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About Phincus

  • Rank
    Thumb Tourist
  1. Fahrenheit Demo Out

    Isn't it called 'The Indigo Prophecy' now?
  2. Favorite developer logo intro seq.

    The original Playstation startup logo, it was very sexy. Far better than the PS2.
  3. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    Exactly, as, eh, I believe I mentioned in an earlier post. PS2, to be exact. I did pop the disc into my PC but, as I predicted, couldn't get at anything and didn't really want to risk damaging anything with my ninnery.
  4. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    Is there anyone who could post this stuff some place? It'd be very cool.
  5. Because we REALLY need this too...

    Oh you silly skin heads! We control the media, remember? You really think we would sit passively by and not use our crazy powers to stop you? We'll whip stale bagels and gefilte fish, then drop watermellons and finally cram deadly beans up your nose. Death by food related sterotype, baby. In all seriousness it's something to keep an eye on, but not get crazy over. Most of the populace is either/and/ or; not white, not racist, not susceptible to less then subliminal messages in video games. I seem to rember something like this being pulled in the early nineties, but, due to my youth, cannot recall. The real question though: will it trump Christian games in over zealously preachy, poorly presented subject matter and insanely dull gameplay? edit: seriously, what's with the names they give themselves? 'Grand Wizard'? It sounds like something out of D&D, which I presume they are against.
  6. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    They used the 'you're about to step into a living nightmare' line for a trailer didn't they? I'm sure I've heard it before, but now that you mention it, not in the game. Sadly I have not the PC version so I can't dig around in this stuff. Sounds cool though.