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Everything posted by Scrobbs

  1. G20 - Police use tear gas,, sound cannons

    Heh. The truck and coppers made me think of the Combine.
  2. Life

  3. Missed it's exact day, but not to worry. I was 9. Can anyone else identify with docking frustration until could afford the docking computer? I think it was 1400 credits if my memory serves.
  4. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    Well, finally managed a bronze on the first extreme level, and nearly got to the end of the second - where there's a box on a ramp that you have to hop over and THEN continue up the ramp. Still can't get above a bronze on King of the Hill - or any platinums at all come to that.
  5. So.. Batman: Arkham Asylum

    I switched it off in fights, as it was easier to parry with it off. Useful beforehand, obviously to count enemies and find out where they are. You don't need to worry about missing bits though, as once you've finished the main game, riddler maps appear with rough guides as to where things are. The game was good enough for me to enjoy going round and getting them all, unusual in a game of this type I find.
  6. Life

    BLOODY London!
  7. Forza Motorsport 3

    Yep, I agree. Including engine and gearbox damage etc.
  8. Forza Motorsport 3

    I'm perfectly happy to PM it to whoever wants it...there's no secrecy. I'd just like to keep it out of Google's cache as much as possible.
  9. Forza Motorsport 3

    It will need updating though, as it needed constant revision as new tuning data and maths revisions became available. Last updated 2007. Version 2c instigated RPM tables, but if I recall they're not so accurate - I gave it up before cracking them totally. It might still work pretty well, but it was no good at all for porsche's. You have PM. Also, you should all visit - a fan site I helped start. It's still running well, with loads of regulars who play together. It was started to get like minded people racing - who were all fair minded with no silly barging or wrecking races.
  10. Forza Motorsport 3

    I had a brief, but intense affair with Forza 2. I got to into it, and it killed it. By to into it, I mean I gathered up all the disparate half finished works of people used to dial settings in and crafted a spreadsheet from it, to the point where you could put the car you would like to drive in it, and it would spit out optimised settings for the car. I think I nearly got the gear ratio section working as well. I realised I was having more fun programming and testing the spreadsheet than playing the game, so I gave up and took the steering wheel back to the shop (under the pretext that the downshift paddle sometimes dropped two gears without warning) and sold the game on ebay. I learned more about cars and gears (they were pretty tough) than I did know, so that in itself is pretty awesome that a game can teach you about it, should you like to find out. Yes. A Geek. Sorry. As you were.
  11. Movie/TV recommendations

    I've been reading a book about the assassination of General Patton, and it's reminded me of 'The Company'. I'm going to watch it again as it's rather fine. There's nothing about Patton in there, just that the facts about espionage in the immediate post-war period in the book reminded me of this mini-series. Plus it has Tom Hollander in it, who's ace.
  12. 25 years since Elite was released!

    If you subscribe from my invitation, I get a free month In return I gift you a wedge of in-game cash and playing advice. Of course, I would prolly do that anyway, but there you go!
  13. 25 years since Elite was released!

    PM me an email addy - it's a big download as well.
  14. 25 years since Elite was released!

    Ah yes - thought I'd not seen you. You can have one too Thunderpeel if you want - gives you a 21 day trial.
  15. 25 years since Elite was released!

    Jumpgate was obviously made as a twitch game to Eve's more sedate piloting. However, it won't be one instance (i.e. will be sharded) and lag will be much more of a factor. Eve wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't all on the same server. Amazing idea and technology. It's what gives it the endless possibilities of player actions causing events.
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    Just watched Primer. It's pretty good, if a little confusing.
  17. New people: Read this, say hi.

    If you say any word to yourself over and over it begins to sound unusual. I don't see why you've singled out 'won't' over 'blanket' for instance.
  18. Illegal house party

    Hehe! I remember one so called 'free party' we went to years ago (phone up number get directions type of thing), which, surprise surprise, we couldn't find. We ended up driving around at the head of a convoy of 20 odd cars for an hour or so. Anyhow, we could hear the bloody thing, but not find it. We decided just to park up and mission across fields towards the music... Anyway, I got separated from peeps and clambered into this field full of horses. They were very curious as to what this puny human was doing in their field while it was pitch black, backed me into the corner and clustered around me while the head of the herd approached slowly sniffing. Bloody scary. They were friendly enough fortunately, and I could still hear the main group ahead, so once freed by the horses I managed to catch up. Took about an hour to get across the fields. Luckily after so much effort (but it is part of it!), the party was top fun.
  19. Illegal house party

    Yeah? Well I missed Warp Records' 20th birthday party last night because of my leg. Gutted.
  20. It just occurred to me - after reading an interesting article on EG, that thumbs might be an ideal place to throw a totally casual question out there. The article is basically saying that the majority of customers either don't understand or can't use HD properly. By can't understand, I mean they use an HDTV with a composite cable for example. I imagine most people here are tech savvy, so if you have got a new console, then you ar emore likely to be playing HD. Would this be correct? Personally, I think I waited a few months before getting a 360 when they came out, and then got an HDTV at the same time so I could fully utilise the console.
  21. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    Completing an Extreme level is awesome! I can only get half way on the first and second ones.
  22. Non-video games

    On a different level entirely, I was introduced to a game called Spoons on my birthday. It is a drinking game, but unlike most drinking games is actually good fun to play, and possible to for hours, as it's not too punishing. For those that don't know it: Get everyone in a circle and count the number of players. Put one less spoon in the middle. Then everyone gets three cards. Starting with the dealer, who picks from the unused deck, the idea is to make three of a kind. The dealer discards a card, and the next player has to pick it up, keep it and dump another or pass it on. The person who sits to the right of the dealer plays last, as they have to wait for a discarded card to come round before they can start to play, so clearly the dealer has a massive advantage, but after every round the dealer changes hands. The cards must move as fast as possible, and as soon as someone gets three of a kind they grab a spoon. It is up to everyone else to keep an eye out and grab a spoon as soon as possible after this, and the person left over without one has to down the healthy shot. It's quite possible for cards to pile up in front of people if they are being too slow, and thus they get shouted at by everyone else who's waiting for more cards further around the circle. After a few rounds the game descends into chaos, with cards flying round everywhere, and fits of giggles. Cheaters should not be tolerated (e.g. grabbing a spoon before anyone has three of a kind) and can be dealt with as you deem fit, but this typically involve an alcoholic forfeit. Finger pointing is encouraged. It is one of those games that once you start losing, you are likely to continue losing. If the game goes on for long enough, everyone loses enough times and much fun is had. It is such good fun, despite only the loser drinking a shot (or a double), that it's easily possible to kill a couple of bottles of <chosen spirit> in a session. Fucking hilarious and highly recommended.
  23. Life

    ...or grow a neckbeard...
  24. The Myth of Sisyphus (Trials HD)

    Only 1 gold left to get now! (King of the Hill, surprise surprise). Quite chuffed with myself - made it to position 525 on the global leaderboard for 'Classic' level on hard. Glad I got this - it's proved very good value for 12 quid.