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Everything posted by Obscurity

  1. I want to see a Turing/Ebert Combo Test. A game that makes a machine cry so much that we recognize it as intelligent. Also, I am even angrier that I missed out on GDC this year now that I know about those awesome Idle Thumbs newspapers!
  2. Great podcast. Regarding the discussion of the trend away from simulators or real sandbox games, I hope it doesn't continue either. I love games like that. Also, that type of play is often referred to as "toy" style game play as opposed to goal oriented play and there is a school of thought that there are different personality types that respond more to one or the other. Personally, I'm more of a "toy" guy. "Dicking Around Achievement Unlocked!"
  3. Plain Sight

    I played it some this weekend with my 4 year old son and we both had a blast! I found that when sprint-charging sometimes the game crashed but that is my only complaint. I used a 3rd party 360 controller in Windows on my Macbook Pro, so maybe that had something to do with it. Also, it was oddly reminiscent of a game prototype that I made myself some time ago. I don't have a screenshot to link to at the moment but you can see it about halfway through my demo reel if anyone is interested. Robot planet hopping stuff.
  4. This podcast reminds me of some cool interactive systems that I experienced in Clint Hocking's Far Cry 2!
  5. The last game you played

    Fallout 3 here, off and on. I'm pretty sure it's my current favorite game. Oh, and the Halo Wars demo has been fairly replayable (please don't kill me real RTS fans).
  6. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Hello everyone. I'm just a guy who plays some games, watches movies and reads books. I've listened to the podcast since its recent (re)birth and I dig you crazy cats. Looking forward to entering into discussion of gaming minutia and the ol' internet favorite: arguing over subjective experience.