melbourne and sent me the link to this. He said it was the best thing he saw at PAX Aus. It was made by a 14 year old and he is trying to get it greenlit but you can play the alpha in your browser.
  6. Painting tabletop miniatures

    Stripping paint is actually pretty easy. There are various ways to do it but I think I would just leave figures in simple green overnight then scrub them with a toothbrush. You just have to make sure that whatever you are using to strip the paint doesn't melt whatever your figures are made of.
  7. I too listen at work and since I am in a noisy office more is better for me. I think based on all the other stuff they put out that most of their fans want as much Giant Bomb as they can get and would love an even longer Bombcast. I think the Thumbs have tried not to become the bombcast. There was a lot more extended fucking around that made it "On Air" in the early days when they were still figuring what they wanted the show to be. I would be curious to know how long a normal recording session now is vs. how long an episode is.
  8. Post Apocalyptic Books

    Wool - Hugh Howey Seveneves - Neal Stephenson Dies The Fire - SM Stirling
  9. I have only played Gang Beasts with 4 people and that seems like the optimum number. Though playing it with 8 does seem like it would be glorious.
  10. The Atrocity Archives - Charles Stross and its sequels which are similar to The Rook in some ways.
  11. Unlike Brad the fact that Valve essentially kept the models and mechanics for all the DOTA2 lords the same as DOTA is what makes me not like it. It just feels lazy which isn't something I would normally associate with Valve. And I feel the same about the overall art aesthetic it is just a sort of boring/bland fantasyish thing. Everything after that is pretty typical Valve to me though. They have put a lot of effort into polishing the crap out of those mechanics and building in the spectator system etc etc. I just wish they had been more bold in making changes in the design phase.
  12. Far Cry 3

    I made it to the second island, captured all the outposts and towers, and then stopped playing almost 2 weeks ago. At this point I would rather play Just Cause 2. It did all the fun parts of Far Cry 3 better and there is an even bigger island to take over and explore.
  13. Far Cry 3

    He did make sounds of disgust during the mission where you photograph dead bodies.
  14. Elemental Fallen Enchantress

    I gave them 2 chances with Demigod and then Elemental. I am not going to throw away money on a crap Stardock game again.
  15. Then a shot of the victim lying on the ground, hand covering the bloody wound in his chest. "But *cough* but" Max takes a step back into the shadows. "Its February" Cue theme.
  16. A League of their Legends?

    Soo anyone else still playing and/or excited that this is coming out of beta soon?
  17. Wolfenstein

    I played through the whole thing. If I had had anything better to do I wouldn't have bothered once the 'new game' shine had worn off. Also it was free because my friend bought it and couldn't play it due to some driver issue.(The issue being it would screw up his system settings bad enough that he would have to uninstall and reinstall his video drivers.) I am glad it was free for me because I would have felt ripped off if I had spent money on it. The only cool parts for me were some of the looks of the crazy giant underground nazi lairs. Everything else was mediocre.
  18. A League of their Legends?

    I have had the beta for LoL for a while now and just got a key for HoN. I am enjoying LoL alot though I really wish they would add a new map(s). I haven't yet been able to play a game of HoN but I haven't tried too hard. It reminds me of trying to join a game of DOTA. The few times I tried I got kicked(no clue why) or no one joined and it died. And from hearing about the noob treat you get I am not very motivated to try.
  19. I am sad because I will only be going on Fri. I guess I will be reduced to wandering around saying "Video Games" and emitting the occasional baboo.
  20. I am one of those idling Team Fortress 2 douchebags. The one key thing you forgot to mention about the unlocks is that you can and will get stuff you already got. So after playing for 4 hours the first night I finally got my 2nd set of boxing gloves. The next night I got my 2nd sandvich. Then I said some unkind things about Gabe Newell and found a server to sit afk on while I slept. It would have taken me about 15 hours of actually playing until I finally got the new Sniper bow. Along the way I have gotten triples of 5 different items and I still don't have all the new stuff or any of the hats. So you guys may have hated the grinding of achievements but how much do you like the idea that you will have to play casually for 2 months to get an item you don't have?
  21. So after asserting that a custom level is not the equivalent of a mod, the last mod you gents mentioned was DOTA... Which is a custom Warcraft 3 map. I think that some of the custom maps are the equivalent of mods. Their creators are constrained by their toolset the same as someone making a Halflife 2 mod with the editor. But the change in gameplay is interesting/new enough to make it a very different game from the source.