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Everything posted by OssK

  1. Dantes Inferno trailer

    They are awful shit compared to the comics that's not likable
  2. Beyond Cheesy?

    My god this thread is gonna give me emmental disorder... It's awesome, and you could see so much genius in this list of pun that one would think (in french because he can) "Mozart est là"... But although it rocks I don't this it can roquefort-ever.
  3. I would certainly not screw them but I will tell them how not playing the first one and talking about the second one makes their remarks obsolete for the gaming community. I hardly understand that trend of "you did not even played the commodore 64 version and did not read the book, how dare you say how you feel about that game !"... But hey, I've been there too, being a comic reader and having seen comic movie with people who were not and reacting the same way.
  4. I call it rhythm management in most games but people who were annoyed by that and felt like the game was castrating them for not being a run-through experience really called that dissonance, for it was not what one would expect of a shooter.
  5. Yeah, my animosity towards you just got one step further. I hate your guts, but your cyborg is awesome nonetheless By the way, when you say "Argh you included a metallicock." What does the Argh stand for? Some kind of physic recognition of rough moments you wish you'd never have to remember ? "Argh, not the Metallicock again !"
  6. 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand

    I guess I'll stay out of this country then, I'd rather go play Killzone or GTA which are really funnier to me than spending money on that guy's ego.
  7. (IGN.com)

    «This game makes necrodandrophilia look like a waste of time» IGN.com
  8. Dantes Inferno trailer

    Nowadays it's easier for the church to change the bible than for Grant Morisson to change an event in the 3rd reallity of the 11th time continuum of earth 52 in the second multiverse to your ass's right chick's left... Funky world you live in... But don't worry, disco's not dead, disco is life.
  9. Dantes Inferno trailer

    Don't get the wrong impression, I've been reading comics for years and definitely read them loooong before seeing the movies, but I guess it's like Harry Potter, people who have not read it first can't really understand what's in it besides the monsters and the story. For V for example, the story is so much deeper and darker, but also so much more complicated in the graphic novel, so I guess I can understand the appeal for a less powerful and simpler version of that masterpiece. Sin City was just capy pasted pictures with actors in them, and as it visually had not been seen before, having these crazy all black and white silhouettes was enough to give people a taste of the novel. And the novel being so powerful, tasting even a lower version of it is enough for people to like it... Am I making any sense ?
  10. Not really related but... I thought of that actually, because there was kind of that feeling among my friends that enigmas and shooting where not integrated together as one in HL2, it's either shooting or on location enigmas. So yeah, some liked it for the Myst side, some for the shooty side, some for both, and some were annoyed by that dissonance in the game, getting frustrated by the sudden drop of tension and being blocked thing, particularly in the vortigon escort thing in the begining of HL2e2. But there definitely was this general trend of two "playstyles" that was visible.
  11. Dantes Inferno trailer

    Wouldn't you think it's mainly liked by people with no precedented knowledge of the comic? Like V for Vendetta, 300 and not just right now but next week it'll probably be the same, Watchmen ?
  12. Note: Maaaan... You mentioned Joe Pesci again... Now you'll have to metion him in every news podblast...
  13. Dragon Lair 2

    I think this is one BIG HUGE PHAT quick time event which is to say basically, one, as previously mentioned BIG HUGE PHAT pain in the lower parts of my back. Who would you improve it ? Let's see, you'd have to give some freedom in the choice of path to the player, and maybe lower the annoying beeps. And maybe give it better graphics... Like 3D graphics. Now that's the good recipe to make a Dragon's Lair 3, and it would pretty surely make a shitty game from my point of view. So you'd start again, and make the player wander around in a huge castle filled with monsters pursued by a fat hag and run in every possible direction, hopping that he (the player) will be smart enough to discover every trap you prepared for him, try his chance everywhere and really freely, not on rails. That'd be kind of a closed open world, would make a great game I think
  14. Dantes Inferno trailer

    Well, if you're a game publisher, I'm a game designer myself so instead of crying we should get to work ^.^ Back to Dante's Inferno, the funny thing is, I would so definitely buy a game that has the name "The divine Comedy" because it just rapes me how beautiful that title is, but "Dante's Inferno" in the book is nothing, it's not his hell it's just hell. So I guess you are completely right about this being a stupid thing to do... Actually I was thinking about that the other day: do you (or anyone reading) have in mind a very good adaptation from a media to another? Like I don't know, a book you liked but found the movie way more awesome or anything like that ?
  15. (IGN.com)

    That one was awesome! If anyone has a dime to spare I guess now would be a good time to register IGNdot.com or igndotcom.smthg «That game will vermifuge you through every hole» IGN.com «that game will blow away» IGN.com
  16. 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand

    Well I don't really call it Bad ass, I call it generic gangsta crap, you're not bad ass just because you shoot people in the head, you're bad ass because you drill in your society's moral code's ass with a steamhammer. And it might just be me, but bad ass isn't killing people anymore, it's been done so much that even GTA3 wasn't bad ass anymore.
  17. Dantes Inferno trailer

    Well, it's not the first time really that someone made a game using some world mythology, the Odyssey was made game a thousand times and nobody gave a shit (out of these thousand games I guess approximately 100% of the raped the book and none were about poetry) so yeah, I guess you can make a game out of the Divine Comedy using it mainly as a backdrop for your game, it's what you'd call an adaptation. You take a profound piece of litterature and you choose to make a dumb game out of it... Why not. I'd say it's a mort valid thing to do than trying to replicate the exact content to another media like it's been done back and forth with films and games and comics... Sin City the movie is just the same thing as the paper version... Only this time, IT MOVES! And so it's more spectacular I'd say, but less profound than on the original media. Same thing goes for the Tomb Raider movies, because it exists and was designed as a video game, it's really tough to make a good movie with it. I'd guess I could explode everyone's brain on this forum with that simple sentence: Imagine Braid... the movie...
  18. 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand

    Yeah right... If being bad ass is just proffering insanity and killing generic enemies (oh my god, who gives a fuck, they're just enemies... Meant to die after all) with huge guns through repetitive gameplay mechanics in a completely unbalanced fight... It's really bad ass. You should see Gran Torino and read Batman R.I.P, you'd see a dead bad piece of butt in those two and not a fuck to be heard. Being bad ass kind of goes against the wind, and this piece of marketing product is just the opposite... It's what you would expect from a game with fifty cents in it... Played it for a little while at the shop... Gess what, 50 cents is not only the title. And what about firing the guy who had this idea "Hey guys, what if, instead of showing how cool our game is, we'd make a trailer that shows how the AI sucks, how the cover mechanics sucks, how our weapons are all the same, how the enemies are dumb as shit and have 1HP when you have 2billions..."
  19. Penumbra

    Yeah... I guess you wouldn't call that a survival horror game cause it ain't really about surviving, mainly horror puzzle solving would be my pick But for once, not having a bazooka to fight off zombies makes you really feel how it would be like if YOU were in there... I'd say i'd be halfway between that guy's attitude "ok i have to put the refrigerator aside so I can climb up there to the vents and escape safely..." and the player's like "Or you could take that chair and beat the crap out of this zombie dog" and left for dead "oh, more zombies, no matter i'll just kill them all, seen worst".