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Posts posted by MrChaz

  1. You could argue that it's strength comes from being short but hey... If it was twice as long, it would definitely have to be something more, adding depth, adding content, developping and so, not just basically twice as much distance to cover.


    I'm not sure what they would have added without diluting what was there, everything progressed nicely you learned all the skills then the game takes a twist to keep things fresh whilst coming to a conclusion. More levels would have been dull, harder puzzles wouldn't move things forward either. It's such a perfect story arc.

  2. No, I DO like to complete all the levels. That's why if it's actually a level-based game, I prefer it to be shorter. Some games can't be described as having "levels" in the same sense, though.

    Ah, ok it seemed like you're interested in seeing everything the game has to offer which I took to mean more in the way of gameplay than raw content.

  3. ...

    It's not so much that I can't decide if I want shorter games or more open, simulational games--it's that I like both of those. What I don't like, are huge games that reveal all they meaningfully have to offer long before they actually end, as Jake describes. If a game is going to be a relatively linear, single-player experience that is more about the progression and the pacing and the arc, I very much prefer it to be shorter, even if it's still priced at $50. The reality is I'm only going to play a game like that for a limited number of hours anyway, so I'd rather pay $50 and spend 10 hours completing it than pay $50 and spend 10 hours not completing it.

    However if a game is actually about mastery of mechanics and exploration and immersion into a world, and if I enjoy those things, I am a lot more likely to spend more time in it -- not deliberately so, it will just work out that way because I enjoy being inside the game.


    So what you're saying is that you like to complete the game but not necessarily all the levels. Does that even make sense?

    Pretty much all games are about mastering the mechanics given to you it's just the ones in linear games tend to be very limited and specific.

    I'd can't say I could take a longer COD4. The American missions particularly intense and I don't know if I'd want to or be able to sustain the concentration and drive to keep playing.

  4. Ok,

    According to the Giant Bomb podcast you can interbreed people with vegetables by eating them and then pooping out a new thing, is this right?

    Also, the whole community based game unlocking thing sounds awesome.

  5. Easy, replace money with water and you've got a standard mercenaries game.

    Replace bottle caps with water and you've got a fallout clone.

    That works for a whole bunch of games. Never under estimate the ability of games to under-deliver on their premise.

  6. dynamic AI is still annoyingly uncommon

    That's because it's a really hard thing to do. The Halo AI always gave the impression of being smart and the Gears stuff isn't bad, if you ignore Dom that is.

  7. the first 30 minutes or whatever boils down to: Game mechanics done well are fun, game mechanics done poorly are not.

    I found HL2 much more pressured than the first one. The sequence up until the end of the sewer section is just a blur for me. Playing it in one sitting meant that I really felt like I couldn't stop, even for a moment.

    I swear seeing a comment below an 8.7 score for killzone saying that they were disappointed and expected at least an 9.2. Hope you find that as funny as I did.

  8. Re: Being gross out by a game

    Soldier of Fortune 2 was the first that did it to me. I reflex shot a guy at close range wit the m249 or something. I blew his foot and lower leg off, his guts were hanging out and I blew half his face off and for some physics reason he was twitching. I had to quit ;(

    The other game to do it to me was play GTA and for some reason I was just wailing on someone with a baseball bat and after a moment it just dawned on me that I'd just gone totally psycho on the guy and I couldn't remember why.