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Everything posted by Scrobbs

  1. iPhone/iTouch gaming

    I think I got it after you twittered it the other week. It is quite good. I find it hard to get more than 64 though.
  2. Pirate Bay lads found guilty!

    1 year in jail, $3.6m fine.
  3. Pirate Bay lads found guilty!

    Haha! I didn't know about that! His programming skills are impeccable.
  4. Pirate Bay lads found guilty!

    Here's a little page that Benn Jordan (aka The Flashbulb) included with his torrented music. I didn't actually download it, a friend gave me a copy. However, after hearing it, I sent him some money (£15).
  5. Life

    She won't get better. It's Alzheimer's. I'm trying to get a job with various companies at the moment - had to cast my net wider, and now looking at jobs in London. Soemthing I found out the other day though is that the dole office now refund you your travel costs to interviews, which is good.
  6. Life

    Kind of up and down - I don't have a job, and yet have enough money to do cheap stuff. My mum's ill and there's been a lot of stress in that direction. I've just had a lovely holiday in the lakes. I'm waiting on a job interview result. I have a lovely girlfriend. My mum's ill. I have a (booked and paid for) holiday in Canada to look forward to. I might not get that job, and there aren't many about. If I *did* it would be awesome, despite having to travel to [bloody] London every week. Summer is on it's way! I'm going camping at the weekend with friends to go kite boarding and walking. I'm going to a free festival in Devon (Llama) in the summer. My mum's ill. Got a mate's wedding to look forward to. Got a weekend trip to Jersey to look forward to. My mum's ill. Lots of nice things happening, overshadowed by one horrible one. I'm sure there's a lot of people who have it worse, so I guess I'm lucky.
  7. I have HOW many unbeaten games? *foams at mouth*

    If you extrapolate the thought in the other direction, if you have so many unbeaten games, should be buying as many in the future? I thought about this a while ago, me spending 40 pounds on a game and maybe only getting a few hours out of it seemed a bit of waste. It has made me a lot more circumspect about which games I buy now. Of course, now I'm a doley, I don't have a great deal of choice anyway...
  8. Movie/TV recommendations

    The Sarah Connor Chronicles went out with a bang! Awesome.
  9. Anti-terror nonsense. Gold!
  10. The Secret World

    I presume you gave up on Eve to never go back. I've never seen you online. Was the reason time/learning curve/care?
  11. Switching off at the plug.

    Nope. It doesn't completely kill it. I know this because of recent minor electrical problems in my house. The electrician was saying that although live carries the current, neutral does too. The switch doesn't break the circuit totally
  12. Switching off at the plug.

    The only way to stop power usage is to remove the plug entirely, as said above. Your supply box at the point of ingress to the house should have appropriate RCD breakers for each circuit which should stop fires. You should test the break ability every three months or so.
  13. Suggest names for a virtual currency

    Take some inspiration from existing alternative currencies. Maybe something that shows the time and effort folk put in... Time Stars perhaps?
  14. PS3 multiplayer

    Apologies, I didn't see this - plus it was late. I did however play it for about three hours in th afternoon and enjoyed it immensely. Still can't fly the warhawk for shit, but I began to get kills on the board after an hour or so. I think I like Zones the best.
  15. Evil Thumbs 3: Army of Thumbness

    Not sure. He seemed in good humour up to that point. Maybe because it was the finale, he couldn't be bothered any more. v0v
  16. OnLive - high-end PC gaming without the PC

    This would, on the other hand, be extremely workable for lan events. Someone like multiplay has the cash to buy massive servers that can do the crunching, with gigabit backbone and the QoS tuned for gaming traffic...You could go to a lan event with a laptop. Without all the fiddling about lugging your own rig to these things, more people might go to events more often.
  17. Evil Thumbs 3: Army of Thumbness

    Just been playing this the last few days! Been getting back into again. I'm up!
  18. PS3 multiplayer

    Aha! Yes, I do. I won't be online next saturday though (I will be in the Lakes! woohoo!). So maybe the one after?
  19. PS3 multiplayer

    Warhawk is impossible to survive for longer than a few minutes. That said, it is remarkably fun. I was toying with the idea of playing it last night, maybe I should have another go.
  20. Movie/TV recommendations

    I though Gran Torino was bloody funny. Loved it.
  21. Google Streetview UK launches

    The auto head blurring thing doesn't always work.
  22. Lastfm Usernames

    Hi all, I've liked some of the recommendations that peeps have posted, so if you have a lastfm account, please put your name here and I will add you to mine. Mine is Tonsko
  23. GoldenEye:Source

    I'd forgotten about this. All respect to the devs on this one. It's looking the dog's fucking bollocks.
  24. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    ...and now for something completely different. vSb-nV8l2QY