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Everything posted by kennyken67

  1. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    im having trouble finding the 4th bottle. not sure which one im missing, i know i have one for the first 20 poe souls, and obviously the one from the beginning of the game. i hear there is one at the fishing hole, but whats the 4th one in case i already have the fishing hole one? and where is the fishing hole one??
  2. Weird things

    The song American Psycho by Treble Charger makes me feel like im on a roller coaster, and the only explaination I can come up with is that I must have heard it on the way to Canada's Wonderland (amusement park) and had it stuck in my head that day or something. I dont even like that song that much!
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    noticing a lot of showcase shows referenced. TRAILER PARK BOYS. the first time i saw this show i thought it was retarded. But once you get to know the characters and the unique narrative used, its actually really funny and entertaining. Also, ROBOT CHICKEN. this show never disappoints. I own the DVD's
  4. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

    well then it is settled. Warioware is in line for my next purchase. i think the best thing i like about the wii is even my friends who dont like gaming much seem to enjoy playing.. my best friend nick would never pick up a ps2 or xbox controller, but the first time he played wii (wii sports) he didnt want to stop thats a good sign!
  5. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

    was thinking of buying this game last night but somehow ended up at the counter with Red Steel in hand. For those of you with Warioware, would you rate this game a buy or rent? And, it seems really geared towards the kids, would a 23 year old enjoy this game?
  6. Wii number exchange

    thanks Leevil. Anyone know if its pretty much instant once the 2nd person adds the number? or does it take a while to authorize ps. keep an eye out for my Jesus Mii
  7. Wii number exchange

    has anyone added me yet? ive added everyone who put their number in this thread.
  8. Wii number exchange

    i will be adding you when i get home obricko
  9. Wii number exchange

    LOL. i had no idea my keyboard smiley would become an animated one like that! my apologies
  10. Let's all celebrate with new avatars!

    new avatar! how does it look? anyone played Zelda - Twilight Princess for wii?
  11. Wii number exchange

    miffy fellow Canuck. i checked out the thread and posted. I can understand where u are coming from, hope to get to know ya to prove im not just some "wii playa" lol
  12. New people: Read this, say hi.

    hello everyone. new to the board, and a bit new to message boards in general. If i get out of line feel free to let me know mostly joined to make some friends and exchange wii numbers with people here, i thought a message board community would be a great way to go about it because when you add someones wii number, you can use their handle on here as their nickname on the wii. Hope to make some good friends and one day play some good multiplayer wii games with you guys!
  13. Wii number exchange

    7895 0772 1390 0695 gonna add everyones number right now.