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About Shminty

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  1. Dreamfall discussion *spoilers*

    I'd like to see how Ragnar uses the 'Tibetan monks' story-telling tool in the next game. We can't forget about them now can we? If they can send one person they could send another albeit perhaps if the order/knowledge to do so exists a few hundred years later. Anyone for getting back in touch with Zoe in this way? Wish I worked with Mr. Tornquist. PS Thanks to netmonkey for answering so quickly [and with pictures!]
  2. Dreamfall discussion *spoilers*

    ysbreker: Just a quick note on this; I think after playing Half Life 2 and experiencing the complex rigging of the characters for animation it really does set a new level of immersion that you might not forgive other games for not achieving [i remember wanting every action game after Hitman to use ragdoll physics] Just today I revisited Outcast (an often overlooked title) because I was reminded of how impressed I was with the animation all the way back in 1999 (almost same time as TLJ!) Its a simmilar situation in which you have long sequences of dialogue between characters within a complex story arc. So, given the importance of story and dialogue in TLJ series maybe the dev team will expand on the middleware engine they used to include more complex animation rigging. Anyway, I managed to suspend my disbelief long enough to be enthralled in a cleverly written story. Which leads me onto; How would someone get to The Storytime? Brian gets there with the help of some monks (which was probably intentional.) Zoe seems to just appear, after her out of body experience as I would imagine Faith could have done. So if both "magic" and "science" can open up the Storytime from Stark perhaps the same could be done from Arcadia? Check out the top of the manual on p18 (credits.) Looks like a man with a sword stepping away from the Storytime guy. It may be someone from Arcadia (not to mention any obvious names.) Or maybe its just nothing. Was there any mention of the storytime in TLJ? Perhaps the pro-/epilogue with Lady Alvane was the storytime (the title:threads might be a very weak clue) and the reunification of the worlds may include this realm. Whatever else happens, it looks like things will come full circle back to Lady Alvane, Crow and the world they live in (which just happens to be accessible via a strange door near the fringe.) Just out of interest, I wonder what part pseudo-Reza could play in the second sequel because surely there's nothing left for him to do (unless Zoe's dad knows something of interest! He is after all in Biotech)
  3. Dreamfall discussion *spoilers*

    Something Moo said about Faith's drawings got me trying to remember all the child-like drawings from TLJ (I think April kept some in a small round box in her wardrobe; I even looked for the box in Dreamfall.) And were there drawings either on the main menu or special features menu in TLJ? I wish I could play TLJ again right now but my CD fractured in my drive oh so long ago. Are they actually the same drawings?