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Everything posted by -MaSQuE-

  1. First Metroid Prime Hunters review

    If it is a true FPS on a handheld, wouldn't that actually be actually the first time it's properly done?
  2. Just how awesome is the DS Lite?

    It does look so awesome, but GBA gaming will look preposterous on that device.
  3. Revolution at GDC thread

    In my opinion it's still lacking Master System support. But hey, it's still possible to see it sometime in the future.
  4. Revolution at GDC thread

    Phantom Hourglass seems very nice, I'm still a little puzzled about the controls: will it be "Zeldaish" enough? We'll see. MegaDrive and Pc-Engine games on Revolution sounds very logical and interesting. Yet, they really don't detail which type of games will be available, here's hoping we'll get something else than Sonic and Bomberman.
  5. Game designer publicity photos

    Gariott's still a posing god. Litterally. Romero's cut because he's always hurt, that's just a natural law of physics.
  6. The Sims

    You know it reminds me a quote from videoGaiden, "it's an add-on, or as I like to call them: all the stuff that should've been there in the first place". It's a bit harsh to say but some of those features would have made sense in the original game. But hey, they got a song by Depeche Mode singed in "Simsian" (sorry, forgot the real name for their language).
  7. Favorite Zelda

    In my humble opinion the most legendary stories and situations were in Link to the Past. It's at least the best 2D one, and very probably the best one, period. For me OoT's handling seemed a little (too?) stiff whilst running around and collecting rupees. (Even though I played all the Zelda games, I'm ashamed to admit that I still haven't beaten the original NES ones. So I can't totally confirm what I just wrote. This feels useless.)
  8. Megaman vs Ghosts 'n Goblins

    Truly, this is great.
  9. In Thaums, the thaumaturgical unit size of something.
  10. Reviewer uses hypnotism to review games ¬¬

    Because you couldn't you know... use it for its purprose. Now, if someone can integrate it to a Hot Coffee mod, we'd be in business. But I guess that we'd need to hypnotise the modder, so it ain't happening.
  11. Welcome (back) to the forums!

    Excellent question. Thank you for bringing them back though, it's always great to be able to have an intelligent discussion with proper spelling.