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About shawsie64

  • Rank
    He lives!
  • Birthday 01/08/1986


  • Location
    Adelaide, South Australia
  • Interests
    Gaming, drinking
  • Occupation
  1. Novint Falcon

    Operation Flashpoint 2 is coming out soon with native support for the Falcon.. also on their forums they said they'll be releasing their 'F-Gen Drivers' very shortly which will make it compatible with all games..
  2. Novint Falcon

    Ordered one of these last week with the wizard discount..gonna take a bit to get to Australia though Went halves with a friend on the agreement that if it is good i can buy the rest and we'll order in another one..
  3. Rise of Flight - WW1 Flight sim

    hahaha =P been playing this game all weekend.. its pretty hardcore but there's options to change the simulation aspects to a more user friendly level. It reminds me of PC games i used to but years ago, comes with a keyboard chart and a map (that's actually usable). Instruction manual comes with nice facts about the planes your flying; the start up procedures (mentioned above) have a nice two pages dedicated to them.. The game maybe not be to everyones taste.. extremely sim orientated but for those that like that kind of stuff its right up their alley. Flight model is spot on (coming from myself that's actually been a WW1 fighter ace =p). In summary DEFINITELY pick it up if your into flight sims, its amazing in that aspect.
  4. Rise of Flight - WW1 Flight sim

    haha that startup sequence is rad, love stuff like that. Whats wrong with the trajetory physics? My copy is still not here
  5. hahaha fucking love this thread
  6. Rise of Flight - WW1 Flight sim

    No worries, will do. Im a bit bummed about the DRM too but then I think of how many of these hardcore sims (WW1 especially) are being made nowadays and id hate for these kind of games to disappear due to people not buying them. I'm still waiting for it to come in the mail, fingers crossed it comes tonight. Ill have my freetrack set up by tonight aswell so it'll be like Christmas only with good presents as opposed to the shitty socks I get yearly haha. P.S Chris get a flight stick!
  7. Rise of Flight - WW1 Flight sim

    Hi guys, Anyone here into Flight Sims? Im a huge IL-2 fan and ordered Rise of Flight on Monday. Its a WW1 flight sim, meant to have an insanely good flight model. Should be at my door tommorow, cant wait!
  8. ArmA 2

    Sweet, thanks for the impressions!. Im really looking forward to it, just pre-ordered on steam the other night. Oh and elmuerte, apparently word on the official forums that the demo is gonna drop tommorow, so you can give it a whirl and see what you think
  9. ArmA 2

    So whos picking this up? gameplay looks pretty impressive from youtube videos and although its prob gonna be buggy at first, the community and Bohemia should sort it out.. I loved Operation flashpoint but skipped Arma 1 due to lack of a good PC.
  10. inFamous

    yeah threw me off a little bit when the reapers you fight under the bridge on one of the early missions just fell onto the water.. not sunk or float just like layed on top of it haha but meh its a small thing
  11. inFamous

    So i played some of this last night, really fun! kinda regretted going evil after Trish scalded me but what can ya do.. gonna put some more time into it tonight, hooray for Australian long weekend!
  12. inFamous

    This just arrived for me this morning before i went to work, cant wait to play in a few hours ill post impressions.
  13. haha yeah i put a vote in for outcast and monkey island aswell
  14. wow, thats a really good system, put a vote down for last express and sent them an email.
  15. good idea, thanks ill send em an email now