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Everything posted by MrChaz

  1. DoW2 Beta

    I think they've pulled the camera back so you lose some of that nice detail.
  2. ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮Mirror's Edge

    I'm about 5 chapters through and I'm finding quite good fun. The combat is a little frustrating but not too bad. I've come across some annoying checkpointing where it's saved right in front of a door so I have to open it every damn time and it's right be a really overly long jump sequence too. They seem to do a bad job of pacing too, I get into a rhythm and then I'm either tottering across a tiny bar (which is lame in itself) or having to press a button or whatever. Story seems ok so far too.
  3. Remo does Blow

    Just sounds like he's been on the internets to me.
  4. DoW2 Beta

    Well I have to say that my first impressions are mixed. Maybe it was the people I was playing with but in the 3v3 match I just wandered around with a mess of units, there didn't really seem to be any real strategy at work. Maybe the others were doing the clever stuff, who knows. Also Tyranid army is an over statement. I want hordes genestealers dammit
  5. Send us questions!

    Things from the last couple of episodes Re: Championing the PC The three things I remember being the pillars of the PC platform were the ability to patch games, free add-ons and expansions and the mod scene. patching has obviously made it to the console. Sadly the last two, especially the mod scene, as really died off in recent years. Re: compulsive saving When I finished BioShock I had ~980Mb in saves. Re: "Nu-nu-nucl-nuclear launch detected" That brought back memories of playing C&C Red Alert at a LAN many years ago when we were still using Token-Ring networking. Because token-ring was rubbish the "Nuclear launch" sound used to ripple it's way out of each PCs speakers as packets went round the loop. What made it even better was as each player heard it they would launch their own missile which just made everything more crazy. Good times.
  6. DoW2 Beta

    They should make money simply because they included Tyranids. Although there should be a heavy 'I'm not playing Homeworld 3' tax applied.
  7. DoW2 Beta

    That's why I never play RTS's online.
  8. DoW2 Beta

    If you can't wait that long Eurogamer are giving a bunch away on Saturday Just don't take mine
  9. Next² Generation Consoles

    I don't see how they'd be able to do it as an add-on. I was really thinking of them just doing it as another console using most of the same tech.
  10. Next² Generation Consoles

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see the next x360 in 2-3 years. Anything MS can do to shorten the generation puts more pressure on Sony as they're really struggling with the PS3. Now if they release an incremental upgrade to the x360 in a couple of years that is 'cheap' then they'd still be in a position to match the PS4 another 4-5 years after that. You'd think it would be easy for MS to add a blu-ray drive, another CPU and upgraded graphics. Heck they might even be able to SLI the current GPU. That way they'd maintain 100% backwards compatibility and there'd be nearly no R&D cost. It's a bit of a stretch but possible I think. Also I think in the long term they'll start putting new games up on Live to download. Here's another thought do you think we'll see a return to cartridges? Given how cheap flash memory is these days and that the transfer speed is faster (?)
  11. Feist

    That is one heck of a pretty game.
  12. Gmod videos of pure awesomeness!

    Man, The sheer amount of character those TF2 models have is crazy. It makes me want to go and start the game up right now.
  13. Five BioShock sequels

    Ah man, I have enough trouble trying to work how they're going to do justice to number 2 let alone anything after that.
  14. Game Damage

    Really seemed like an act. You could see him trying to hold a straight face.
  15. That song was easily the best yet. If it wasn't so damn expensive I was going to register but apparently Tongans are possessive.
  16. Game Damage

    Man, that was horrible. I only watched the first few minutes because it was so forced and stilted Zero Punctuation is great because it's a no-bullshit subversive review skit. That was so formulaic it hurts
  17. I love the extended 'wizard' insert. I hope in the future it will fill a whole episode. Also bringing some of Mirrors Edge's controls into Madden could actually be cool. Especially if they made a first-person defence mode
  18. Plain Sight

    If only I had a pc capable of running this
  19. Trine

    That looks really interesting, especially the wizard stuff. The controls are going to be really hard to nail, imo. Looks like it's mouse driven too
  20. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Figure I'd say hi as well. hi.
  21. NXE impressions?

    For what it's worth they did the same thing with the original xbox. Oddly Halo3 actually loads slower when installed to the hdd because it still copies stuff from the disc image to the internal cache.
  22. Rock Band 2...

    Man, you've really customised that drum kit.
  23. FUUUUUUCK!!!

    A brief look at my post history says I'm on my fourth. They seem to last around 8-12 months for me strangely.
  24. FUUUUUUCK!!!

    Yeah, I'm on my 5th I think - I'm starting to lose track.