80's Bad Guy

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Posts posted by 80's Bad Guy

  1. I'm actually going through AC1 for the first time right now and while I can see how shallow and binary the whole package is, pieces of it, like scaling uber-tall towers and the combat (especially combo killing and counter killing with the hidden blade) are some of the most fun I've had with a game this gen. Now just imagine these mechanics in something as deep as a Thief game and we have something really special. Will they make something that complex? I doubt it, but if they even come close to delivering on the potential here, AC2 could be really awesome.

  2. Ok, I'm not seriously advocating the boycott of this just announced game. I just think it's funny...make that hilarious that gamers have already started a boycott group on the steam community that has almost 4,000 people right now.


    Or do they have a point?

    • Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered
    • Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release
    • The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games
    • The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes
    • The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far
    • L4D2 is too bright to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic
    • The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome
    • L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before
    • The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release

    There are a few reasonable gripes in there, but personally I think this is a direct result of Valve spoiling their customers for years and then, for once, acting like a normal publisher and choosing to iterate on their content in a normal way rather than give everyone everything they want for free.

    Still funny though.


  3. Goddamnit, me and my stupid mouth.

    I stand by my statement. What I should have said instead is that Valve & Id don't give a shit to take the time to learn how to program for the PS3, and that makes them less awesome than everyone else gives them credit for. As if traditional PC programming will always be the best way its done, or even the best way to do it right now...bitch puleeease.

    There, I feel better. Carry on.

  4. I recant my previous statement. Crackdown 2 was an awesome announcement, especially after I felt so underwhelmed by the APB footage. The whole situation is so weird too, like the original dev is making the spiritual successor everyone was initially excited about (but looked like ass to me), while the splinter team comes along announcing the true sequel that now seems so much more promising. odd.

    And James Camerons meltdown was more exciting than Susan Boyles.

  5. I'm reserving this post so that someday I can reveal the meaning of life. Stay tuned.

    In other news, Monkey Island ish looks cool, full game downloads are awesome and I'm interested to see more on that Metal Gear, the rest...meh.

  6. Pulling out the whole "we have your server logs/took a look at your achievements" bullshit, in response to a negative review, is pretty high up on the whiny scale.

    Why's that? I think it's completely justified. In fact I'd like access to all reviewer achievements, though they aren't usually available when playing on a debug. I think it's an excellent barometer to see much they actually invested in a game.

  7. Just want to say I watched the BSG mini-series to give it a fair chance and thought it was pretty good. Not as bad as I imagined it was, but still riddled with convenient plot pieces and weak acting. Still, I might try to continue on and see if it gets better. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnOyMSEWNTs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnOyMSEWNTs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

  9. I thought it was mildly entertaining, but mainly just because of the enigmatic Eric Stoltz.

    Fun fact, I saw this pilot without ever having seen any of the BG episodes, and this is exactly the kind of mind-numbingly dumb sci-fi I imagine that series to be. (Star Trek 90210) Is this on par with that, or is BG really worth my time?

  10. Wow The Pitt was really great! Awesome DLC.

    It's like a glorified version of the Tenpenny Tower quest with even greater morally complicated alternate paths. Plus the writing is really sharp and I love the things NPC's shout at you based on your actions. My favorite line

    (I heard someone yell at me after the Arena) "Wow, you killed the shit out of Gruber!" Hah! Poor Gruber.

  11. I was so excited I downloaded the damn thing as soon as it was available, cleared my schedule, had a fat spliff and then proceeded to have my mind blown just as I thought....but in a horrible nightmare bad trip kinda way.

    The whole thing is utterly bizarre, because it starts out fine enough, but then you slowly start seeing flying smokestacks and barrels, then raiders with glowing eyes, and then those triangles, and then after the bridge, crash and doom.

    I just hope it gets re-uploaded sometime soon. Balls.

  12. I thought it was some axe killer or friend of Otis. :mock:

    Hey those are pretty cool action polaroids! It seems some images are more sad when they are stylized, like the old man tuned away from Chuck E Cheese.

    Back on topic, versus DLC for RE5 seems strange. I'm afraid it will be a sniper fest, even with pistols. The whole game seems designed to find cover and pick off enemies, that will be so damn boring online. Maybe not, but they shouldn't be segmenting the market with experimental paid for DLC. Doesn't seem the best way to encourage the fan base to try something new. In fact, it seems pretty stupid.

  13. [sorry to interrupt, but is this Dostoyevsky you got there as an avatar, AkuMifune?]

    Hah yeah. I was re-reading Crime & Punishment when I realized I didn't have an avatar.

    Hopefully now EA can adopt this classic novel into a 3rd-person action game and turn Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov into a jacked up killer stuck in a Siberian prison where he needs to kills guards for the amusement of the maniacal warden.

    Sorry I can't place your avatar though.

  14. Actually it's really interesting to think about co-op in the context of this game, because Capcom has essentially been flirting with this idea for a long time. You could argue that RE5 is essentially RE4 + RE0 actually. This implementation of co-op seems exactly the same as it was in RE0, but instead of switching between characters on the fly, real people can hop into and out of that AI role.

    I guess the big question is "Can co-op gameplay work in a survival horror game?" Would a co-op Condemned be just as scary, for example? Maybe. I'm not sure.

    But really it's not the co-op element that kills the survival horror aspect of this game, it zombies with guns, on turrets and riding motorcycles. Seriously. Would a Crimson Head be caught riding a Kawasaki? I think not.

  15. I really wish we could give AI Sheva some commands on how to behave and such. Bitch, I gave you the infinite ammo MP5, why are you picking up handgun rounds with a licker straight ahead of me?

  16. I'm not ashamed to admit I actually shed a tear at end of SoTC, though in my defense I was pretty stoned at the time.

    But just the way that game engages the player emotionally overall is pretty brilliant, from the slow-burn structure of the gameplay up to the scene where Argo goes over the cliff that thrusts you into the final battle, and then the futility of playing out the ending scene, all leads up to a big emotional release from the player when it finally ends. I think there are pretty legitimate reasons why alot of people always reference Ico & SoTC when discussing emotions in gaming, they are just so sincere in the stories they present, without trivializing or pandering the content in any way. Does that make sense?

  17. There is no destroying this thread, especially when IGN continues to astound.

    From the Madworld Review:

    ...the game is an instant collector's item and a Wii showpiece, not just for its amazing style, but for its label-busting content.

    Label-busting content? You couldn't make this stuff up.